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  1. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Vanir Ausf B in Skill Level: Iron   
    Nice summation.

    The difference is that in real time the effect of only seeing spotted friendly units when a friendly unit is selected is always in effect since there are no separate playback and orders phases. This is also true in turn-based TCP/IP since that is actually real time with mandatory pauses every 60 seconds.
  2. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Quintus Sertorius in Skill Level: Iron   
    I've been playing Iron exclusively for a long time, and never had any problems as far as not being able to do what I want to do.  It just seems to be the most logical setting from an awareness point of view.
  3. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to John Kettler in Skill Level: Iron   
    This is good to know. If further occurs to me that when arranging PBEM, it's probably a good idea to decide what the level of difficulty will be. I did a lot of PBEM in CMx1, but I don't recall ever dealing with that. Perhaps this was predetermined for the Invitational Tourney and all the ROW tournaments? Even so, I had a Forever War going with first Kingfish, then NG CavScout, and I don't recall negotiating a difficulty setting there. Was there a default, and only a hardy few deviated therefrom? Been too long.
    John Kettler
  4. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to sburke in Skill Level: Iron   
    I almost always play Iron and yeah the manual description is incorrect. One of these days that line will get fixed. You only have to deselect your unit to see where everyone is.  Why I started using it was to get better situational awareness of  my units.  Only Iron shows what they can see of both sides units.
  5. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Bud Backer in Somebody's Hero - A CAAR   
    Yes!! Another volume to add to my comic book collection!!  And for 10 cents how can you go wrong?  
  6. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Bud Backer in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    I had a company of infantry advancing through bocage type terrain.  They came up on some open fields with the objective on the far side.  I suspected the OpFor had the fields covered by fire.  The wind was light out of the northwest.  I know how to solve this problem.  Called for two out of three tubes of 105mm arty to fire light.  This will give me about 5 minutes to cross the danger area.  They were making good time and then just as the first fire teams started to reach the far side ......................... mine field............  As my plan begins to unravel.  It started off so well .........      

  7. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Bud Backer in Skill Level: Iron   
    I think there is some confusion reference skill level Iron which may be aggravated by the description for it in the game manual.  The below was taken from page 29 of the CMBN, CMFI, CMRT, CMBS manuals and page 43 of the CMSF manual.  All the manuals read the same for skill level Iron.  I bolded the last part of the description that I think is confusing and probably incorrect.  Judging from comments on the forum I think this bolded part puts off a lot of people who might use skill level Iron and benefit from the more detailed portrayal it provides of a units C2 status during the action/playback phase in WEGO.
    From the manuals:
    Iron is an optional setting that goes even one step further than Elite, and introduces special restrictions on what the player can do and when. While even more realistic than the other settings, this option introduces a number of interface limitations which might put off the casual player, so it is strictly an optional choice.
    - Friendly units need to be spotted just like enemy units. If you have a friendly unit not in line of sight or in contact with another friendly unit, then the only way to find this unit is by either re-establishing contact with another friendly unit or by clicking through the chain of command in the game interface, jumping from unit to unit.
    I admit I am not aware of any special restrictions on the player.  AFAIK with the exception of the action/playback phase Iron plays just like Elite.  You do not have to click through the chain of command, jumping from unit to unit to find the out of contact unit.  When you have no unit selected (highlighted) all your units are displayed, whether they are in or out of C2, just like in the other skill levels.  The difference between Elite and Iron is when you are in action/playback phase and you have a friendly unit selected.  In this situation you can only see what the selected friendly unit is aware of to include other friendly units.  This aids in the understanding of C2 and how C2, or the lack of it, plays a role in how this unit may react to different situations.  When you unselect the unit all your units are again displayed along with what information you have on OpFor units.  When you are in orders phase and you select a friendly unit all other friendly units remained displayed, just like in Elite.       
    This screenshot is from orders phase with no friendly unit selected.  Same as Elite skill level.

    This screenshot is from orders phase with a friendly team selected & no C2.  Same as Elite skill level.  
    Action/playback phase with a friendly unit selected & no C2.  This is the difference from Elite. (As I understand it)

    In screenshot #3 Iron mode displays how A Team/3rd Squad perceives their situation.  They can hear the shooting from two friendly tanks and one friendly fire team that are in contact along the road on their left flank.  They also have some limited knowledge that there might be some friendly teams between themselves and the friendlies along the road.  They have no knowledge of any OpFor units.  (Actually there are OpFor units across the field but with no C2 the info is not reaching A Team/3rd Squad)  A Team/3rd Squad is green experience with okay morale.  IMO Iron mode makes it easier to recognize and predict what may happen if this team of green troops makes contact with OpFor units in its current C2 situation.   
    Maybe this confusion comes from the difference between WEGO and Real Time?  I don't play real time but maybe a real time player would have to click through his units to find one that was out of C2?  If anybody has any information to add or maybe understands the manual directions better than I do please post a clarification. 
    Anyways, for WEGO players if you like Elite you would probably like Iron and should consider it. 
  8. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Bud Backer in Somebody's Hero - A CAAR   
    My first CAAR (Comic After Action Report) was in the format of a DAR presented as a comic. To introduce some variety and also make this one a bit more like a comic, it will be presented less as an AAR and more as a story, following the actions and adventures of one man, a Russian soldier called Dmitry ("Dima") Ivanov. Of course this is also going to present the battles as well, so the AAR aspect is still included, just not the sole objective.
    Some of you wanted to hear more about Lt. Warner, Cpl. Dietrich, and Sgt. Hirsch from my first CAAR; they will be back in another CAAR. At the time of this one, Warner and his boys are in Normandy, and later, in Holland during Market-Garden.
    Once again, Kohlenklau is my partner in this, and I thank him for being a fun opponent in the battles and a patient friend in the delays doing these sometimes introduces.
  9. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to John Kettler in M8 the Killer   
    My apologies, With so many informational balls in play, over so many threads and time, I get lost on occasion. My recollection was the claim had been made canister was useless vs dug-in MG positions. Guess my memory was off.
    Fortune sometimes favors the persistent! Found this on GameSquad in a thread Called Cmbb, Page 2. The main topic is canister for the T-34, but someone chimed in with the quote below. I'm reasonably certain someone here has that book, and Harry Yeide is one of our own, to boot. I think that having an ammo load of 70% canister says, if nothing else, what the Stuart tankers thought was appropriate ammunition for their particular combat environment with their own hides and necks on the line. The listed figure translates to 86 rounds out of 123 carried in total. 
    "Steel Victory" by Harry
    Yeide on the US Separate Tank Battalions in WWII.

    "M5's in the 735th Tank Battalion, for example carried 70 percent of their
    ammo load in the form of canister during hedgerow fighting." also noting it
    was quite effective against snipers and mg positions.
    Bud_B and Doug Williams,
    "Tombstone" is indeed a terrific movie, and that huckleberry expression is quite interesting in its own right. Recommend you research its origins.  As for PBEM, SLIM is at the top of the queue, which presently is saying he'll be in the only game, until my brain is more productive on the tactical wargaming side of things and can handle more than one at a time. In better days, with the admittedly much simpler CMx1, I once had five going in tournament and was writing AARs on the fly, too. Sigh.
    John Kettler
  10. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    A new setting for the CAAR is a good idea.  It would be cool to see Lt. Warner and the boys in Italy or Russia.  Things are getting busy around here so I can't commit to making the map.  But maybe by bumping this up somebody else will notice and be able to put together a 500 x 500 map.  
  11. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Sublime in Your Favorite CM: Black Sea Vehicle?   
    Over 1 Billion enemies, foreign and domestic served
  12. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to IICptMillerII in How about a Kickstarted-funded Tunisia module?   
    I like the idea and would contribute as well. Personally I think that there are so many exciting time periods that they could do. My personal wish is for them to make a CM game based around 1985 with a war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. I would also very much like to see a game covering operation Torch and the following campaign for North Africa (with an expansion covering Monty and his Desert Rats) as well as a game/expansion covering the beginning of the war on the Eastern Front. 
    In short, most everyone here would agree with you in wanting more games/expansions covering more time periods. It is a testament to how fantastic these games (calling them games feels almost insulting. They really are top quality sims) really are. 
    That was a lot of blabber so I'll summarize by saying, yes. If a kickstarter would allow BF to produce more games faster at the same (or better if even possible) quality then I am all for it!
  13. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to ChappyCanuck in CMPzC Allied AAR: Assault on Hex (1,7)   
    I decided to add some final thoughts about the battle, both problems and successes. 
    It was a lopsided battle for sure, but campaigns can be like that, just like in real life.  And that is what makes them interesting!  Perhaps next battle with mjkerner I will be the underdog and he can get some payback
    My biggest problems in this battle were:
    1.  indirect fire - only once did I see a spotting round during the whole battle and therefore had only one fire mission (on that v-shaped trench near the main road). The terrain is mostly flat with no real elevation - just enough elevation along the roads to block LOS from field to field. Add to that the many trees lining the roads and the tall grasses and well...what spotting round? lol
    2.  slow infantry - still a beef of mine is no tank riders in the west....normally I would have had the infantry ride the tanks to the ford and dismount there. The Canadian Army fought from Sicily to the Netherlands, riding tanks constantly to battle, into battle, and during pursuit ops...and they weren't the only nation to do so.  It's really difficult to keep up with the tanks. My infantry took a LONG time getting there, and when they did they were wet and tired.
    3. finding a ford location - this was very deceptive. It looked like you could ford almost anywhere, but if you ran the cursor near the ford banks for this terrain, the cursor turns into a "no go" one for vehicles about 95% of the river's length. My tankers looked like they were drunk sometimes, spinning around aimlessly because they couldn't cross.  That was my first lesson with fords! 
    But, it all worked out well in the end.  My successes were:
    1. scouts - they identified some key enemy positions ahead of the main flanking assault, and so I was able to bring massive firepower to bear and make my life easier
    2. long left flanking - I knew this was going to be a long and time consuming hike around, but it worked. I was able to spread out my tanks with lots of manoeuvre room, and together with the infantry I was able to keep the enemy flanked and on their toes
    3.  tanks, tanks, tanks
    Thanks for watching!
  14. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to IICptMillerII in CMBS total conversion ideas...   
    This is a really good idea. It wouldn't require and new skins or anything like that, just scenario creation. It would be really cool to make some scenarios based around real world training exercises and tactical problems that would help to get commanders accustomed to the modern battlefield in CMBS as well as hone their skills, both newbies and salty vets alike. 
  15. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    I just got together with a friend who was a military attaché in a number of assignments. We share some hobbies but he really got excited when I showed him Combat Mission. Frankly, the two biggest endorsements this series of games had were:
    -that the primary age group is the same as mine. Nothing against younger folk, not at all, but interests and desires change as we go through life and I like the humour and knowledge that I see here. I speak in generalties here and there are always exceptions to every rule. No offence intended to anyone.
    -that so many people who enjoy this game come from a military background. It speaks volumes to how effective it is as providing a reasonable simulation of tactical combat in the eras represented in the game.

    Making contact with reasoned, seasoned, good natured people here has had a big influence on my enjoyment of the game. So thank you for your comments and support. Hopefully I'll have a new convert got the cult of CM and a new CAAR for you to enjoy.
  16. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    LOL.     You figured out my handle.  In the 1980s that was the nomenclature for an Intelligence Analyst, E-5, Airborne.  My icon is the crest of the 313 Military Intelligence Battalion / 82 Airborne Division.  I worked in the Division G2.  Interesting, exciting stuff to do when your young.  Nice attention to detail figuring out that jumble of letters & numbers.   
    Enough reminiscing.  You have work to do!  More CAARs!          
  17. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to ww2steel in "Environment" Book for download (trees, flavor, buildings, bridges)   
    I have decided to make a bunch of my books available for free download (but I don't promise how quickly I will upload them). First of these is the "Environment" book for CMBS. (Also, the very similar book for CMRT.)
    Please visit the link in my signature. It's not a commercial website. There are no ads. Enjoy.

  18. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    Thanks very much, Intelligence Analyst!
    Yeah, the story seemed incomplete without some denouement for the characters, something for the reader to feel that at least this part of their life is over, but there's another to come.

    I wanted to include something of an appraisal of what I gathered (and I'm happy to be corrected in my conclusions) as well as to give a feel for the little bits that don't quite fit in a narrative, but would possibly be Included in a conventional AAR. Hence the ops analysis and lessons learned.

    Glad you enjoyed it!!
  19. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Rinaldi in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    Very interesting well done story.  Especially considering you didn't really control what was going to happen and had to go with the action.  I liked the post battle update on the characters, nice touch.  The operational analysis and lessons learned were very interesting.  I hope you always include those in future battles.  A leaders absence and the effect it had on morale is something I am finding more and more important as I play CM.  It is very interesting to hear what other people learn.  
    GOOD JOB!  I look forward to the next one.    
  20. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    Very interesting well done story.  Especially considering you didn't really control what was going to happen and had to go with the action.  I liked the post battle update on the characters, nice touch.  The operational analysis and lessons learned were very interesting.  I hope you always include those in future battles.  A leaders absence and the effect it had on morale is something I am finding more and more important as I play CM.  It is very interesting to hear what other people learn.  
    GOOD JOB!  I look forward to the next one.    
  21. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P got a reaction from Chainsaw in Armor Radios   
    The infantry are using the tank's radio.  This is one of the cool things about tank riders.  Not only can they ride on the tank but they can use the tank's radio for C2.  Below is part of an old post of mine when I discovered this fact.    
    In a PBEM quick battle I had a three man scout team that was assigned to a tank platoon.  The scout team was in a wooded area and positioned on top of one of the tanks.  The platoon HQ tank was positioned about 70 meters away in the same woods.  The scout team and its tank had no visual or voice contact with the HQ tank.  However they both had radio contact with the HQ tank. 
    The scout team, was selected from specialty teams during the QB purchase phase and had no radio assigned to it.  The scout team was able to use the tanks radio to stay in C2.  I dismounted the scout team and positioned them next to the tank.  No more radio contact.  The scouts must be on the tank to use the tank’s radio for C2. 
    Another interesting possibility is for the scout team to dismount, move 50 or so meters away from the tank, look out of the wood line, observe enemy activity or lack of activity, run back to the tank and report up the chain of command. 
    Hope this helped.
  22. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Macisle in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    Some pics from my current SP QB. I've got a Battalion of Luftwaffe Fliegerhorst supported by two AG platoons trying to cut through a strong British Airborne defense on Hills-Town-Water (1120 x 736) 010 Probe.btt. The AI actually did a good setup (for the AI)!
    My right flank company commander looking for a way to move forward without getting cut to ribbons.

    On of my left flank company MG teams laying down suppression fire.

    Newly-spotted members of the forward defense line on my right flank.

    A platoon leader and his team from my center company approaching the safety of a building while incoming hits their previous position.

    My first jab forward to SMG range on the right flank is driven back with casualties. Alas, the intended prep fire lands too late and this team loses two members to Sten fire.

  23. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Childress in WW2 Squads only occupy one action spot ?   
    I use a laptop as well, MOS. It runs the game decently on higher settings.
    Check out this one:
  24. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    Operational Analysis:

    A number of interesting things came to light as the battle reached it's conclusion.

    1st squad had the highest kills in the game, 9 to be exact. Bear in mind they stayed in cover until their advance on the farm, some turns into the game. Their entire repertoire of kills was incurred during the defence of the farm. Their position required an enemy to reach the farm, and to drive out Hirsch's men, and that was going to be difficult.

    The second highest kills (7) in the battle were by Kohl's 3rd squad, which is the one that was finally stopped rushing the farm. As I wasn't privy to their identity during the battle, I can't say exactly what they did, but I beleive they were aggressive in fighting from the fields and advancing over the battle to the farm.

    The third highest kills were from the HMG 42, which killed six. All of these were done by the time half its crew were killed and it panicked and abandoned its weapon.

    It is surprising to find that the rest of the units on both sides did at most two kills, and many had far less. Thirty minutes of battle and so much ammo expended and yet some units had little success. It's interesting to see, and I think rather realistic.

    By two thirds into the battle, the loss of Lt. Warner was keenly felt. The absence of a decent leader had a strong impact on the morale of units under heavy fire or taking casualties. This was more serious a problem than could be easily shown in the CAAR. Frequently half my force was hors-de-combat and out of my control. 2nd squad in particular lost its leader early on and thus affected its ability to fight until late in the battle, when the two sections were reunited.

    That leads the next observation: Kohl told me that by the end of the battle, all his units had but a few rounds left. On the other hand, 2nd squad had the bulk of its ammo, and an LMG, and was almost at full strength. This made it most welcome by the last quarter of the battle, and likely the most powerful unit in the field on either side.

    From mid-battle on - once Hirsch's 1st squad took possession of the farm - the situation became rather static. The charges and my occasional unit panics were really the only movement.

    My assessment of enemy casualties was too low; I must have been unable to see some of them. On the other hand, my appraisal of the enemy force size was too high; it turns out I had a slightly larger force than Kohl.
  25. Upvote
    MOS:96B2P reacted to Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    Lessons learned:

    -IG was bad choice. Not mobile, long set up time, and unable to exit deploy area except where it was killed because woods impassable to anything on wheels. Better would have been 1 light mortar to lay down fire and smoke, which was badly needed for cover to get to farm, and another HMG. The combined cost would have been about the cost of the IG.

    -HMG was crucial in the battle. As long as it was working, it was almost impossible for the enemy to advance past the point where they were in heavy cover. Two would have been better. German doctrine centered around the MG and for good reason. They are devastatingly effective and ensuring they could work unmpeded would have made me take less losses and maintain better tactical control of the map.

    -Their LMG killed the second most people on the American side, despite being brought into play very late in the battle - the last 10 min or so.

    -We were unsuccessful in killing a single man behind the hedgerow. This was quite a surprise to me. I thought an HMG, LMG, and countless rifle rounds would eventually kill SOMEONE there!

    -I Mistook rifle grenades early on for light mortar fire. I was very concerned about a bombardment initially. That's a matter of inexperience, but it was in retrospect scary that rifle grenades could reach to the rear of my positions.
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