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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Hmm, maybe I'm misunderstanding what is being said above but AFAIK to Acquire ammo a unit still mounts a transport type vehicle. Some vehicles will share directly for a crew served weapon (HMG, mortars, etc.) if in the same platoon and in ammo sharing distance.
  2. Below is a link at the Few Good Men Gaming club you might find interesting. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/battle-brothers-bloody-addictive-game.25887/
  3. Wow...... Yes, at 50 years old it might be a bit suicidal to go through a military Airborne school. I did Airborne school at Ft. Benning in the 1980s when I was 18. It was very demanding. The Black Hats (Airborne drill instructors) cussed us because the barracks smelled of Bengay at night. I think the oldest troops with us might have been mid 20s. Everybody was sore and stiff from the PLFs and physical training in general. Also sleep deprived. It was kind of like a nursing home / asylum but the residents were 18 - 25 years old. I can't imagine going through that when 50 years old. IMO it's definitely a young man's game........... crazy, young men . And at 50 YOA you were no longer young, so you only had the crazy going for you .............. .
  4. Depends on what the beta testers report and how much RL gets in the way but March 1st is probably a reasonable date. Thanks. Triggers and barbwire are the two most common forms of the wizardry. The game mechanics of the radio station are a little more involved. I'll have some detailed screenshots to explain how that works.
  5. Below is the link to another scenario Coup d'etat that also uses in game intelligence and a modified military grid system. This one is set in CMSF2. So it uses all the cool features of CMSF2: IEDs, VBIEDs, spies, combatants, fighters, bridge demolition, etc. It also makes heavy use of triggers and has a variable ending time. A player can choose to fight on for about an extra hour however the regime OpFor will be awarded extra victory points.
  6. The player can, if he decides to, use IEDs, VBIEDs, assassinations, bribery, mercenary units, radio propaganda, extra scenario time and foreign assistance. As the Coup d’etat progresses the player must decide which methods to use and when. All the methods have advantages and disadvantages. Some methods cost Victory Points (VPs). Want to hire mercenaries? 4 VPs for each mercenary. Want to use IEDs? 25 VPs per IED explosion. VBIEDs? 50 VPs per VBIED explosion. Want to bribe a regime commander to withdraw his unit 100 VPs. Want up to an extra hour & 45 minutes to take your objectives? 200 VPs. Want 100 VPs in foreign assistance? Meet with the US Agricultural adviser at the location designated in the briefing. The Agricultural adviser can also make arrangements for demo teams, triggermen, spies and a UAV. Some methods are triggered by activity on the battlefield. Capturing the Air Defense HQ will cause the regime’s AAA units to exit the map allowing the player the unhindered use of a foreign UAV and allow rebel aircraft to conduct bomb runs in the city. Following up on intelligence leads and locating WMD evidence will earn 100 VPs and will trigger the release of a British SF unit to the player’s control. Use intelligence to locate and Assassinate the Minister of the Interior and earn 150 VPs. This assassination will also lead to some regime troops deserting their posts at the Ministry of the Interior Compound and facilitate the freeing of rebel troops, held at the compound. Free political prisoners held at Fisbuk Prison and trigger the release of a police unit (and their Canadian advisers) to the player’s control. Use demo charges to gain access to supply trucks. Make a Rebel propaganda broadcast from WTF Radio station and trigger the release of a unit to the player’s control. However if the rebel broadcast is made while the above mentioned political prisoners are still in prison the prisoners will be executed. Follow up on intelligence to locate the regime leader and earn 250 VPs. Restore democracy by returning the 20 surviving aldermen (10 of whom are in prison) to the city council building and deny the regime 200 VPs. The player’s HQ team also has a 100 VP bounty on its head. To keep the regime from collecting the 100 VPs the HQ team will need to request asylum inside the US Consulate (BluFor exit zone) prior to the end of the scenario. US Consulate SF Unit
  7. The scenario provides in game intelligence to help guide the decision-making process. The two types of intelligence are Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE). HUMINT is collected from fugitive aldermen who were members of the old regime and wish to return to power. The HUMINT intelligence is in the name field of the fugitive aldermen and includes an intelligence code, grid coordinates and time. A quick glance at the intelligence code sheet (included in the briefing) allows the player to know what, where and when something will occur or where something is located. Some of this HUMINT is time sensitive. The TSE is provided by touch objective notifications at the top of the screen. The grid coordinates are created by a pattern of grid lines placed on the map using a blue occupy objective. The grid numbers are displayed on the map edges using landmarks. A brief explanation of this modified military grid system and how to use it is provided in the briefing.
  8. A new fictional scenario for CMSF2: “Coup d’etat” is in Beta testing now and is intended as player vs AI. The player will lead rebel (Syrian) units in an early morning (0400hrs) coup attempt to overthrow the governing regime (also Syrian). It is set in the fictional third world country of Abbudin and takes place in the heavy urban terrain of the city of Al Mout. The city of Al Mout is a heavily modified portion of the Ramadi-Government-Center map created by @LongLeftFlank. Approximately 1072 meters by 592 meters. The scenario has a variable end time. The optimal scenario length is two hours and 15 minutes however it can be played to four hours. If the scenario is played longer than two hours and 15 minutes the regime AI is awarded an extra 200 Victory Points. It requires all the CMSF2 modules to play since it features US Marines (guarding a US Consulate & later an amphibious force), a British SF unit (hunting for WMDs) and Canadian advisors (assisting the local city police). The scenario was created with the idea of taking a small, under equipped, rebel force and using in-game intelligence and insurgent tactics to expand the combat power of the rebel force until the rebels controlled the city. Below are some daylight screenshots of the urban part of the map. View of the 4th December Bridge. Slums in the south west area of the city. Looking east on Al Jazeera Boulevard from the area of Asfarr Taksi Company. An Agricultural Specialist, looks east out a window from Hotel Mout. In the distance is the Mayoral Residence along the bank of the River of Martyrs.
  9. Nice!!! PSYOPS!!! Love it when a plan comes together. If there was anything left to interrogate, I hope you got to sit in or at least review the transcripts. Cool stuff. Ooops, not sure why the below image is so large........
  10. All the stuff in those photos and this is the question? THIS? Must be a uniform moder............. made me laugh out loud........
  11. Interesting stuff. The AFoP seem to be a motivated, innovative fighting force. Using a blanket as a screen because you don't have smoke grenades ...... WOW .
  12. Well ............... okay, that is funny. Very funny +1.
  13. Judging from @Heirloom_Tomato avatar, I'm guessing tomatoes ........... And it is southern Ontario so he probably has 4 1/2 to 5 months.
  14. Cool, and no worries, your input is always worth the wait . Also, I just sent you the briefing on a Word document for easier viewing etc.
  15. Funny you should ask. A new CMSF2 scenario Coup d'etat was just released to Beta testers yesterday. I will start a new forum topic for it in the CMSF2 Maps and Mods forum thread in a few days. This one is from the POV of rebels attempting to overthrow a corrupt regime with an early morning (0400hrs) Coup. It also features a modified military grid system and intelligence. In addition it uses all the cool features of CMSF2, IEDs, VBIEDs, spies, combatants, fighters, bridge demolition, etc. It also makes heavy use of triggers and has a variable ending time. A player can choose to fight on for about an extra hour however the regime OpFor will be awarded extra victory points. So every decision has advantages and disadvantages for the player to make based on his interpretation of the intelligence and his feel for the developing situation. An early morning explosion as viewed by US Marines from the rooftop of the US Consulate.
  16. The scenario TOC has EW set to none, in part, because of the UAVs. Below is a link to a forum thread about the scenario. I don't think there is much in the way of spoilers in the thread since a lot depends on your command decisions, which are based on your interpretation of the intelligence feed and if/when you hit a trigger. Just the general sandbox nature of the scenario can make it play differently for different people. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/126574-new-scenario-tactical-operations-center/
  17. If you are referring to the extra straps I think that is intended. It is to keep the helmet on the paratrooper's head when making a door exit at altitude. We also had extra helmet straps in the 82nd Airborne in the 1980s. They were different and came around from the back and velcroed around the normal chin strap. In WWII I think they had the Geronimo helmet which also had additional straps. Its windy up there, making the door (or ramp) exit!!
  18. Yes a Target Arc is from a different command tab than Deploy Weapon so they will work at the same waypoint on the same turn.
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