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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. +1. Wow, you are really talented with mods. Very cool. What unit did you mod to get the Viet Cong (Or whatever name you are calling the dudes in the black uniforms)? Were those originally fighters? Nice to see gable roofs in CMSF2!!
  2. Now that is pretty cool. I've never played these old games but have heard a lot about them. I wouldn't mind taking Afrika Korps for a spin and see how the old game engine works. However since these games are so old I wonder how/if they work with Windows 10 etc? Has anyone bought these titles from GOG and did the games load and run correctly on Windows 10 & newer PCs?
  3. +1 Nice. Buildings without flat roofs in CMSF2 ......................... cool.
  4. +1 Very Cool. I'm looking forward to the day when we have an African mod for CMSF2 as we did for CMSF.
  5. An IED can be activated and detonated by any triggerman. Example: A Wire triggerman can activate and/or detonate a cell or radio IED. Any IED triggerman needs to be within 300 meters and LOS to activate a radio IED during the game and during setup. Any IED triggerman needs to be within 100 meters to activate a wire IED during the game and during setup. Any IED triggerman needs to be within 600 meters to activate a cellphone IED during the game and during setup. In editor mode an IED can always be activated.
  6. Interesting. I knew there was a range for the AI but never tested for what the range was.
  7. +1 Sounds very interesting. I always look forward to your scenarios and campaigns.
  8. Sorry, my friend. I read this a few days ago but didn't have time to respond and then forgot about it. I just came across it again. For your bridge scenario I think some occupy objectives could be useful. One occupy objective on the bridge and others on key terrain that control the bridge area. Scored in such a way that if the player takes the bridge but not the other key terrain he only gets a Minor Victory or maybe a Minor Defeat. That OpFor FO is an interesting idea. Maybe make that FO team a high value unit target. In CMSF2, where bridges can be destroyed by using IEDs like demo charges, I might make the bridge a BluFor preserve objective. Testing the Victory Points score is part of the process. A lot of possibilities.
  9. + 1. Interesting stuff. Thanks for doing this. Also just curious, what skill level did you test at? Another example that some national Armies have slightly different rules can be found in Engine Manual 4.0 page 61: Syrian, Soviet & Italian Armies will suffer a morale penalty if split teams are out of close visual and voice C2 of the Platoon HQ. Another reason to be surprised the Italian Army can use the C2 bypass.
  10. +1 Interesting read. The book is probably only printed in German? Thanks for sharing.
  11. Ah, yes. Realism mix. I noticed the hit decals are pretty cool too. More visible I think. Anyways, nice realism mix. Thanks for putting it together.
  12. Yes.................. I do recall that now. I'm thinking the driver for the pickups must be kept on the map after all.
  13. Ooops. Did I get that part wrong? Maybe the driver must stay on the map now that I think about it. Just did that with the riots and forgot already.... Thanks @zigzag109 +1
  14. If the crew and vehicle are show as separate in the editor you can delete the crew there. It also works with some supply platoons as @puje said. CM titles other than CMA and CMSF2 have the supply dump feature. To use the taxis and pickup trucks for other units I place them on the map and remove the driver. Then place the removed driver on an exit zone. Place the new driver in the vehicle during the game. One thing that I run across is when I just want to use pickup trucks but I also get stuck with the formation HQ (when using the transport formation) which is a taxi. I place the entire taxi on an exit zone to get rid of it. Or in the taxi HQ case you can schedule the taxi HQ to arrive as a reinforcement after the end of the mission (so it never shows up). This reinforcement trick will not work to separate a driver from a taxi or pickup however.
  15. You're welcome. It's interesting stuff that I enjoy thinking about, testing and working on. Now for these inconsistent command lights .........
  16. Sounds cool. I'm trying the mod in an old saved game I have against the AI in CMFB. I'm also using parts of @37mm realism mod. I think its fair to say the shorter tracers and no OpFor icons make the AI more of a challenge.
  17. Thank you!! Hmmm, I just killed off a US platoon HQ team in CMSF2 and the squads are in C2 with the Company HQ. However there might be a difference in how the chain of command lights work. @General Liederkranz is your screenshot from CMFI? Also nice post up above General +1.
  18. If the CO from a HQ team is KIA the HQ team will no longer function as the HQ. (Unless that HQ team has an XO as part of the HQ team. If he is still alive he takes over) The survivors of the HQ team will retain the HQ floating icon but will not be in command. This is probably seen with some frequency when tank commanders get their heads shot off. When the platoon CO/TC is KIA command of the platoon goes to the XO in the 1st Tank. If both the CO & XO are KIA the platoon loses C2. Below are some screenshots of a Infantry platoon HQ that only has the radio operator still alive. The squads no longer recognize the HQ team as the HQ even though the HQ floating icon remains. Thank you Sir. You lead the way. I just followed your example. I think there are two related but slightly different situations. A C2 check with the platoon HQ and a C2 check with a higher HQ. If the units are all in the same chain of command the game takes care of this for the player in the three C2 boxes in the UI. If a non organic unit is attached then some rules are needed. For simplicity and consistency the rules should probably be as similar to the in-game C2 rules as possible. The max distance a higher HQ can fill in is at close visual which is 96 meters (12 action spots). This of course is longer than the 50 meter voice C2 which automatically has all sub units in C2. 50 meters and under is automatic and so is a good rule of thumb and why I set my command arcs at that distance for WW2 infantry. Using the Target order for number three will work for attached units. It may be needed for C2 checks in both situations depending on how closely you want to follow the in-game C2 for organic units. The Target order could be used for a C2 check between an attached unit & immediate HQ. It could also be used between an attached unit and a "filling in higher HQ" out to a max distance of 96 meters. Example of the current three checks system in action: An attached engineer team and the Platoon HQ are on opposite sides of a tall wall. Substitute the wall for tall bocage, hiding behind a low wall a modest difference in elevation etc. As I understand the current rules the engineer team would fail a C2 check because of number three. However an organic fire team 50 meters away from the same platoon HQ and on the other side of a modular building would pass the in-game C2 check. Granted the fire team would also fail the three checks system but by game mechanics would still actually be in C2. That raises another question, I'm not clear on. Does the three check system only apply to attached units and organic units? Trying to make it fit game mechanics A unit will be IN C2 if the following three Conditions are met: The higher echelon HQ MUST be within the unit's direct chain of command (if checking against a Company HQ then that must be that unit's Company HQ, a neighboring Company is not eligible) - For Attached Units the HQ it is checking against MUST be the Attached HQ unit And if it is within 50m of the higher echelon HQ C2 is automatic. (so no wrong side of the wall situation) If it is between 50 meters and 96 meters AND has a clear Line of Sight (LOS) to said higher echelon HQ. Or another solution to try to keep it simple. Treat the attached units different than organic. Attached units must always be within 50 meters of the HQ they are attached to or within 50 meters of the "filling in higher HQ" resulting in the below. The higher echelon HQ MUST be within the unit's direct chain of command (if checking against a Company HQ then that must be that unit's Company HQ, a neighboring Company is not eligible) - For Attached Units the HQ it is checking against MUST be the Attached HQ unit It is within 50m of the higher echelon HQ or the attached HQ. (again no wrong side of the wall situation)
  19. ADVANCED/OPTIONAL RULES: 8. a. i Example using Iron: A Squad is NOT within C2 of its PL - but clicking on the Squad shows that it can spot the Company HQ unit. It is considered in C2 and may receive orders as such. The same as was said above in the basic rules for attached units. I don't think clicking on the squad during orders phase will work the way it was intended for these rules. This also comes up a few times in the advanced rules. I like the idea of the Company HQ filling in for the Platoon HQ. This should work just using the in-game C2 mechanics for organic units in the chain of command shouldn't it? Game manual: If a squad or team is out of contact with its immediate superior (usually a platoon HQ) then its company or battalion HQ may provide voice and close visual contact, but not radio or distant-visual contact. This simulates that a higher HQ can step in and provide command-and-control in a limited radius in emergency situations. But if the squad in question is a non-organic attached squad the in-game C2 will not work in this situation. Well, it will but the squad will be out of C2. You are back to finding a rule for that situation. 8. b. HQ Casualty: If a formation loses its HQ or its officer as a casualty: either the XO Team (etc.) if it contains an officer, or the lowest numbered surviving team/squad or vehicle takes over. To be in C2 all subunits must check LOS (as described above) to determine whether they are in C2 or not to that new Lead team or vehicle. If it is an actual XO team that XO team will take over using the in-game C2. The XO team (the new CO team) may need access to a radio to pass information vertically. If the team taking over command is A team / 1st Squad then rules will be needed since the in-game C2 system will not recognize A team / 1st Squad as the new platoon HQ team. I congratulate A team / 1st Squad on their promotion by putting a 50 meter circular target arc (command radius) on them and continue with the mission. Below is a link to where a 2IC takes over from a KIA CO with screenshots. In the screenshot it shows that the 2IC title actually changes to Company HQ. A little hard to see now due to Photobucket's vandalism. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120959-2ic-takes-over-from-co/ 9. a. ii. 2. Example – a player would like to order a Soviet Infantry Squad to move along a path with multiple waypoints, the squad IS within C2 of its Platoon Leader, but the PL is NOT within C2 of its Company HQ, so the Squad can only move one movement leg (Rule 5.b) Should this one be two movement legs? Not sure if your intention was to change all the rules to two movement legs or not. Good stuff. These rules should be interesting to use and having them in a PDF is very useful. Thanks for doing this.
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