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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. I personally would love to see a generation of draft dodgers undermine the entire war effort.
  2. Don't tell me they've kidnapped Punxatawney Phil ! For the record, I would be the last person to insinuate in any way Michael's resemblance to a rodent.
  3. Then again, it's probably just the uniform.
  4. And then there's the cachet of being the one tank chosen by Lemmy to lead his Legion of Doom.
  5. I'm not sure which is more terrifying. The man or the machine.
  6. Hetzer meets Motorhead: Note: The dialogue is overdubbed in Russian. The clip is taken from the movie "Lemmy" (available from a popular internet-based subscription service). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-kKLZH0xlE
  7. Gruß Gott, Alex! (You should see my goosestep.)
  8. Vielen Dank, Herr Ts-Immer. Ich habe funf Jahren Deutsch in der Schule gelernt, aber ich habe viel vergessen.
  9. Ken und meine Forum BruderN, I believe the plural of Hetzer is "HetzerN". Of course, my German would be far more fluent had Hitler not invaded Russia in the first place. Edit: Just read poesel's post. "Hetzer" it is. As I said, my German is about as good as my goosestep.
  10. Groan...chuckle. I suppose you might call that dead pan humour.
  11. Yes, Steve. Be a deer and spread the news.
  12. "Hello, is this the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals? I'd like to report suspected abuse. There's this reindeer, see. And it glows at both ends..."
  13. That's it! All this time I've been intentionally allowing my tanks to burn so as to create a smoke screen for my troops. Or at least that is what I'll tell them.
  14. Ian, that is truly one formidable weapon. Look out for that speed bump.
  15. No wonder we won the war (and yes, I do mean Canada). Good thing there weren't any fast food managers on the enemy front line.
  16. Probably as close as he gets to the real thing.
  17. Waiting for the return of Messiah is nothing compared to this... And yes, I understand that taking Steve's name in vain IS a sin.
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