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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Eliminating flamethrowers should be an absolute priority target for infantry. Currently it feels like in CMBN the guys carrying radios and officers are priorized by enemy infantry as targets. If that is true, the same thing should also account for man portable flamethrowers.
  2. Probably they were refering to these vehicles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borgward_IV They were the only remote control tanks the germans had AFAIK that would meet the size mentioned in the newspaper.
  3. I personally prefer the following configuration, wich i called "first-person-shooter-style" in another thread on that topic: WASD (equal to the arrow keys) for 2D movement Mousewheel up/down for height adjustments Right click and hold while moving the mouse for rotating the camera to any desired direction. This has the advantage of beeing able to control the speed with wich the camera turns. X/C keys for zooming in and out (rarley used, though recommendable for checking LOS/LOF). To me, who has playing lots of first person shooters in the past, this way of controlling the camera apears to be the most "natural". I never had any problems with it and i find the cameramovement i get to be nice and smooth. Besides that this way of controling the camera has the advantage that all important controls are covered by a seperate finger, so you can use them simultaneusly. You can for example move forward, adjust height and camera angle at the same time. Hope i could help.
  4. All of that is out of the scope of CM. Taking prisioners does in fact eat up resources (transportation, guards, food, medical treatment) and killing them is cheaper, but those decisions happen to be made behind the tip of the spear wich the CM battles are all about. Besides that you can actually kill surrendering soldiers in CMBN. Order area fire with HE on the action spot they are in and they will die.
  5. Yeah, but why and where is that line to be drawn? You know, i dont have a problem with litterally shooting people into pieces in computergames that have excessive gore like Red Orchestra, actually i even like games like that, but isnt that immoral? What would someone say who got his real legs blown off by a grenade when he hears you boasting about what a great kill you just scored with that grenade launcher?
  6. Well, injuries caused by battle rarely lead to an instantanteous death in general, it can take death to come any time between minutes to days of suffering. So IMO it would be justified in general to discuss wether it is moral or not to simulate war on a PC screen and play this simulation for the sole purpose of entertainment. That would be an interesting topic to discuss actually and i cant figure out good answear right now. Porbably we dont consider it immoral because it is not the simulation of suffering itself (wich also is not part of the CM games) that we enjoy. But isnt it disrespectful towards those who died and thus immoral too to have a simulation that does not consider the aspect of the cruelity of war? Why do you guys think it is not immoral to enjoy playing a game that is based on events that caused the unimagineably horrible suffering of millions of people? Obviously you dont, otherwise we wouldnt be discussing on this forum.
  7. The roads could look better. In some scenarios they are having that really weird looking zig-zag shape.
  8. If i click on that link i get an error message. <title>CGI Program - Unexpected Error</title> <h1>Server Error</h1> <hr>MrSID image_width = for /gmd/g3974/g3974a/pm000010.sid</hr>
  9. I wonder how the AI would react to that. It would be kinda laughable if an enemy infantry platoon continues to charge through a burning field and gets fried, wouldnt it? Currently they AI will happily send its infantry into an ongoing artillery barrage, so i dont know if having spreading fires on dry field would add to the game.
  10. Probably the M10s commanders had their heads sticking out of the hatches and your JPs commanders didnt. When you are out of LOF of enemy small arms fire, unbutton your tanks and they will spot much faster.
  11. That looks good, really immersive. If you have Photoshop or a similar programm (like Artweavers free demo version) you could load an actual image (screenshot or a picture of google maps) of the map into the programm as background and draw the topo lines on a partially transparent overlay. Then delete the background, make the overlay intrasnparent and save as bmp. This way you can get more accurat topo lines than with MS paint, i guess.
  12. Contact Battlefront and provide them with the emails you got when purchasing the game. You, know the one containing the bill and the one with your key. I think that they might give you the possibilty to redownload the game then.
  13. That camoflague you did there is indeed great, umlaut! Is it supposed to be used with the base games colours or does it fit into Aris terrain mod as well? Sorry, cant tell from the screenshots right now, i have been playing Shock Force in the past weeks. Edit: i should have read your first post and not just be looking at the nice pictures . It actually litterally says there what i was asking for. Thanks for making these.
  14. :eek: I knew my PC was old. But only now i became fully aware of how old it really is. Damn, i could even make myself a cup of coffee while loading some of the larger scenarios. I have not tested it, but i think that i read somwhere in the tech support forums that the numbers of figures you have to load does not affect the loading time if all of them are of the same type. Like, If you have 100 equal units of type X, it should load as fast a single piece of unit X because you will only need to load a single copy of unit X into your memory. It will only load longer if you have a unit Y included wich is different from all units X. However that behaviour is only true for loading times, FPS are of course affected by the number of units you place on a map, no matter if they are all of the same type or all different. But that may be incorrect, as i said.
  15. Hmmm...Theatre of War compared to Combat Mission is what Theatre of War is compared to Company of Heroes. I had played all Theatre of War titles before i started playing Combat Mission and i find that the CMx2 series do simulate combat much better than the ToW games do, especially infantry behaviour is outstandingly credible in terms of realism IMO. This tutorial treats all basic stuff: From what i have heared the ingame tutorials and the manual also contain lots of info, you should read them.
  16. Something i really did like in campaigns was the ability to make off-map decisions. I guess lots of you people played the Devils Descent campaign. In that campaign, you can for example decide if you want to attack a village either by night with a half strengh company or wait for the rest of the company to arrive and attack in the morning, trading the moment of surprise for additional forces. The same guy who made Devils Descent also made a bunch of other campaigns and they all have the feature of off-map decisions. Damn, i cant recall his name....however i loved his campaigns and that off-map decision feature, really well done!
  17. 1. Only important if the mission is part of a campaign. 2. Only important if the mission is part of a campaign. 3. I prefer 2D. 3D is ok though as long as it shows all relevant areas of the map. 4. Absolute turn offs: Inaccurate info on what the missions goals are, what my forces are or when they will arrive. If it is unclear if or when reinforcements will arrive, this should be clearly stated. I dont like inaccurate or misleading info except the inaccuracy or misleadingnes is part of the scenario due to lack of reconnaisance, for example. I do like a "basic plan" in the breifing if it contains groggy tactical tips i probably would not have thought of myself. On the other hand, the basic plan should not be to detailed though. 5. To me, this not relevant. It should be nice to look at. I almost always load the scenario briefig before i decide if i play it or not. The short description in the sceario selection menu should though contain as much info as possible. about terrain and involved forces.
  18. An interesting campaign, i am in the 3rd mission now. Very unusual gameplay IMO. Thanks for making this.
  19. I cant remember if i have played Amreville or, but i did play Wittmans Demise and i think long loading times are normal for scenario of that size. It almost felt like 5 minutes on my machine but i guess that is because most people would get that nostalgic feeling if they took a look at my hardware . Wittmans Demise is worth every minute of loading time, though.
  20. Isnt CMSF2 going to be about NATO vs Russia? So guess France, Turkey and Israel would be possible candidates. Maybe they are going to be in the modules.
  21. You can call off an on-map artillery assets strike by clicking on it and issueing a 'clear target' command.
  22. Operation Unthinkable planned to rearm up to 100.000 german troops. That would be the size of seveal corps.
  23. If you use engineers to blow a new entrance into a house the units on the other side of the wall get pinned and slaughtered by the engineers. Works best when the wall you blow through has no windows. It is also a very good idea not to move along streets on the streets themselves with your infantry but to have engineers blow holes through adjunct buldings and move inside the buildings, from building to building.
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