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Everything posted by agusto

  1. "1. Purchase your game . . . . 6. Backup the installation files you downloaded! Downloads expire automatically after 365 days or 10 downloads. We do not offer digital storage for your purchased games." Where does it not say the download link is expiring after 10 downloads or 365 days? This was more directed to scmerc224. But if you had lost your game files i bet you would behave the same way, judging from what i ve read from you so far.
  2. Obviously it wasnt a good backup. It is not BFCs responsibility to make sure their customers make working backups. You dont have to make a backup at all actually, they just recommend it to you because they are just that nice and want to help you (yes, some useres wouldnt thnik of making backups without beeing told so).
  3. What you purchase from BFC is exactely what they tell you: a DL link for the game that expires after 365 days and an activation key. That is waht you bought. You could have selected the 'mail' option, wich gets you a disc from wich you can reinstall until the plastic the CD is made of starts to disintegrate. I cannot see why you have a problem (or actually i can, but i think your problem is that you blame others for your own faults, same as scmerc224, effectively preventing you from reflecting your behaviour). --------------------------------------- Anyways, this thread just inspired me to make another backcopy in case my backup fails. Thanks scmerc224.
  4. For me it depends more on the way the new formations are used in the game than how many are added in a module. I very much enjoyed the CMSF modules (all of them) but of all the CMx2 titels i have (including afgahnistan), the CMBN CW modules british forces are probably the one i played least in terms of in game hours. I only play single player campaigns and scenarios and the british campaign that came with module just wasnt my thing. I am i glad i got it though because i found some interesting stuff at the Repository that included the CW forces.
  5. One time i set up a part of my force (including my only 2 ATGMs) at setup in overwatch positions in a large building at the edge of the map. 10 turns into the game i wanted to move them up to the other elements, only to realize the building i chose had no doors.
  6. Not yet! I am at "Bloody Hospital" right now, the 5th battle of the campaign if remeber correctly. All those ambushes made me extremely cautious, i am putting HE area fire on every location i am just having the slightest suspicion that something enemy could be there. Friendly casualties until this point of the campaign: 80-100 personel (estimate), mostly due to ambushes and mortar fire 3 BMP-3s (accurate), 2 destroyed by RGP-7s and one by a vehicle mounted SPG-9 1 T72 immobilized (accurate) by a vehicle moounted SPG-9 Enemy casualties: 300-400 personel (estimate) 7 tanks (accurate), 3 of them destroyed by ATGMs i had in overwatch, 1 by an RPG-18 and 3 by direct fire of my T72s. 20-30 other vehicles (estimate) I scored a Total Victory in all missions until now, if i remeber correctly.
  7. I like those ideas of you, Rocky Balboa. +1. In should be mentioned though that there were battles where one side litteraly fought till the last man, so it would be important to keep the threshold for the automatic casualties surrender in the scenario designer hands. It could also be considered to have a relative casualties surrender condition. Given forces of equal quality and with a 3:1 ratio for the attacker, i might try another attack with the remaining 20% of my company if i already whiped out 90% of the OPFOR. On the other hand, if i only inflicted 10% casualties upon the enemy while suffering 50% myself, continueing the attack would not be a meaningful option, so the surrender should be triggered.
  8. When you combine a tired team with one that is in good condition, the resulting squad is also tired. Probably it is the same with unit moral. The weakest part of the chain determines its overall strengh. On the other hand, larger squads can take more of a beating than teams before breaking and regain moral faster if they are not broken yet.
  9. Not even an airstrike? If i remeber correctly, they make huge craters, several actions spots in diameter.
  10. Ha, i think i can even top my previous statement in terms of creepyness . Currently i am working on a fictional scenario dedicated to be used with the CMSF Euroscape mod about bitter fighting between Russia and the US, taking place in the city i live in. I am also having a campaign in mind, lets see if i find enough time and will to do that. EDIT: I know it is completely of topic, but here are some screenshots of the first map: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/7780/55772845.png http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/1821/27583079.png http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1646/73855454.png and a picture of gooflemaps showing the location: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/9946/gmapsu.png Always wanted to call in a 155mm artillery barrage on my highschool, now i can!
  11. Yes, thanks for the reply. I didnt miss it, just wasnt online. I am personally not botherd by the clipping, i always just wondered why it was made that way. So, can we conclude from what you have said in this thread by now that the clipping issue is the result of inadequate processing power available on todays computers to handle pathfinding on CMs scale and complexity? If yes, that is good, because then it can only be a question of time until the problem can be solved, isnt it?
  12. You can use them for mine clearence. If you have a 3-4 squads of broken infantry, that is enough to trigger all the mines in a mined action spot if you let them run through. But make sure they dont bunch up too much, otherwise they will 'smell' whats their fate and panic before they finished their job. Afaik seeing friendlies die decreases a units moral in CM. When the minefield is cleared you can let more useful units pick up the ammo from the bodys, so nothing of value is lost.
  13. LOL 1 ATG round = 26 casualties + 1 jeep and 2 tanks lost. Seriously, if you had not added a photo i wouldnt believe you .
  14. It appears to me as if in some of the clips the BMPs are unloading stuff, so i think they are supplying infantry positions within the city. The tanks escort them. This also is suggested by the images i saw in a 1 hour long russian news report (of wich i didnt understand a single word) from syria.
  15. When i played the Operation GLACIER II scenario in shock force, i ordered an airstrike on a Taliban base ~1000 meters away from my position on the first turn and when the bombs exploded, the commander of my force got hit and wounded by shrapnel because he was the only one on the observation hill who was kneeling instead of lying down. He only was lightly wounded and could continue his duty, but still not the best start for a sucsessfull operation.
  16. ArmA 2 has maps larger than all maps available in CM and allows battles with several thousand AI that wont clip into one another. 'Tac AI' in ArmA appears to be noteably less sophisticated if it even exists and user generated missions need more accurate AI plans than in CM though, but i think its still prooving that pathfinding on huge maps with thousands of AI can be done without clipping and with hardware available to the average customer today. On the other hand it must also be mentioned that at least in my experience AI vehicles in ArmA2 get stuck more often than in CM2 and that the AI needs much more accurate movement paths defined in the editor by the user in order not to get stuck, so pathfnding algorythms in CM are probably more complex and resource demanding.
  17. As far as i know, the german MG 34, 42, FG 42, G43 and kar98krifles can fire all types of german 7,92x57 ammunition. You have to be careful though when loading troops up with additional ammo, the Stg44 only fires the 7,92x33 aka 7,92K.
  18. I really dont like it if set up zones can and will be fired upon by the enemy with direct fire weapons without me beeing told so in the briefing. It is okay when i am defending, but when the scenario simulates an attack i hate that.
  19. Your opponent is ALWAYS gamey when you loose, didnt you know that? I mean it is impossible, i mean absolutely out of the realms of possibility, that my superior tactical knowledge and abilities are beaten by anyone without using unfair measures, really. Even if i cant specify what exactely i found gamey in his behaviour or force selection, i can conclude with absolute certainity that he was beeing gamey just from the fact that i lost.
  20. If you do that in CMBN the colum is slowed down. Although vehicles can clip into each other they cant do so going faster than maybe an infantry mans MOVE speed.
  21. It is indeed suprising that they couldnt figure out a better solution for vehicles passing through blocked gaps. But for me, it is not a game breaker because situations as you described it, where the clipping has an actual tactical impact on the game are quite rare, even if it is not nice to look at.
  22. Well, CMSF + all modules + Repository has much more content than CMA + Repository. If you take the CMSF mods Euroscape and Mords Civil War Mod into account, you almost have 2 additional modules for free, allowing the simulation of conflicts ranging from World War 3 to the currently ongoing conflict in Syria. Long story short: If i had to decide between CMA and CMSF+ modules, i would go for CMSF. Luckily i have both, though .
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