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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. I have several pbem's in progress when I updated. It was no biggie. One or two require me to just edit the folder settings but that's nit hard. Works great!
  2. The Budapest campaign always was a period of the war that fascinated me. Grrrr...you're really tempting me to get this damned game, Kohl! LOL
  3. Upcoming: 1st Squad's foray toward the farm. Things get hot, things get dusty. Bodies happen.
  4. I am not sure I did anything specific. I Think that I'm giving the G.I.s more targets so that the IG is maybe taking less direct fire? It also may be that the replacement leader to the one killed has morale bonus so they recovered faster.
  5. I knew my luck would eventually run out with that tank. It was almost singlehandedly fighting the whole battle!
  6. Thanks GaJ for jumping in at my request to add this. You rock, sir! And thanks to IanL for his help too.
  7. This. And probably simpler to code that developing complex AI parameters and decision tree with behaviour modifiers based on morale and experience. Not that I'd not appreciate that too. Just would like to shut off the RF on occasion.
  8. He's been a blast to play against. We're down to one game right now between us but at one point we had 4 and it's always a good challenging match.
  9. Yeah, I never imagined Kohl would get right to my lines so quickly. I thought I could move out and had 3rd squad not died so early on I might have a better level of protection for the IG. Live and learn!
  10. Thanks. Getting them in action has been a long process. We are by the last panel ten minutes into a thirty minute game and only now am I finally getting it into action! In retrospect, I am not sure if I'd be better served with either another HMG or perhaps a light mortar in direct fire mode.
  11. Oh that looks marvellous, Bil! Wish I had this before I started my La Ferme battle!
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