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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Thanks. If I get the game I'll have to see how to configure that.
  2. Y Nice and systematic. Clearly you're not like Ken (c3k) with YOUR men!
  3. I had no idea green troops were so drastically different from regular. Wow! Interesting AAR, Bil!
  4. I see CMH lists most CM games but not CMBS. I wondered if there was an update to it that I missed?
  5. I was wondering the same thing! Fun to see Bil do yet another AAR. I was going into withdrawal!
  6. Trouble is, all the real gunfire (ie: not Hollywood) I heard always sounded rather a lot like.."pop" to me. Unless you're right next to the lunatic blazing away with 3" Magnum 12 gauge slugs... The software on the iPad didn't have a few "sound effects" that I might have chosen over "Pop" had I had them when I started - eg: "bang!" I have since then made graphics for other sounds I want, but for consistency's sake, I'm sticking to "pop" as it's what I used thus far. If Bil Hardenberger is right and AAR's are addictive to write, I will change up the things I do for the next one.
  7. I'm in heaven... Fresh AAR's to enjoy! Where is mini battle 1? Was that played but not AAR'd?
  8. If Kohl has Shermans (or even Stuarts for that matter) I'm seriously screwed! Thank goodness I set the QB generator to Infantry Only. *whew*
  9. For consistencies sake I'll keep using it in this AAR; I'll have to see what I could replace it with if I ever do another. I wanted to represent general action the sounds of non-specific gunfire. That's why I didn't use the "Pop!" graphic as I use that to represent single shots aimed at a target in the scene.
  10. I love technical details. But the more I play the game I discover that unless there is a vast technical disparity between two forces, it's the one that is better led and organized that will succeed over the one that has better tech. The game really challenges a lot of my assumptions.
  11. Holy moly! You're not joking! That's awesome! I better get the IG story up soon!
  12. Thank you! The second three minutes of the battle are ending up with almost double the number of panels of the first. I was initially worried if I had much to show, and then as I looked over the screenshots I realised a hell of a lot had happened this last while. That rrrrrrrrmmmmmmbbbbbllll stuff is supposed to represent the assortment of collective fire and movement in the distance. I hope that comes across. Don't want anyone expecting tanks in this battle!
  13. Wow. I just finished reading this in one sitting. The whole AAR. I could not put my iPad down; instead I'd relocate around the house LOL. Fantastic write-up, Bil. I really enjoyed it. As always, your commentary is brilliant and your strategy was impressive. It's too bad you were unable to finish. I really hope to see you do one for Bulge.
  14. I'm hoping I can get my computer running and the game reinstalled by Sunday so I can obtain more material for this AAR. I have enough for a day of two more of the story, then it's time to see how much Kohl hurts me....and if the infantry gun ever gets in action, it may be a game-changer in my favour. I Don't think he has anything in firepower.
  15. That story starts in the next panel, actually! Likely appearing tomorrow...
  16. Your half-track looks absolutely fantastic, Kohl! Wow you have a lot of patience. Well done!
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