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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Hi Dijaux, I'm using a number of apps - all on the iPad. At first I thought I needed photoshop on my Mac but I have photo editing software for the iPad - Pixelmator - that does a fine job of editing the screen captures. Aviary is another that does some quick spot repairs ( like removing a mis-placed cursor ). Then I have Halftone 2 for some of the comics, and ComicBook! for other effects. It's a blast to do, and I've made or downloaded a pile of additional effects ("Ka-rack!" "Rat-Tat-Tat" etc) to give more substance and variety. I then upload it all via my WebAlbums app, which lets me sort and categorize it all.
  2. Oh yes, some good information about scouting hedgerows would be helpful!
  3. Just a confirmation - it does indeed work fine in CMBN 3.11 and CMBS 3.01
  4. Terrific, that's what I was looking for. I'll try that tonight. Thank you!
  5. The next minute of battle shows just how useful good ole Willy is. I left him on the hillock where the family plot it, and figured he might come in handy, even though he has only 1/3 of a squad. And it turned out to be right! Juicy stuff coming soon!
  6. Thanks, Ian. I assume that I can't get rid of the "Game Paused" text near the Center top of the screen either then?
  7. Is there a way to shut off building transparency when your troops enter them? I find it breaks immersion for this style of AAR to see ghost-buildings.
  8. Thanks, Heinrich! Yeah, that LMG gunner was great. Everyone else except the SGT was just cowering on the ground, and he just lied down and opened up. He didn't kill anything, but he did likely make some GIs duck and stop shooting which saved the squad. Given how must Kohl has advanced toward the farm as well, it's feeling like a bigger gamble than I realized. Still, I'm hopeful Hirsch and his boys will make any GI attack on the farm cost Kohl dearly.
  9. So 1/3 of the game time has elapsed and I'm at the farm, which is of course the objective. No time to sit in the kitchen, cook some potatoes and have some bread, cheese, wine and carrots. Kohl is surprising me with how spread out he has become. Aside from contacts all over the friggin place, i believe he has, though I can't see them all, units near the fence midway between the farm and the southern wood, a lot more men in the southern wood itself, and a bunch of people coming around from behind the orchard. We have the same number of points so it may be he's split his squads into teams, but it's disconcerting to see what appears to be three times my units in the field! I'm also pissed off that first squad lost their LMG. It would have been really handy to have it in the farmhouse or barn. With the HMG out of action (hopefully only temporarily) I'm getting worried.
  10. Glad you like it. I can't imagine playing without it.
  11. The time frame of CMRT is definitely less interesting to me than the three battles of Kharkov in '43. I agree, a module with that would be marvellous!
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