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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Totally understandable. Don't sweat it. It's an excellent discussion and worth the wait.
  2. Hi there and thanks for taking the time to write! I'm a noob largely too, as I keep discovering when I play against more experience players LOL. I have not finished all of Bil's AARs but I plan to; they are fun and filled with great information. You're not the first to say that personalizing the soldiers is not their thing - and I can understand that. It's tricky to present a battle in its entirety and yet give some sense that this is not just a tactical exercise or game. I'm glad I managed to balance that so that it worked for your after all. The asides where characters gave explanations was the only way I could think of also giving insight into my own thinking as I played the battle - rather than a sort of third person narrative, I thought why not let the characters speak for me? I can understand the grainy textures being a bit problematic for some readers. I wanted I to look like a comic book would from years ago - today's graphic novels are so slick and polished (which is great too) but my aim was to harken to an earlier era. I intend to experiment with other styles a bit to see what may be easier on the eyes but still not end up looking entirely like a series of game screenshots. Good point, and thank you.
  3. That's a good idea, SLIM. Though in my case it's not a matter of identifying the favourites so much as being able to view in succession a lot of maps while one is trying to decide what one wants to use. You're not looking for a specific map; rather, you're looking at many to see what suits your idea for the battle.
  4. I wonder how the elevation difference impacts the angle of the shell hitting the Sherman. Perhaps that explains the lack of penetration?
  5. As a German player I'll always prefer a Panther to a Tiger, at least on the western front. While the Tiger's 88 is less powerful the Panther's 75, it's powerful enough to deal with any tank the Allies have, and has nearly double side and rear armour to the Panther. When defending against Germans I plan for my opponent taking Tigers and hope he'll grab Panthers instead!
  6. I'm the same, I tend to leave my tanks unbuttoned unless engaged in a fight with infantry. The difference in spotting is noticeable. But I lose a lot of TC's that way too, which is something that causes different problems.
  7. I've dearly wished for something like this as well. It's tedious to look at maps by loading them in the editor, repeating a dozen times (and losing ones place and ending up looking at the same map several times untentionally). I try to be systematic but even so it's a laborious process. I would love if there was a way to scroll/tab through all the maps and see a preview of the whole map even if it was just a top down view.
  8. I hope you didn't take my question as criticism - it was not at all intended to be. As I read your AAR I think of how I'd respond and when it's radically different I love to hear your reasoning because that's how I'll learn. And sburke and c3k are right, that screenshot is so well done for a moment when I first saw it I thought it was a photo.
  9. Bil, aren't your Shermans on S Road Ridge vulnerable to long range fire by Doug from just about anywhere where you can be seen? I'd be feeling nervous that this exchange with the panther could have gone the wrong way.im not questioning your tactics and positions, more trying to learn why you do things the way you do.
  10. This is incredible stuff, Heinrich! A story I think is what we most times look for in screenshots, even if only subconsciously; you've given us one and that's fabulous. Keep it up!
  11. I agree with your analysis that the coverage of the road itself will force Doug to use the trees. From your S Road Ridge it doesn't seem to me that you can reach far into those trees however. Does that mean he can get to the objectives, which are right on the edge of those woods, unimpeded?
  12. I agree. I've not the graphical talent to do what you and Umlaut have already done, but the graphical modding work I see is stellar.
  13. Right, so the formation works fine but if you buy individual teams, you're going to be a one-shot wonder.
  14. Thanks, Nathangun! It was fun (and a lot of work!) to put together, but I really enjoyed doing it and am happy that others like it too! Check out my Eastern front one in the signature below...
  15. I think it varies between play-partners. For example, XxGunDocxX and I play with no deploy/spawn bombardment, but both of us use preplanned arty air and expect the other to use it. It's allowed for some interesting smoke screening early on.
  16. Those are very nice Mord. Do you think it would be possible to deflate the tires, or show sagging suspensions as torsion bars deform due to heat?
  17. Yes you did. I think I misunderstood your original statement, taking it to mean you actually took ammo from certain vehicles and put it in others.
  18. 1) seems that air power in CMBS is quite effective. Nice to see...unless one is on the receiving end of course. 2) I also noticed that Igla teams have 1 missile only. Is that the case for those purchased as teams, or the ones included in formations as well?
  19. When you say you got the truck ammo arranged how you want it, what do you mean? Re supply ammo can be re-distributed?
  20. No, it's not, because I was trying to do it for modular buildings mostly.
  21. Ooooooo yes! I wanted to ask about this when I was making some maps for CMFI. It's really tough to get them "just right" and I'll end up spending 10 min to just get one where I approximately want it,mor give up and delete it. If any of the experienced map designers (JonS? ) could give some tips that would be great!
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