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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. But what are you trying to open? I am happy to assist a great community contributor if no mac users offer a solution... PM me or just chat here!
  2. The game engine manual says the mod tools are only available on the PC version
  3. ...somewhat interlinked to my shameless grovelling is one other thing I wanted to puke out to start a discussion where I might learn something... I will ping on folks who might actually know and have a moment to comment off the record (turns off tape recorder).... @benpark @MikeyD So, what is the future or next generation for 3D modelling? Specifically, are these models used in CMX2 titles, are they all obsolete when a future CMX3 or game engine 5 is developed? Are they chucked out as archaic technology like CMBO/CMBB/CMAK 3D models could not be taken onward to CMBN/etc? I guess if the answer is no, no, they are not obsolete, then that means that new 3D work for CMFI is not wasted effort for future BFC work. Correct or incorrect? I do not know what really is meant with game engine 5 or CMX3. We have had game engine go from 2 to 3 to 4 and the 3D models are all still the same stuff AFAIK. Wow, If the answer is yes, then what is the next gen of 3D modelling? Our pixeltruppen now have animations but we don't see eyes squinting and blinking, we don't see mouth moving as voices are heard. I am not saying that is something that turns me on. What is the future anticipated capability in the 3D world? More polygons for more rendered detail as PC's get more powerful? So, these current 3D models down the line in the future will they be seen like we now view back at the CMBO clunky tanks and troops (in retrospect!).
  4. I will put these here for handy/future consultations with opponents...
  5. some PBEM buddies and I decided to play QB's so we have better fog of war versus old kohlenklau always making the scenarios and therefore knows what is coming across the desert... Now I see that the temperature ALSO is randomly dished out when you do the QB PBEM process. Jee wiz, I hope I don't randomly get freezing cold for a daytime battle in Libya.
  6. Some thoughts on the Grant/Lee... I suffer from CMISD, I think I joked and called it that, CM Info Saturation Disorder. Playing the WW2 titles and getting mixed up on what is available when and where. A couple weeks back I am trying to do some North Africa stuff and trying to bring the PzIIIG from CMRT F&R over to CMFI. It already was in CMFI! Like with rarity, I think it would be great to just have a switch that says, show me everything! Well, CMISD also hit me when I was in the editor and stumbled upon the Churchill I. A 2 pounder in the turret and a 3 inch gun in the bow. I had used a Churchill III for a Halfaya Pass scenario. I think the Churchill I would be better. But anyway, the point is that the multliple gun thingy seems already semi-solved. The Grant should be no big insurmountable deal to model. 7 man crew! The Lee would be another effort that could be ported to CMRT Dasvidaniya Comrades final vehicle pack for earlier Ost Front, then this work (and other stuff on the above wish list) gets utilized again for their sales/profits/bottomline/businessmen smoking cigars stuff.
  7. Well, I have been mulling this over. Nobody commented so please comment if you feel like I do. Or voice your own choices. In this thread is fine. Politely criticize my choices is AOK with me. I will use the CMBN Vehicle Pack as a template. What BFC already has done might seem doable again to them. The CMBN Vehicle Pack was/is $20 for 19 vehicles, 5 bunkers and 3 backpack flamethrowers. Nothing else. It was already in the download so I suppose it was part of a game engine upgrade or patch release? I forget. So, maybe a similar CMFI Vehicle Pack would need the labor of the download creation and other testing. Sure. So, make it $30? oh boy oh boy. Now this is like 1972 and looking at the Sears catalog before Christmas! Some of this 3D modelling is already out there in the other titles but some would be new stuff. New work by Casio Lima studios and the BFC art staff. A sincere salute to those guys! I will just start rattling off stuff and edit this post as time allows. I honestly think mostly North Africa, right. But this can be Greece, Crete, maybe a quasi-France if modded, maybe Italians vs French before Torch? Free French tackling the Germans after Torch? VEHICLES 1. Panzer II Ausf F We already have the running gear of the PzII from the Marder, and we have the 2cm KwK 30 autocannon from some of the armored cars SdKfz 232. So give us a PzIIF. I guess the F. Right? 2. Panzer III Ausf F early and late This would give us a PzIII with the 37mm and then with the short 50mm. If we get a similar CMRT Dasvidaniya Comrades final vehicle pack for earlier Ost Front, then this work (and other stuff on this wish list) gets utilized again for their sales/profits/bottomline/businessmen smoking cigars stuff. 3. PzIV Ausf D/E/F1 with short barrel 75 4. Stug III Ausf C with short barrel 75 5. British Crusader Tank or other Cruiser tanks 6. British Vickers MkVIB Light Tank 7. earlier version of British armoured cars with AT rifle 8. Valentine for western desert, MkI? 9. MATILDA! Queen of the Desert 10. Italian M13/40 11. That funky German vehicle, captured Soviet AT guns on a half-track chassis, "Diana?" 12. Some cool desert vehicle for personnel transport or towing Pak38's... 13. GRANT TANK!!!! 14. some French vehicles from CMBN, oooh lala 15 Sherman II with sandskirts 16 earlier Honeys, Stuart I and II with the cool commander's box thingy, with sandskirts 17 the Panzer I ? 18 25 pounder as a deployable gun on the map! the QF 2 pounder also! and the 37mm Pak for German army not just FJ. 19 and a smoke and a pancake BUNKERS: Some kind of cool desert bunker thingy, metadata to not quite be concrete, I don't know. Tobruk bunker I think it was called? A few cool flavor objects for North Africa? Go Ben!!! INSTEAD OF FLAMETHROWERS: 1. bring over from CMRT the tiny 50mm mortar for the Germans 2. German and British and Italian anti-tank rifles 3. French MAS36 rifle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Christmas Christmas
  8. It seems that even if my QB map is saved with a certain wind source and strength, the QB PBEM process randomizes that when you pluck that map and begin the QB PBEM? Are my old man eyes seeing that correctly?
  9. 9/10/2021: It seems to me that this change HAS been made as I am seeing my [afrika] mods during a CMFI v2.11 Game Engine 4 QB PBEM with a QB map I made that had the modtag [afrika]. I will try to verify that CMRT F&R also has this change. EDIT: yes, CMRT F&R also seems to allow modtags to be used with QB.
  10. QB MAPS AND MODTAGS: Well, I guess I must have confused myself all these years and now can't find where I read it. QB maps CAN have modtags. Somehow I developed a misunderstanding that a QB map didn't "see" the modtags and I would have to have an entire extra folder of the mods without modtags to blanket change stuff to see the battle as I desired. I just played a medium axis assault QB PBEM on my desert map "Point 209" (3456m wide by 2176m deep). My British 8th Army force was dug in to hold that vital high ground. Sadly, my opponent @Blazing 88's defeated me with his DAK kampfgruppe. The mods all showed up and it was a great experience to see North Afrika in the CM world.
  11. Alright lads, this PBEM is 45 minutes in duration. Medium size axis assault. Iron mode. We'd better start off with a bloody good password... CARUTHERS! Get your hand off your chin. This is no time for daydreaming about "Sollum Sally"..!!!!
  12. I know you are mostly concerned with keeping ammo guys with their gun. If you want...try this experiment maybe for the issue of 3 guns in 2 squares...? Have half of your yellow squares be in houses and see if this at least forces just one gun maximum in the part of the yellow square outside the house? Maybe even have a wall there on the outside to try and squeeze things even more to the goal of 1 gun in a square...?
  13. @skelley Hmmm. I am at work or would try this experiment myself. Try to reduce the manning of the AT gun to 50% and see if it chops away the ammo handlers? maybe the priority goes to just the actual gun crew...
  14. I don't have CMSF2 nor have seen much about H&E but I do appreciate what you and 37mm and the rest of you are trying to do. I am open to suggestions of course. I guess I don't know what you did. You have an mdr for an M113 maybe from CMCW and it is hosted by the BTR-60PB's mdr? I don't have an mdr for the MkVIB.
  15. Take all week to research it! It is the only reasonable match available. I did my best with what we have available.
  16. I think that could be a great scenario for @mjkerner's Gebirgsjager mod!
  17. You are so awesome. Thank you Dennis. ..and they all happened to be hanging out in your factory mod for the photo session. How convenient!
  18. I just noticed somebody gave this thread 1 star. Thanks buddy!
  19. All this is for my and @mjkerner's big Kreta 1941 mod for FJ and Gebirgsjagers! The British counterattack at Galatas is a very interesting battle. After 5 or 6 days, both sides were exhausted and cooked from the heat. Two small tanks were all the British had in that area. CMFI does not have the Vickers MkVIB so I had to conjure one up from what resources I have available. It was a small tank with twin machineguns. I found an available small tank with twin machineguns and so it is what we have as better than nothing. When you are an early war orphan you have to learn to squint at what you are given and appreciate what it might resemble.
  20. Part of every German soldier's training was how to hot wire a British Lorry!
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