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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. OK, I will take a look, maybe I can give it a try to modify the mdr in Blender. It goes on my "to do" list
  2. SInce way back...these are all my CMFI modtag text files. Some were used in scenarios with MULTIPLE modtags summoning the appearance of modded stuff. This is just CMFI... The cropped titles are scenario briefings I did for my CMFI scenarios...
  3. Good Tony! Get the renamer and I suggest go with [afrika] for all the old ones. I will start using [afrika] on generic new ones but of course when needed I must use special modtags for mods which are custom or specific for 1 scenario! Thanks much
  4. "We are also interested in adding various types of Packs to other Families."
  5. Was it a CM mdr somewhere in CM universe or you imported it off the internet?
  6. British Brief for Blazin' Chariots: ^ 1930, 19 November 1941. A slight haze with light wind from the south. The sun is getting low in the sky and will soon blind you and the gunner. ^ You are Captain Chutney, in command of what is left of B Squadron, 5RTR. 12 Honeys still in running order, ammo is limited, fuel less than half. ^ The mission is to find a group of German panzers which were reported by 4RTR earlier today. ^ They excitedly called in seeing several dozen enemy tanks. All the usuals; Mark II, Mark III and even Mark IV. Perhaps a few Italian tanks as well. ^ You are on the course given and all commanders are looking with binoculars. You have 20 minutes to locate and engage the enemy unit. Gain points by destroying enemy tanks and wiping out their crews. Be advised: the same scoring system is in place for your foe! There are also some hidden touch objectives to reward you for pressing forward to engage the enemy.
  7. I understand what you want. But no, they can't all be the same modtag. Sometimes certain things are specific only to a certain battle or scenario. [africa wadi] was a special mod that changed map road tiles to look like tire tracks in and out of a muddy area. If I used ONE modtag it would ALWAYS show up. Not good Tony, google and you can get a free "bulk renaming utility" and can rename everything to a certain single modtag, go for it. It is very easy to do. With all that said, the 2 young interns have not arrived and with summer almost over, "Bikini Fridays" at the office, (HR gave me the verbal ok), are almost a dead event.
  8. I wish! But I think it was just a goof by the people who made the interview slides. They meant FINAL Blitzkrieg. Shermans didn't invade Poland in the winter! :-) Ihttp://grogheads.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SG4-700x394.jpg American Tanks loaded with GI’s start their dawn attack on Herlissheim under the cover of light fog. (Combat Mission: First Blitzkrieg)
  9. I think 1 slightly chunky one who can make a good sandwich. The other for neck rubs while I am stressing over Blender stuff...
  10. Hey Mat! Do you have the MAS36? I could not find it. Please pass it to me and I can give a try to swap the rifle mdr's. Or point me towards it! FM24/29, I think it gives me some of each mixed with BAR. I can swap the LMG's.
  11. Call before midnight and you get a 2nd set of Ginsu Spoons absolutely free. Ariete Ram R-35 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t1rylj2s0jhwhla/AAAv-56V-4YxB2AWPJWc72Hwa?dl=0
  12. Thanks Tony. I gotta go back and do like you said and outline edges in dark color to bring out the detail. And darken the undercarriage too. I need a couple of college co-ed interns!
  13. I don't own the ASL stuff and am unfamiliar with the rules. Tried online but couldn't solve an issue. According to online, I need to see the scenario card for the North Africa scenario "Blazin' Chariots" How many DVP Desert Victory Points are each of the various tanks in the scenario? I am translating the ASL scenario to CMFI for H2H action. 12 British Honeys (Stuart) vs KG Stephan with 9 German panzers.
  14. I googled for this stuff but found nothing. I guess the BFC "owners" don't have some nephew or in-law who would scoop up on what would seem to be a good opportunity. My wife knows I love this game and she'd buy me SOMETHING if it was offered. shirts, mug, mousepad, hat, necktie. The usual stuff. They already have the website. Take the profits and hire another guy to make some early war material! But I am not a business man, maybe there is not so much profit in licensed merchandising of this stuff?
  15. On August 15th I will post a dropbox link here for a small group of scenarios for the CMRT Warsaw Uprising Mod. I have around 6. Thanks to @Vacilllator for playtesting a few of them. I will also have a few mods I made for Warsaw in the same dropbox area. I think @JM Stuff will post the mod to CMMODS soon... :-)
  16. General Note: At the bottom of my posts is my "signature" and has a link to my Goody Box. My humble offerings to the CM community. Note: Some stuff is stuff I have collected up and was modded by others. The modder's name might be on the folder? But not always... I tried to organize it by game title. So go to the folder that interests you and take a gander. If you like something, please Pilfer away! I am TRYING to do my dropbox like a self serve eatery. I TRY to label new folders with the date in DDMMYYYY format and I TRY to avoid not having the mods for a scenario I offer. The modtagging is in progress for [afrika]. But I am human and make mistakes. So please holler if anything looks odd on screen, there is almost always a reason. If I know, I can look and try to fix.
  17. It is a discount mod, nothing winning any awards but I had fun researching it and it turned out better than I thought. Maybe took me about an hour once I finally got into GiMP.
  18. I did it. I could use some help making Pierre and Claude look a bit better. Discount Mods. I guess I am like Dollar General.
  19. I got some wheels for the Free French. (Purchase from the British) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1s0g2hv9x7arion/AAAz15gu2zvJuTrIH1w7jltDa?dl=0
  20. No, it doesn't matter what it says in that little box. Use the dropdowns to pick your side and if you attack or defend and it swaps things around. EDIT: In CMRT and the other titles, whoever was primarily headed on the attack has the QB map set as they are headed that historical direction. But the non-traditional side can also assume the attacker role in the QB's even if it is historically hosed on headed west not east for CMBN, east not west for CMFB, south not north for CMFI. Like you found 2 that maybe are written as a rare German counterattack/probe and the attacker set up is on the west, defender on the east for F&R late war. Have fun!
  21. It sounds like you already are doing this...always study the existing item X and reverse engineer what they did.
  22. I know. Right now I do not plan to take the time to do the angles. Once in a while I like to play the game too! :-)
  23. Not sure if anyone has already done this but... I figured I would also try to make the foxholes look better in the desert... Grab it if you want it... foxhole [birhakeim] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f9b3ulo3n75fphd/AADBZD2xvLcz15lt7O3cU2WOa?dl=0
  24. Let me stop saying "references" in case that is an incorrect term. Let me say that these mdr's can be like a big recipe for something that has a smaller subset of another complete recipe, already written, included in it. trench 1 contains a couple things, one is the sandbag 3D model which needs the bmp texture for sandbag/sandbags. When I imported the CMRT corrugated metal mdr it was one section. I rotated and moved it into place. Then I duplicated it 7 times to place corrugated metal as needed. I did not scale it. The uv map is already done for 1 individual corrugated metal piece. If you mess with it, you lose that uv work. uv work is hard for me. I love it when I can use something and it shows already textured and not stretched and skewed oddly! @Frenchy56 helped me a few months back (several times actually) and what he did seemed magical. I am finally seeing what he probably did and how he probably did it using Blender. Thank you Frenchy!
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