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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Alright, 50 days until X-mas. The gauntlet is down for you guys, especially you "cherries", to make a scenario, your first scenario...?, before Christmas. Let us swamp the community with some scenarios. Use or modify an existing map if you need to (and give polite credit in your briefing or designers notes to prevent accusations of being a dreaded parasite!). Make your own simple map! No Rembrandts are required! Dial it down to 208 x 208, the teeniest tiniest map you can make. Playable from only one side is AOK. Just make sure to say that guidance in the main cover description. Use just a tiny force. Put the AI on defence and the AI plan is very rudy..rudo..ruddimuntary..it is EASIER! Use just a small timeframe of 10 minutes! I (and a butt ton of others) am here to lend a hand to answer questions or go and have Turkey in a few weeks and read the famous JonS scenario guide pdf in your main install folder. All these different titles can use some new juices.
  2. In my goodybox I have now added a separate subfolder for SMG selection, pick just 1, either the Sten or the Beretta.
  3. the road winds up from the coast and I went overboard I have no idea on the map translation stuff
  4. OK, I see it as lots of file renaming and some texture work. Tommy, you are the "OberModdenFuhrer" to run the mod and bust skulls when needed. Please when you want to...maybe make a new thread in CMFI to gather the team there?
  5. I testplayed it H2H against @Vacilllator a few weeks back (Thanks Tim!) and the map needs some work...the switchback road was a nightmare of vehicle pathing psychosis. Once up at the top, the lay needs some minor work to make the battle pay out better. The wadi bridge was also a hassle so I will shift it away so as to not be a problem. The town remnant and bathing beach have also been nixed by the map planning commission folks.
  6. I am not "fishing for compliments" but I honestly think/know I did not have the core talent or skill to achieve the true MAXIMUM. For me it was fun and good enough but each mod could use more love to improve it. As a team, other people bring in skills and then we can make a better version. Also, even with a mod placed at the feet of the community, then who is making campaigns/scenarios/maps with it? After months of working on the mod, sometimes I feel burned out and must move on. Then I look back over my shoulder and sadly see that usually nobody runs with the ball to score the points and win. @dragonwynn did awesome to roll my CMRT Finn mod version 1 into his campaign. And @umlaut and @Juju have been gracious to give me mods to improve my various mods. Now @Sgt.Squareheadis trying to use my new CMFI Partisan Mod to write a scenario. That is great. If you start up a CMFI Poland 39 (or whatever you decide to call it) mod team and you are the mod team captain with the main vision, I would join it as a member to follow your directions and help make it happen. I do not promise to make any scenarios or campaigns. I am involved with other stuff too much
  7. I have no idea what BFC will do. I have asked/suggested they make certain small scope, like a vehicle pack, "war gamers kits" for CMRT and CMFI. Now I have decided to have some dignity and I will no longer even ask for anything from them. Since 2014 or so, I have made some small humble attempts to create in CMRT the following mods: Finland Mod, Romania Mod, Hungary Mod. I don't think I can do a mod for the 1939 Invasion of Poland. I have a hope to work next year on a CMRT Italian Mod. I hope to create "early war Soviets" using mdr tricks and shenanigans. I hope to make some scenarios that represent Barbarossa. They are good words Wang.
  8. Hey Tommy. I hope you are well and the family stuff is ok too. Best wishes
  9. Bellissimo! Looks awesome man. Yes, please do uniforms for Afrika! The trick to fix the voice file problem is this (if you want). Copy Italian voice files and renumber to match the number of the German files. It purges out any German voices.
  10. @Sgt.Squarehead I wanted to throw my 2 cents of ideas at you: Mines: what is possible is to make the "danger! mine!" sign as a regular flavor object with NO actual mines. Then you could have multiple small sections of touch objectives that represent accomplishing the mine clearance? (Maybe you already thought of this. No big deal) Sure, I can add the Sten as an option for partisan weapons.
  11. Yes, the Soviet truck mdr "shell" can be renamed over the US 6x6 "host" mdr. The image in the game of course changes and the UI icon is a truck for both. The physics do not change but it is probably a close enough match. 1 driver each. no weapons. takes passengers. I have not had luck with too many color variations. You can try 1 red Kadett and 1 green Kadett and the game will possibly display green doors on the red body!
  12. I already did that for the CMRT Warsaw Uprising Mod. I made it red with some lettering on the doors.
  13. We CURRENTLY have only 3 headgear choices in the mod. Remember that these are really the French. kepi=feldmutze. Goumier helmet=beret. British style helmet=fedora. We could pluck out 1 of the 3 and add in an Italian cap, the bustina. As an option. I had thought from reading my Osprey book about Italian Partisan Warfare to also slide in a British mod as SOE operatives. They did have a direct involvement towards the end. I suppose my current mod is/was a vision of the earlier timeframe before major allied assistance as I saw it and was able to mod it within limits. You very well know the drill from H&E! One area we might pull off what you want is the greatcoat appearance in winter months. We don't HAVE to use the greatcoat. If the French have a greatcoat. I am not sure. I can see later...
  14. maybe PM me and I can throw my crazy ideas at the wall and see if anything sticks
  15. That aint all of it. I played with lots of explosives. I also spent time down at 285fsw on air and HeO2. You was wondering why I am so effed up! Now it seems I have to warm up and stretch BEFORE I warm up and stretch. But the graveyards and VA clinics are filled with many many much worse off than me. I am good to go. In 2 hours I go to work and try to help veterans...
  16. Does CMBN have a French resistance Mod? I haven't kept up with CMBN... Right here in CMFI, we could easily do it with this Italian Partisans Mod...swipe a few buildings from CMBN during the night when security is slack?
  17. Same as me for the first 5, later it was navy aircraft out of Lakehurst, New Jersey and a few other places out of CH-47's and some other planes. Fun stuff.
  18. Summer 1985. I cannot remember the jump zone or the company! I think they said we took off from Georgia and actually landed in Alabama? The Training Battalion CO took his German Shepherd on a few jumps. Another staff officer was a Vietnam War stud...I forget his name. And I remember this... I smell smoke!...THE ROOF! THE ROOF! THE ROOF IS ON FIRE...we don't need no water let the m&&55Th#44 burn! Burn m&&55Th#44! Burn!
  19. The partisan "anthem" has that kind of tone where they know they might die so they sing about it. Like jump zone songs? Box me up and ship me home...<<Fell out of many perfectly good airplanes/helicopters...Fort Benning 1985 graduate>> Here are the words to the partisan song Bella Ciao Una mattina mi son svegliato,o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!Una mattina mi son svegliatoe ho trovato l'invasor.O partigiano portami via,o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciaoo partigiano portami viache mi sento di morir.E se io muoio da partigiano,o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao,e se io muoio da partigianotu mi devi seppellir.Seppellire lassù in montagna,o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao,seppellire lassù in montagnasotto l'ombra di un bel fior.E le genti che passeranno,o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao,e le genti che passerannomi diranno «che bel fior.»Questo è il fiore del partigiano,o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao,questo è il fiore del partigianomorto per la libertà TRANSLATION One morning I awakened,oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao! (Goodbye beautiful)One morning I awakenedAnd I found the invader.Oh partisan carry me away,oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciaooh partisan carry me awayBecause I feel death approaching.And if I die as a partisan,oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciaoand if I die as a partisanthen you must bury me.Bury me up in the mountain,oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciaobury me up in the mountainunder the shade of a beautiful flower.And all those who shall pass,oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciaoand all those who shall passwill tell me "what a beautiful flower."This is the flower of the partisan,oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciaothis is the flower of the partisanwho died for freedom
  20. almost there! uv map work is so not fun. (parasite my a$$!)
  21. Thanks Karl. I am sure I have it set to best. Let me tinker a bit. Maybe I will set beret file name (the #1 guy with no number) as the blank and then tuck in the red for beret file name 2 and the black for beret file name 3. Filenames just dummy names there for discussion purposes. and the 4th will be the black beret with the rosette emblem
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