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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. The interviewer should have asked THAT question!
  2. Hi domfluff I just visited discord via your generic invitation. I don't think it matches my style and life-long habits of communication. No offense and best wishes to you and other discord folks. I think I will stay here in the BFC CM forums. I use the forum search often and have resurrected old threads of mine from like 5 to 7 years ago. I did have a nice peaceful and steady interaction on discord about 2 months ago. The way in which I utilized it was just 1 on 1 and wasn't much different from the forum in my eyes. If the other guy happened to be on discord then we swapped posts very quickly. It has uses but the giant cocktail party with everybody shouting out whatever was too much for old guy me. Best wishes to discord users. :-)
  3. REPOSTED IN A COMPREHENSIVE MANNER... Here is a dropbox link to my first 3 Warsaw Uprising scenarios. Scenario 1: "Ambush" Scenario 2: "Car Jackers" Scenario 3: "Prison Assault" https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3zq22l6pnakt6bj/AACLsDMsleB55dhg2lJS1nzca?dl=0 You FIRST need the main Warsaw Uprising Mod folder, JM's uniforms and other stuff, from cmmods. @JM Stuff sent it yesterday... I am not sure what the issue is with CMMODS. So, temporarily I have put the main mod folder along with my dropbox link above. Or you can wait for CMMODS to offer it... BUT please also get a small mod folder from my dropbox link above that added some more flavor to Warsaw. More scenarios will come later this week! Note: There is a folder of stuff that is not modtagged. These are options. Put them in your z folder for Warsaw Uprising flavored screens shown during loading of the scenario and the force selection with Polish symbols. The main modtag is [powstanie] that is the Polish word for uprising. As usual, mods can be quite complex. We did our best to test things. If you have issues with what you see, please PM JM Stuff and/or me. Dumping a complaint or screenshots of goofy stuff here in this thread is not the nicest thing to do to a brand new baby mod. We'll take action to help you. But please PM us. Thank you
  4. There is a folder of stuff that is not modtagged. These are options. Put them in your z folder for Warsaw Uprising flavored screens shown during loading of the scenario and the force selection with Polish symbols. The main modtag is [powstanie] that is the Polish word for uprising. As usual, mods can be quite complex. We did our best to test things. If you have issues with what you see, please PM JM Stuff and/or me. Dumping a complaint or screenshots of goofy stuff here in this thread is not the nicest thing to do to a brand new baby mod. We'll take action to help you. But please PM us.
  5. I am not sure what the issue is with CMMODS. So, temporarily I have put the main mod folder along with my dropbox link. Or you can wait for CMMODS to offer it...
  6. Please. Any discussions about all that, take to your own separate thread. Talk all day and night THERE.
  7. Kohlenklau 7/29/2021 BACKGROUND I got involved in this CMRT Warsaw Uprising Mod back a few months ago when I was making a CMRT Romanian Mod with forumite JM. He had shown a Mod in the forums and it was several years old. I told him we would work together to make it take flight and become alive. It has been a lot of work. JM does GiMP uniform work and also some Blender work. But he doesn't (yet) know maps or scenarios or campaigns. So, you get stuck with old kohlenklau... CREDITS Others helped with the mod and JM has thanked them in his release posts. umlaut, juju, Frenchy56, Suchy, Probus, NPye, I think that is the list of people who helped directly or indirectly in some way. I also will give a thank you to the main playtester Vacilllator. He played many of these scenarios over and over as I TRIED to improve them. If they suck, it is my fault. SOURCES OF INSPIRATION I saw a couple movies about the Warsaw Uprising these past few months and those movies burned into my brain a vision of what I could create in CM. I did my best. THE POLES The unit in the scenarios is a fictional unit called "Kompania Tomasz" and has 3 plutonu (platoons) and a few teams with the company HQ. Each plutonu has 3 squads and some teams. My strategy was that the Polish resistance had a variety of folks. Some would be classified as veterans due to age, maturity, experience, physical strength from their job, toughness, firearms and weapons ability. A middle group would be classified as regulars due to less of the above. Finally the 3rd squad would be green but ironically they have the higher motivation. Maybe they only know life under the nazi boot. They are inexperienced but ready to kill and/or die. Snipers for the CMRT partisans are 1 man teams. These guys will be your "message runners" in a later scenario. Then there are some special teams to aid the player in the scenarios. THE MAPS I did do **some** research for the maps. Looking at old maps of Warsaw and current Warsaw in Google Earth. I did take some poetic license but within the limits of CM map making and what buildings we have at our disposal, I am happy with the results. I didn't want to go crazy modding buildings. I added in some new colors of buildings that seemed to match 1930's Warsaw. I stretched a lamp post in Blender to make it match Warsaw old photos of very tall street lights. I modded the images in the Berlin kiosk flavor object. I made a red civilian truck out of the Gaz MM. The second wave of scenarios will have some more new mods to show the damage of Warsaw. Just a few broken windows, shot up walls, burning buildings, rubbled streets, bent street lights... KOHLENKLAU'S GOLDEN RULE OF MODDING: keep it accomplishable! THE GERMANS I decided early on that I personally would not make a mod of Germans or make scenarios from that point of view. For this conflict, I think they (Dirlewanger Brigade, ROA) do not deserve any attention. If somebody else wants to...help yourself. THE SCENARIOS I started thinking of the various things that happened and boiled it down to my scenario list. They are very short scenarios and on tiny/small maps. KOHLENKLAU'S GOLDEN RULE OF SCENARIO WRITING: keep it accomplishable! I hope it plays out smoothly and looks decent! Thank you, Phil
  8. Here is a dropbox link to my first 3 Warsaw Uprising scenarios. Scenario 1: "Ambush" Scenario 2: "Car Jackers" Scenario 3: "Prison Assault" https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3zq22l6pnakt6bj/AACLsDMsleB55dhg2lJS1nzca?dl=0 You FIRST need the main Warsaw Uprising Mod folder, JM's uniforms and other stuff, from cmmods. @JM Stuff sent it yesterday... BUT please also get a small mod folder from my dropbox link above that added some more flavor to Warsaw. More scenarios will come later this week! Thank you
  9. Il est maintenant bon de télécharger sur CMMODS les principaux dossiers de mods que vous avez. Bootie n'a pas à attendre. Je vais gérer séparément les scénarios et un petit dossier de mods pour les scénarios. Je pense qu'attendre n'est pas nécessaire pour toi ou Bootie. Merci.
  10. Here is a dropbox link to my first 3 Warsaw Uprising scenarios. Scenario 1: "Ambush" Scenario 2: "Car Jackers" Scenario 3: "Prison Assault" https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3zq22l6pnakt6bj/AACLsDMsleB55dhg2lJS1nzca?dl=0 You need the main Warsaw Uprising Mod folder, JM's uniforms and other stuff, from cmmods. You also need a small mod folder from my dropbox link above that added some more flavor to Warsaw. More scenarios will come later this week! Thank you
  11. I confused you. No, go ahead and upload YOUR folder to CMMODS. I will have my small set of mods for scenarios in my dropbox only.
  12. No, I have some small mods that can be separate from your main folder and I will offer from my dropbox OK?
  13. I am ready. Please upload it to CMMODS Mr. Bootie!
  14. Bonjour JM. When is the main [powstanie] mod folder going to cmmods?
  15. The first 3 scenarios and special mods will be posted tomorrow afternoon. A few more scenarios will be later in the week.
  16. Here is something maybe of help...maybe you know, maybe you don't. Be in edit mode in Blender, solid mode for display of the object, vertex select mode for selecting a vertex. Ctrl-n is properties of the vertex. You can type in the z coordinate to make them all level horizontally. Go around the tree 360 and right click each verex near your desired z height and then type the z coord entry to MAKE it exactly the same. Maybe that helps with the seams.
  17. I need more coffee! Try this, rename your tree bmp with some small change like the e to a t in tree? Make it tret-3-bark change in Blender also and reprocess and export and reimport to see if the original brown goes away?
  18. BUT maybe what you are saying is you DO export it perfectly but it comes back all hosed when you import it back? Right? Hang in there!
  19. Here is yours. Try using some seams in as best a horizontal manner as you can? EDIT: Also I see that exactly where the branches join the trunk, that should definitely be a seam...
  20. As per Soviet-era reverse engineering SOP, I always first take a good analysis of what NATO capitalists did. I made a quicky striped "tracker bmp". Oh, do you know about making edges become "seams" to help guide the uv unwrapping? EDIT: YES, I RE-READ. YOU DO. OOPS. Just mentioning that...I think it helps. The below tells me that BFC uses seams also. Of course, your tree is freaking awesome. But the enemy of awesome is that it is often challenging to succeed.
  21. Hey Lucky. 1. battlefront officially has been pro-modder but there is a limit. We got rezexplode and rezpack. We never got any map converter. 2. battlefront second echelon guys like Mikey and ben have always been super helpful to me and others but can only do so much, (NDA?) 3. with all that said, I will download your stuff and take a look. But let me first say that I have an "Associate's Apprentice Certificate" in 3D Blender Hacking from "CM BFC Forum Community College"... I used the GI Bill!
  22. Whoever ends up playing this...all 10 of you!...PLAY OR AT LEAST WATCH A REPLAY DOWN AT THAT LOWEST LEVEL. It looks really awesome with shells coming in and the desert views. :-) EDIT: I do admit that I go up to see the bird's eye view for planning. Imagine how difficult it was to coordinate or even understand what was going on in a real tank battle from a noisy cramped tank. You had radios but imagine how clipped and garbled and frenized back in those days. I guess if you knew tanks from your training, you'd look through the binoculars and see a troop and their positions and then say things like, "Gabby seems to have bought it...Dirty Jerries!" ---or this one..."Oh my. Ferguson is outside behind his tank with his trousers down. Must have been a near miss and he crapped himself!" ---or my all time favorite---"Cradswell! What the bloody hell? Face forward in the turret. Your men are watching!"
  23. Doing my own playtesting and it is loads of fun! I have wrangled AI plans for both sides so it is playable as both axis and allies. GERMAN BRIEFING FOR BLAZING SADDLES, errr, I mean BLAZIN' CHARIOTS! ^ 1930, 19 November 1941. 5 miles northeast of Gabr Saleh, Libya. A slight haze, a light wind from the south. It is cooling as the sun sets behind you. In a short while you should order the panzers to form a laager for the evening and order up a resupply of ammo and petrol. ^ You are Oberstleutnant Stephan of Panzer-Regiment 5. This small kampfgruppe of 9 panzers is under your command to conduct a sweep out to the east in response to increased British activity. You have 2 long-barrel 5.0cm, 2 short-barrel 7.5cm with limited AP, 2 Italian tanks as liaison from the Ariete armed with short 3.7cm, and 3 short-barreled 5.0cm. ^ The mission was to locate and destroy a British armoured formation that threatened one of our Aufklarungs detachments earlier today. No luck so far in finding them... ^ The Englanders are fielding a variety of new equipment. There is a new light tank from Detroit, USA but with a small "Door Knocker" 3.7cm gun. It has a good top speed - but not faster than our AP rounds! ^ You are up in the turret with your motor shut down as a faint clanking of treads and gunning of engines drifts in...through your binoculars you see clouds of dust to the east. Tally ho boys! You have 10 minutes to engage and destroy the enemy armoured force. Gain points by brewing up the enemy tanks and wiping out their crews. Drive them from the field of battle. Reverse and safeguard any damaged panzers for later recovery and repair... IT IS OUT FOR PLAYTEST AND THEN TOMORROW I WILL POST A DROPBOX LINK...
  24. These are kohlenklau's selfish ideas for what he would want in the "CMFI Ci Vediamo Dopo pack". I appreciate the BFC principle players time, the time of the BFC second echelon folks and the time of the BETA testers. I would not want any new TOE's, scenarios or campaigns to hold up the release of this pack. A good sifting through and gathering of previously developed material in the other titles but not in CMFI would be very cost-effective. Think outside the box. Send it ALL. Anti-tank rifles from CMRT for example. But the pack needs a vision or 2 of what it might "allow" for the community after it is released. To me this #1 vision would be better ability to portray Pre-Husky events. That means British vs Italians (pre-DAK), then golden years of DAK, Crete, and finally Torch-Husky timeframe. The old double-turret Grant technical hurdle took until CMAK to solve, maybe it would not get to us. It would be awesome if it did. Can the dropdown menus in the editor be "unlocked" so to speak? Can we have the date range go from September 1939 to May 1945? I am sure the answer is yes, but how many man-hours and what hassles does it cause? I don't know. I am asking for lobster on my pizza. You're the waiter or cook, YOU just please tell me how much it costs. Some amount of BETA testing is needed. I officially volunteer! I will update this thread as I develop a list of specifically what I see as fruit able to be plucked and gathered from other titles. Ci Vediamo Dopo!
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