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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. right now (I THINK) these are the only guys who want the mod and scenarios: THE DIRTY HALF-DOZEN PLUS ONE @Heinrich505 @Falaise @JM Stuff @Ivan Zaitzev @Suchy @Vacillator @Erwin
  2. not ready yet for release. later in the month I hope
  3. Trying to have a new PBEM tonight with my buddy @Heinrich505 A looooonnnngggggg skinny map. Approx 300 x 3000 in progress A fictional French armour attack. A few platoons of R35's and a platoon of CharB1bis enter on the west edge. Historically unsupported by any French infantry. Gary only gets some light anti-tank defenses at the start. But then he gets a platoon of PzIII Ausf F with a PzIV Ausf D and a PzII Ausf A. Later in the scenario, when things get a bit dicey, he will get his darlings, 2 Buflas. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The French objective is to cut the rail line at a <fictional> lovely little town called Saint-Grammont-sur-Merde
  4. I guess Steve must be right. The "new wave" of gamers want Ukraine and Russia or China and Taiwan. WW2 games and especially early war 1940 just are not the "bee's knees" with the hip steam slitherine PS3 nurtured crowd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That is too bad. They gonna miss out on some soul food WW2 cookin'.
  5. About a half dozen people have expressed an interest in the mod and scenarios by PM. Thank you for your support. I am now tweaking and play testing about 5 scenarios. I am such a corny scenario namer. Oh well. SHOW ME YOURS IF YOU NAME THEM BETTER!!! FR40 FRENCH TOAST FR40 1914 DEJA VU FR40 BUFLA TO THE RESCUE FR40 LE MAISON DE GRAN-MERE FR40 A REAL BARN BURNER ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The last week or so of March will be the big "pep rally" for this mod (the Mrs is out of town for a visit to her children). Before then I will send by PM or email a link to the first wave of scenarios to try with the latest cut of the mod. I will post some action shots as I play the modded scenarios with some of you fine folks. DOES ANYBODY WANT TO CREATE A SCENARIO USING THE MOD? PM ME! PM ME IF YOU WANT IN ON THE "FUN"...!
  6. I will not try anymore because it is always very difficult and eats my time. Instead I can work on some vehicles camo and make a map and write a scenario.
  7. Merci! I got it. It is like the other free model from Matias. I cannot convert to mdr. Beyond my brain power!
  8. well, I usually look for the free ones! This was on discount so I figured I would get it for a friend...(Brigitte Bardot)
  9. Thanks but I must say that you should not worry to do that. It is not worth the pain in blender. I used instead a mod of an Italian Berretta SMG. It NOW has the magazine in the side. I will send a screenshot later. I tried for several days with the MAS36 rifle obj format file but it is too much for my skill level. @Ivan Zaitzev sorry Matias! I then tried to buy a new model MAS36 for $29 on TurboSquid but there was an error at purchase and the website said no. But my bank says I bought it four times! uggggh
  10. I consider it as good enough. Maybe somebody else can do it better. But I will roll forward with this!
  11. ON MY PLATE...STATUS UPDATE 1. try to create the MAS36 rifle THIS IS KICKING MY BUTT 2. I asked a buddy to make the MAS 38 SMG NO REPLY FROM HIM 3. make the French canteen and finish all gear for French I CONSIDER IT DONE 4. tweak the German heer tunics, remove frozen meat button loop ribbons, etc. DIDN'T EVEN START THIS YET 5. Adrian helmet badge AWESOME JM DID IT 6. Char B1 Bis camo DIDN'T EVEN START THIS YET 7. make some tiny teaser scenarios for folks to try against the AI I GOT SEVERAL COOKING WITH AI PLANS PM ME IF YOU WANT IN ON THE "FUN"...!
  12. Canteen Boy!!! French Model 35 with one spout. Not the famed double-spouted Model 1877. A bit too hard to hack in Blender.
  13. LOOKING VERY GOOD JM! Just use the normal [france1940] modtag. We can have both Adrian helmets on the battlefield. 1 with RF and grenade is normal adrian helmet but the adrian with morocco moon RF is "inside" the Goumier helmet...purchase the French but have some units set in the editor with appearance as 1FFD and some as Standard.
  14. I changed to Adrian style IF YOU WANT to make Adrian with RF grenade and your RF Crescent moon Moroccans? https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9hdbq5y2lrwcp9/smod_french_helmet-goumier [france1940].mdr?dl=0
  15. Right now the "France 1940 Mod Team" is me and @Falaise and @JM Stuff.
  16. The circuits are jammed with the volume of incoming calls! YEAH, RIGHT!!! I think only a few of my buddies are following this and that is bloody good enough for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, it took me 4 rum and cokes to get this damn helmet badge to even show up properly. Alpha layers act up awful and the entire helmet just vanishes. I will try again tomorrow to clean it up and blend it in.... and a poco mas grande
  17. @Heinrich505 Thank you to my buddy Gary for the playtest... We spotted a few things to fix and of course there are many more improvements that can be made to the mod. It just takes time and effort. If you want to write a scenario using this mod, please PM me. I can share my advice on what units are "representable" within the scope of what I have modded. For example, like I explained earlier, I used CMRT as the base because I could get the Anti-tank rifle ATR for Brasche Encounter. If BFC would release a small module to sprinkle such items in the other titles, we'd have increased flexibility. oh well! But CMFI also serves as the base for the mod due to the numerous nations available. Thank you BFC. ON MY PLATE... 1. try to create the MAS36 rifle 2. I asked a buddy to make the MAS 38 SMG 3. make the French canteen and finish all gear for French 4. tweak the German heer tunics, remove frozen meat button loop ribbons, etc. 5. Adrian helmet badge 6. Char B1 Bis camo 7. make some tiny teaser scenarios for folks to try against the AI PM ME IF YOU WANT IN ON THE "FUN"...!
  18. BRASCHE ENCOUNTER PART 3 Capitane Jambon and Lt Merlot reach the detonateur and fire the charges (simulated only due to BFC) which does not vaporize the bridge but makes it unable to take heavy vehicles. The commander of "Grammont" bravely moves forward toward the German positions. He is out of ammo. With great relief he sees the German Panzerbusche 38 Anti-tank rifle abandoned in the grass. History is changed and the Germans suffer a loss and some even surrender... FIN
  19. I will try. ~~~~ WE NEED MORE VARIATIONS ON THE ADRIAN HELMET. @laurent 22 bonjour, do you have an interest in old man ww2 stuff?
  20. I sent a PM with the link to download it. Merci mon ami
  21. BRASCHE ENCOUNTER PART 2 The reserve company on the move toward the bridge... The German squads hold their ground having occupied the French foxholes... Capitane Jambon eyes the battlefield to determine his course of action. He orders the Pan-Pans forward! Under the cover of the Panhard "Grammont", the soldiers bravely move forward. "Grammont" covers the crawling infantry... Gollat is excited as he reaches the detonateur - but he has no training and cannot properly connect the wires. But the Germans are unaware of that fact and assume the charges will be fired off. They pull back leaving their dead and wounded.
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