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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I had to capture a great thought I had before I hit the sack...note to myself... If I do set up PBEMs later on I could use the perfectly dialed in OOB in my "test arena" as the CAMPAIGN "imported core unit file". That could save hassles figuring out the dates when stuff is available as you purchase units. EDIT: I just tested it and it worked awesome. This has always been something I worried about. Not many folks probably bother with my mods and scenarios but this "revelation" could make these modded scenarios much easier to rack up. I have another CMFI FR40 scenario I am writing and as I needed my units all I did was "import campaign units" in the unit purchase part of the editor. IT DOES NOT NEED TO REALLY BECOME A CAMPAIGN! SWEET!!! The imported campaign unit can then be edited to delete things. SWEET!!! It racked up in a snap. As I deployed I then saw another key item. Import the damn modtags! I did. I deployed and saw all my france1940 stuff. SWEET!!!
  2. That is really cool that he helped you. I have had a great relationship with 99% of the BFC "insiders"... Ithikial (may the lord bless him) will release the CMBN BP and folks pay to get it. You have done those awesome maps and release them for free. But maybe you pulled a tooth and made some big bucks today. Best wishes to you!
  3. oh...the krauts. I have the SS boys brought over from CMRT. Trying to be a decent 1940 look. I am just gathering existing stuff and nothing I have made. I haven't yet tried to mod the regular heer guys. I see the mods I have from somebody (EZ?) for an awesome 1943-44 look and I just cringe thinking of how crappy my efforts will turn out. I may just go with those and say eff it. His officers look to be the 2 tone pants and tunic but the soldiers are not. oh well. I have asked a few folks for some modding help but I guess everybody is busy or just not interested. sniff sniff, uh oh, maybe I need better deodorant?
  4. It ends up I think I will use for French infantry a cool mixture of French as French, Poles as French and Brazilians as French. My 2 cents strategy here is French regulars, reservists/green troops and maybe some elite legionaires or whatever. I can have 3 different portraits, The voice files in CM are always in separate subfolders by category but I pulled them all out for French voices into ONE SINGLE folder. My bulk renamer can eat them up in 2 seconds to change french to polish or brazilian or klingon and add the modtag. A Bulk renamer utility is your friend. All voices are finished and modtagged. All names are now French. All ranks are French. The branches are all just the tricolour flag. Everybody is in greatcoats and Adrian helmets and puttees. I will try to have some officers in the kepi. I do NOT have a MAS36 rifle 3D model. Hmmm. Not sure what bolt action rifle to equip everybody with. Something old looking. I do have the French LMG. I am not sure what HMG to use in place of Vickers or M1917 water-cooled. I am trying my best to have no SMG's for French. I made tank crews have a revolver. I have a few scenarios percolating in the back of my mind...
  5. Here is the French tank crew. Mods to the Italian Renault R5, ranks, branch, portrait, tank crew uniforms, soldier names are French, side arms... Helmet is the existing BFC French tank helmet by Louis Vuitton. It needs a little love. The stock one is uninspired. I still have to mod the Italian voice files to French.
  6. I should have explained it BFC style. We would go direct to intercourse and "work backwards" to just a kiss.
  7. A funny sad story I learned last night. I recently started enjoying playing VASL with a CM PBEM opponent forumite buddy. He is very learned in ASL history and has old ASL magazines from way back. One article from 1990 something was about my buddy's favorite niche German AT weapon, the "Bufla" which was an 88 on a big half-track, like 8 were made and used in France 1940. The article was written by a guy named Curt Schilling. Curt loved ASL and also happened to be a professional baseball player. Boston Red Sox pitcher. Long story short, he lost his entire baseball career fortune of $115 million creating/investing in a video game company in the early 2000's. Went bankrupt and lawsuits drained him dry. DAMN I WISH HE WOULD HAVE MET STEVE!
  8. This all reminds me of that time back in high school when I tried to get my buddies' sister to take off her bra. She just would not listen to reason of how good it could be.
  9. Good morning. Today's objective for this mod is to assemble the French infantry. I will use the Poles. I have to rename and modtag a bunch of files using my bulk renamer freeware utility. I have coffee and will get cracking!
  10. Idea: Just try to modify the Italian truck Fiat 626 to look more French?
  11. Es no problemo. solamente boire in mi casa. no necesito conduire. pero veramente quiero trabajar mucho por el mod france40
  12. La mujer quiere ir por el visitacion con su mama (93 anos) y su hermanos por dos dias. Por supuesto, Puedo trabajar con el mod [france1940]. Probalmente. Pero dependamente con el vino y cerveza.
  13. Alrighty, I have started a CMFI France 1940 Panzer II Ausf C. Initial tests look promising! But remember to always squint when playing my mods!
  14. I bought a 1TB external SSD from Chyna. $30. It did not come with a camera and a balloon.
  15. Yes, sounds smart to me Tony. Then wait for CMMODS and download as needed. You are drowning in mods.
  16. Ok, hold on. This is obviously your pet peeve and let me put on my "Steve" hat and reply! Right now, any mod from anybody can be organized or renamed in folders in any way that pleases the downloader. If the mods are not modtagged, like all of Aris's work, then it might cause a big cluster-fudge problem. A modder cannot know what other mods are in the downloader's z folder and somehow handle any possible conflict. I have made goofs where I forgot certain issues about modtags and it caused issues. Live and learn. I think the only mods that I really had an old and new version was [africa] and [afrika]. Booties site will not do any organizing at all. They just offer the download of what I pass to them. When in doubt, whip it out.
  17. I was married to a blonde for like 24 years. Now married to a brunette for almost 5. I dated a red head way back. I don't consider myself a frequent critic of the game but I really love WW2 and just wish we had it all.
  18. @wadepm Greetings to you as you appear to have the shared love for early war. I know that you might only prefer a BFC production of Barbarossa but please be aware of my mods for Barbarossa and some scenarios I have made. If you have an interest in the mods and small collection of single player scenarios or playing a PBEM using the mods, please PM me. If I don't hear from you at all, best wishes sir.
  19. I have tried going to a brz file approach with a filename that helps make it easy to understand. I had a few bumps due to my small brain but I THINK I have it figured out now and will take 2023 to make a new set of brz files for all my mod folders. That is my current vision...
  20. A sincere thank you Steve for the meaty explanation. Excellent stuff to know about our favorite game. We'll have it handy as this topic ALWAYS comes up. In fact I whipped out your other old(er) comments earlier in this new thread. I know you are busy in your favorite thread but some time down the line maybe you could also explain in a meaty way, how the QB AI computer selects an OOB.
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