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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. The Falaise Memorial Leather Cartridge Pouch is completed! @Falaise
  2. I am walking my dog and had a good idea that I will TRY to use my existing scenarios that have AI plans and "change the cast on stage"...
  3. CMRT FRANCE 1940 at first had issues but I made a new solution this morning with the mds file renaming. Now the French soldiers DO HAVE GEAR. THERE WILL BE BOTH A CMFI FRANCE 1940 AND A CMRT FRANCE 1940. Both are needed due to BFC neglecting my personal needs. sniffle sniffle
  4. LESSON LEARNED. My buddy, my CM PBEM opponent, my VASL opponent and tutor, he had my old CMRT Italian CSIR mod and it was causing a conflict for THIS mod. I am only human. I guess I had a few non-modtagged stuff in that other mod. ooops. OK, why are we in CMRT for this test scenario? You 3 or 4 people actually out there might ask that. Well, for this scenario I needed a freaking anti-tank rifle so I had to use CMRT. BFC has no sympathy for my woes. A SNEAK PEEK AT PART 2
  5. "Mort por la honour d' France" (I think that is the inscription on French war graves) Sergeant Falaise fires a flare (simulated due to BFC not coding flares or starshells) to alert the reserve company of 72 soldiers (rifles only!) with a few officers. Another LMG. ONLY TWO DAMN SMG's sneak in. Gotta do what I gotta do. The reserve company must get here on foot so it will be at least 5 minutes. But they also have 2 Pan-Pans. Panhard scout cars. 20mm autocannon and a co-ax MG. The beautiful flowers of bel France. @Lucky_Strike thank you! Here are "le bad guys"... MON PARDON! It is LT Falaise! He only has a pistol and his men look ready to do the marathon back to Paris? MERDE!!! They have routed! Here comes the judge! errr...I mean...the boche. He is alone now at the bridge... VIVA LA FRANCE!!! a bullet has ended his life... THE END OF PART 1
  6. This bridge (pont?) is guarded by the 69th Battalion d 'Marche. Sergeant Falaise with his pistol - has just a squad with rifles and 1 LMG. @Falaise French troops guard a bridge over the Seine...
  7. I have a similar towel and will also toss it in but later on this year. Best wishes sir. Enjoy the mini painting.
  8. Tonight I will playtest the first scenario using the basic mod components! Original scenario design by ASL scenario designer Ralph McDonald as published by MMP - Out of the Bunker. (Feldwebel Rudolf Brasche scenario series #1) It is currently just H2H with no AI plans. I am not keen to make any AI plans anymore. Homyly, France. June 11, 1940. As the drive through France continued, the crossing of the Seine River was a major objective to accomplish. Four squads of the Pionier Detachment of the 93rd Motorized Infantry Regiment's II Battalion were ordered to take the bridge over the Seine River at Homyly. They were driven to and through the village under enemy fire, disembarking next to the woods leading up to the bridge. They quickly moved through the woods and came upon the bridge where they spied four French soldiers standing guard at the beginning of the span. In a bold maneuver the 1st, 2nd and 3rd squads rushed the guard detachment, hoping to overwhelm them and grab control of the bridge before it was blown up underneath them.
  9. https://www.getpaint.net/download.html paint.NET is free and fairly easy for what you want to do and I can help you learn it.
  10. Try to finish your French truck?...to carry the vin et baguettes
  11. OK, the leather texture is soon to come but I have found the seed that will eventually be the "Falaise Memorial Cartridge Belt"... I am a Blender hacker amateur pinball machine tilter. But I keep trying. I did try my own custom 3D shape and it had an error so I tried my other trick which is to successfully open a BFC mdr and THEN sneak in what I want and export it usually successfully. That still was giving me errors. So, I resorted to going "mdr shopping" for an exisiting gear that seemed about what I needed. It came from the "british_breadbag" so I called it for now the "frenchy_breadbag". This is only because I try to stay with same number of letters. british is 7 letters and so is frenchy. I have made the leather texture from Falaise's photos but now must rework it. Here it is before...not perfect but I was gonna try to use it as version 1. Notice this below official mdr for the original british_breadbag is kinda lower quality with those gaps showing when rendered. Maybe somebody's kid did it. The center heart is where I tried to dial the dimensions to be what Falaise told me. Blender kinda rounds it slightly different versus what I entered.
  12. A Blender mod Panhard AMD35. Gotta do what I gotta do!
  13. I got to remember this stuff and try to add to it.
  14. No CM for you! You better hit those E.E. books. E=IR, P=VI
  15. EDIT: Oh crap, this is THE Paper Tiger. I just embarrassed myself by giving cooking tips to a chef. My pardon! Because of this very hassle with numbers versus little images, one thing I usually do as a habit is to lay down all the options for a particular flavor object on my map in the pattern of the offered options some place convenient. Like the telephone poles 1 2 3 or 1 2 3 4 etc. Then I can see I want number 3 for this map, I can clone the one I want, adjust delete etc.
  16. @Falaise I made you a normal map for your new coat. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yx974rsjosqzloq/76mj_normal map.bmp?dl=0
  17. Tres tres tres bien. Can you please send rough dimensions in metric? No hurry. I will do my very best!
  18. Yes. But I need some good photos of the pouch. Close up front. Top. Side. I didn't have yet so as temporary I used the Soviet pouch
  19. I have this now using Blender mod of the American ammo belt's position mixed with the art of the Soviet rifle pouch. I will find a metal rivet to add to the art and maybe move both up a little in Blender to conceal the gap between the straps and the belt...
  20. Bataillon de Marche 132 and a detachment of the 132e Régiment Régional
  21. @Falaise Bonjour mon ami, Do you have any advice on what type CM troops (editor settings) would best represent these units that I read were St Pourcain 1940... Bataillon de Marche 132 and a detachment of the 132e Régiment Régional Merci, Phil
  22. I want to test if this works in the forum to post a googlemaps streetview link... edit: well, it opens after you click it. So, not bad I guess. This is (part of) the road of the LSSAH's progress into France in May 1940. https://www.google.com/maps/@46.3199175,3.3554676,3a,75y,271.55h,71.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAin39fUyWtf33CCsIB08zw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
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