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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Looks like a cool kid next to that awesome dune buggy you got him. Nice garage! Is that your wife's car in the background?
  2. @SLIM I have several 2v2 multiplayer PBEMs running. In your opinion or from seeing how other games "support" it, what would you imagine we would see CM do differently for 2v2? I am curious.
  3. Hi Jozef, I hope all is well in Malta with your family. No more AI plans writing for me! The future of user made scenarios for me is a dead-end alleyway! I have much better enjoyed racking up the table to watch 2 or more humans play out a battle. Writing up a CMPzC operation for humans against humans has been a blast. If only by myself or often with some other great guys contributing...I got all the best parts of writing a scenario, the map creation, picking the units, other little wrinkles in the story as for reinforcements arriving. But I get to totally skip the big ugly AI plan worry! But that AI plan stuff was always the headache for me and in its current state, it is so limited on what the AI can do in a battle. Then for a human to want to fight a battle against the AI is seeming more and more like playing chess only against kindergarten-aged children. Maybe in ten years the CM AI will have dynamic branching or phased/event-triggered reinforcements or other AI tactical enhancements to make it a better foe but then I am sure the writing of AI plans will also become a more daunting task. Now you can't currently copy and paste AI plans across from one scenario to another. It all has to go back in again manually. So, if you had a kick-butt script, you must suffer the pain of entering it all in again for a new map and scenario. Canned AI scripts saved with names would be awesome. Like plays in football. "Red 33" is where the AI pulls a left hook as the human player comes in toward the village. We could have scaled plays. "Platoon Red 33" is a smaller version of "Company Red 33" and "Battalion Red 33". All left hooks but with more and more forces. Oh well. Bottomline. No more old style AI plan scenarios on my horizon. Now I toss and turn over throwing in the towel on my last few CMPzC projects (Malta and Hosingen). I reluctantly must! Due to real life demands with my son and my job. Give me maybe 3 years and I can come back to see if it is here waiting, just covered in dust. But I would much rather see some new faces and names step up and rack up some operations.
  4. Get a buddy, each of you make me a nice paypal donation and I know I can make it happen. Budda bing Budda bang!
  5. I like to throw some wild cards in these battles! I did indeed have an "umpire touch objective" set up that if you had pushed into the village to point X by a certain time T, it would have "triggered a tank panic" of the low morale kriegsmarine defenders who did not yet have any substantial forces on map nor their esteemed leader! You would have won the hex and ended the battle early. Which I thought was a fairly realistic situation to try and lay in the scenario.
  6. Good news: folkie will soon upload his Hosingen map for general usage. Bad news: I no longer have the time to organize a CMPzC Operation for this. (RL issues are pulling me away.) Someone else is welcome to step up to do it...!
  7. Good news: folkie is wrapping up the Malta master map for upload. I have just decided not to run any CMPzC Operation for Malta. BUT if anyone else wants to step up to organize some type of a H2H operation for PBEM play, all the stuff I had been working on will also be uploaded. I am sure mjkerner would also eventually upload any special mods he has finished. This has potential to really be a great one!
  8. Rhetorical discussion: Maybe there was nobody there for the first 10 minutes and they DID just show up? Was an opportunity missed due to excessive caution? But you haven't lost a single man and things are going well so far.... I now recall I had written up some backstory for that first battle for the Dommel River bridge and it pulled from historical fact that the tanks did indeed just drive forward and on up that first road. Not so much of a slow paced approach. Granted in a short while NINE were flaming wrecks... Would Ian's cautious and methodical approach have served them better? Or were the Guards units sort of like the Waffen-SS or Marine Corps and their cavalry tradition demanded some mandatory display of boldness? I honestly wonder...
  9. The allies decided to attack from an open hex into a forest hex. It seems reasonable to me as umpire that the defender would take positions to see out into the clear areas and be able to target approaching enemy units.
  10. If the axis attacked out of the woods it would be the same basic set up. But all of the open hex and the axis suz in a small woods area.
  11. The cm master map has no hexes so any attempt to correlate using a hex overlay will mislead you.
  12. To clarify. The defensive fire at PzC op level is NOT a representation of passing through the border between the hexes. It will occur even if you did not assault. The method to cut out the PBEM CM battle map and establish set up zones is done by me and in the rules I warn that the battle can start in LOS. I purchased one burning T-34/76 to be the tank lost by PzC ADF and put it out there as a subtle warning! Did any artillery land before the T-34's charged in? Maybe cancel the assault and reverse and exit off to await forces that could come at the axis simultaneously from another direction?
  13. I am on vacation and away from CM. Maybe post some story telling screenshots of the overall situation... Looks like well positioned defenders are taking a toll.
  14. Try this.... Set it to excellent and purchase a grenadier battalion and then rename this as "excellent battalion". Now set to poor and buy another grenadier battalion. Rename it poor battalion. You can probably delete out most companies. Then deploy axis and make an analysis/comparison between levels of mg34 etc
  15. 1010. Ok. R1 should show soon! 57's and maybe more Shermans....
  16. It is 1011? Clock in the upper right started at 1000. All my T= 20 for example add to that. See my posts from 27 June in this thread.
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