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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Here is the hex code guide. Are you sure you mean allies in hex 2,6 are your worry. Please confirm.
  2. Good idea. To catch up to where we are. The post #110 axis assault never happened because the allies, battered hard by their probe/assault, slipped out of hex 2,6 under cover of a smoke screen. Now we are in Turn 3A and the allies have launched an assault into the weak flank at hex 1,6. IanL takes over from here! See his AAR thread, link in his post #111.
  3. Note: Migojo Battle has no SU's. 16xT-34/85 and the Infantry Battalion. Infantry Battalion has 2 platoons of mortars.(6x82mm) This is the 27th Guards Tank Brigade, (the heroes of the battle of Konkordsikova!) and Morale was redesignated as B. Motivation is normal with a few highs. Maybe 1 low (the shirker!). There are many veterans, mostly regulars and only 1 green crew among the tankers.
  4. OK! All dropbox invites out and first files are in the hands of the defenders for set up. Passwords sent by PM. I want some screenshots!
  5. OK! All dropbox invites out and first files are in the hands of the defenders for set up. Passwords sent by PM. I want some screenshots!
  6. The T1 MIGOJO BATTLE 002.ema is in the dropbox for axis player to open and start his defensive setup. When he is completed, allied player may open 003 and start his assault. Good luck! Password will be provided by PM. REMEMBER THE MAX DIAMETER RULES FOR ARTILLERY!
  7. No news is good news so I will finish up the Migojo battle and get it in the dropbox. I pre-enter the passwords and let the defender take it first.
  8. Migojo Battle for examination, no units. https://www.dropbox.com/s/byl7fbt7jf78qdk/T1%20MIGOJO%20BATTLE.btt?dl=0
  9. Migojo Battle for examination, no units. https://www.dropbox.com/s/byl7fbt7jf78qdk/T1%20MIGOJO%20BATTLE.btt?dl=0
  10. Hi Mark, It just started but so far, yes it seems so, because mirek has the 46 Fusiliers for 2 battles in a row.
  11. The CMPzC rules for defenders retreating off the field are evolving. To encourage CM battle resolution and discourage a kind of run away and hide approach with these op layer battles, there have been blanket % loss penalties to the defender who chooses to go out the back door. I can do this as part of an evolving rules and gameplay: Your axis set up zones will have 3 colors and will be established as for defense of the Migojo hex. Trucks will not be near the heavy weapons at start but will arrive as an R group in the rear sometime during the battle. 1 StuG shifted from the forest hex will arrive in the rear of Migojo as a reinforcement sometime during the battle. I will track your battle as observing umpire. Whatever happens I will evaluate and make a call on impact for turn 1b. Think: Disruption, disorganization, delays and losses. I recommend to keep in touch with Hauptmann Mirek and monitor his radio frequency.
  12. Can we discuss and kick around your current plan for 46Fus.Bn. retrograde out of Migojo and to go into the forest hex? Are you telling him to exit the map during this CM battle or you will move him at 0700 during your turn 1b axis movements?
  13. Fresh air and sunshine: Serk is in the forest with the StuGs and Volksdeutsche Kompanie. He will fight Snols. Quaint shops and pretty girls: mirek once again has the Fusiliers in Migojo. He will fight Pallebahtep.
  14. For my old eyeballs, I also agree. Just a small hex to fit a small unit counter. When we host a screenshot as we create the latest status during operational moves, it is somewhat zoomable. Like clicking the op map up at post #10. It gets bigger, right? Can I get an "amen brother" on that? Actually, I tried myself and it has a magnifying glass symbol but does NOT seem to get much better. I wonder what the trick is for this project? Upload a large scale HD image and then it WILL have zoom capability? Anybody got some tips on this issue? Thanks in advance.
  15. I have created 2 dropbox folders. 1 for each battle and invites are going out to the players. I have some slight tweaks to do to the forest battle but it should be ready to start tonight after the opponents have reviewed it. Migojo battle is in production and will be done tonight.
  16. Thanks Doug. Now my old eyes can see it 100%. I have created 2 dropbox folders. 1 for each battle and invites are going out to the players. I have some slight tweaks to do to the forest battle but it should be ready to start tonight after the opponents have reviewed it. Migojo battle is in production and will be done tonight.
  17. Hi Doug, I am divorced! ************************************** This again is just some test case work to develop the idea.
  18. We are just making some fictional unit numbers while we await anyone to step up with actual real unit information, some OOB and TOE we can use for historical accuracy. Not too many books about this battle yet! I went with a letterbox shape based on working with Panzer Campaigns but now I see my knee jerk reaction was wrong. The unit counters IN the hexes should be square while more information off to the side as you select a hex CAN be in letterbox shape. Easy fix. We need artists to continue the unit counter work for both sides. paint.NET or photoshop type chores.
  19. No. I am still working it. Taking a bit longer than I thought. I will post a link today after work.
  20. I am away on a roadtrip vacation 7/19-8/3 but when I get back we can get organized and see who wants to be on the development team. Right now I am working with exsonic01 on the Op Map concept. He is a very quick learner and has good ideas. We are examining the + and - to hex size for the Op Level movements and how this impacts set up zone on a CM battle map. We have made some dummy unit counters for now. UKR and SEP units to move around on the op map. This test version shows 500m hexes. We get granularity for the placement of units on a large CM battlemap when we go to tactical resolution. Note: I do not own or plan to purchase CMBS but am here to assist this get up on its own hind legs and provide advice and guidance as/if needed.
  21. Doug, on your post #104 above, please change the color on the various AA and PL text. It is hard to read on the 3D map.
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