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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @MikeyD Sir, if possible please tell us that the milestones are no longer a random shuffle! If we design a scenario to be Bastogne and plop in a Bastogne sign flavor object, we want it to stay as Bastogne and not randomly shuffle town names each time the game loads.
  2. [nawthern new joisey] [pinelands] [down at the shore]
  3. The pilots are almost ready to take off.... Stand your ground comrades!
  4. We have had quite a few Bulge threads and many end up locked up by the fuzz....so everybody chill! I think/hope/pray that winter garments 3D skeleton mdr files and BMP art images are getting the man-hours budgeted and allocated as it can/will splinter off to all the game families ONCE WRITTEN and the labor cost recouped or whatever the best word is.... The Bulge and the next CMRT module for winter 44/45 on Ost Front can then have those same gloves, mittens, hoods, etc.
  5. ...and then the roof images and many flavor objects have a [snow] tagged version that is activated by your choice of ground condition. The date is not a factor as below for CMFI GL you have the summer July 43 Operation Husky and due to global warming in an alternate universe the invasion was conducted in snow!
  6. I predict you will see the usual tag system in the data folders. building 001 [germany] building 001 [belgium] building 001 [new jersey]
  7. Here is the PBEM foot soldier's manual. CMPzC Battle Booklet (The PBEM Foot Soldier’s Guide) CMPzC is an operational combination of Battlefront’s Combat Mission (CM) and John Tiller’s Panzer Campaigns (PzC). Here is a link to download the Panzer Campaigns demo if you are curious and want to see what it is like. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Demos.php 1. In CMPzC you get to fight some CM H2H battles as part of a greater context. Your victory or defeat down at the platoon or company level will impact the greater overall mission up at the brigade or division level. Additionally, your unit’s casualties in one battle can leave you in a tough spot for later battles. The operation is created by the Game Manager from a PzC game scenario. Nothing is ever perfect and compromises must be accepted in certain areas to allow the Operation to press forward. Thanks for joining us and we hope you enjoy it. 2. The Operation starts with a PzC turn with certain phases (movement, offensive fire and defensive fire) and if any assaults are declared then there will be 1 or more CM PBEM battles. Your chance to shine! As background, PzC hexes are 1kmx1km and a PzC turn is 2 hours. 1 hour for each side! The in house policy is to restrict the Operation to a max PzC turns of say 3, 5 or 6, but always 10 or less. So, think of it as a day of operational battle. The overall PzC Map is likewise restricted to a nominal 10kmx10km area. PzC units are typically company size units for infantry, troop/platoon size for tanks. I try to have no more than 10 units per side including artillery and HQ’s. All these limits are to keep things manageable and provide the best chance that we will see it through to the end. 3. Rules: Here is the basic set of rules first created by noob… https://sites.google...operations/home 4. As a PBEM foot soldier, you will be assigned a unit for a battle. Your team will get a chance to download the map beforehand with no enemy units on it. Just the proposed battle map with your own unit in their set-up zone (SUZ). Study it carefully. If you see any issues, bring them up immediately, BEFORE the PBEM starts. Don’t waste your time with set up yet. You must wait for the actual PBEM battle turn to commence your deployment. 5. Battle Start LOS: Be warned that some of these PBEMs CAN start off with units in LOS of each other. Take cover as needed or as best you can right from the start. 6. Exit Zones: Most often you will have an exit zone strip of Action Square (AS) tiles along some edge of your map. Stay away from them unless it is time for a designated retreat or withdrawal ordered or permitted by your CO. 7. Battle Objectives: Hit Alt-J to see what objectives are designated. Ask your CO for any clarification on your goals for the battle beyond normal SOP of protecting your own forces and destroying the enemy. 8. Artillery and mortars: Please follow the rules for our policy of restricting artillery and mortars from overtaking the game. Defender cannot preplan any fire. Both sides have a max diameter for area fire per “tube”. 20m for EACH mortar and 35m for EACH “tube” of regular artillery. Plus up to 10% wiggle room since it can be hard to exactly adjust it with your mouse. The exact diameter you have requested can be double-checked in the artillery mission dialog box under the spotter for the mission. Example: 2 mortars would be an area target of 2x20=40x1.1= 44m max diameter. 4 x105mm artillery guns = 4x35=140x1.1 =154m max diameter. Got it? 9. PBEM turn rate: Well, we don’t expect you to play 5 turns a day but also if you will be gone for several days due to RL, please let someone know. Perhaps if the absence is significant then we should assign a substitute to assume control of the battle. Or perhaps we can wait for your return but at least raise the issue so we can figure it out together. Thanks. 10.Fog of War (FOW): Please maintain FOW and have a fair battle so don’t go looking in the other side’s thread or browse around where you shouldn’t. 11. AAR’s: It is not required but it is greatly appreciated to do an AAR in the BFC forums with screenshots and some cool commentary.
  8. Hi, Tutorial: AFAIK The answer is nein/nyet/no/ie. The best I ever saw on a BFC forum was a nice post by Vein that described how to do something or other... Normal maps just give the 3D "pop" to the folds and medals and texture. PM me if you want and I will give you some Italian tropical uniform bmp's I started doing for a semi-abandoned Malta Mod Project Something like in this old screenshot...
  9. Mark, Remember though...these things take about a year so it will most likely pass on from winter 15/16 to spring, summer, fall and back again to winter of 16/17. When is CM Bulge due out? Ohhhh magic 8 ball...tell us the answer!
  10. Hey J. Note: The Bulge is a separate family not a module to CMBN. EDIT: Unless I misunderstood your post. No coffee yet...yawwwwn..
  11. Just get those 2 baby mortars up there and firing and watch his entire force turn and run!
  12. Page 235 in "Ortona" says that the real RCR got down to such a folding in! Note: I will have some 25% of the wounded soldiers return from medical treatment in the following turn(s). I will tell you how many you get back from each nominal Coy and you can allocate them back to the Coys as you see fit. I am looking in "Ortona" for any note about replacements. Don't see any mention yet!
  13. I can do either way. It is up to Nathan and where he decides to go with what units. There are pluses and minuses to the 2 methods. A. Multiple players on one huge map. Takes a bit to get used to the saving the of file name. Requires coordination. But it is kind of cool to see it all mesh. It is more dynamic. It decreases the effect of the map edge being the end of the world. Takes some thought to make it all click. or B. The usual one player vs one player on a map. Easier to ping pong the files back and forth. Some compartmentalized portion of the overall operation can be fought out cleanly. But you have the map edge and it is less realistic to have no effect from some enemy unit that is SUPPOSED to be right over there. Easier to write!
  14. No, the battle is not over yet. About halfway through. But it takes time to set up the next so I try and see where you guys want to go with your operational plans and the PBEM type. A. Multiple players on one huge map. or B. The usual one player vs one player on a map.
  15. Working the next map. 4km wide by 3km tall... Cider Crossroads, the Gulley, Casa Berardi, Sterlin Castle, roads leading to the north edge of San Leonardo.
  16. I just popped a hot fresh home-made PBEM out of the oven...over at the CMPzC Nyakleves Operation. It is a blast to do since it is so much less work versus a scenario with briefings and AI plans.
  17. OK, the allied commander has the battle file 002 to do his defensive set-up. Your turn file will be 003 when he is done. Same password as before. PM me if you forgot it. On map at start. You in your King Tiger, 2 panthers with a platoon of troops, FO's and some kubelwagens. Reinforcements: R1 thru R6 every 5 minutes until your entire force is on map. Special present for volunteering to be axis CO: A Wirbelwind at T=20. Hint: You might need it! Exit zones to send away your empty trucks and save them from being destroyed, Good luck to you soldier! AAR is not mandatory but we sure would love to see some simple screenshots and brief description of your plan of attack or whatever. EDIT: Some burning vehicles on map at start represent carnage from the previous battle in this area.
  18. @Snols OK, the file 002 is in the dropbox for you to do a set-up. Good luck soldier! Same password as before. PM me if you forgot... Reinforcements Schedule (As your point units return to the area to engage the enemy....) R1: Sturmovik, T=20-40 R2: Sturmovik, T=30-50 R3: SU's with troops on their backs. T=5 R4: SU's with troops on their backs. T=10 R5: SU's with troops on their backs. T=15 R6: SU's with troops on their backs. T=20 R7: SU's with troops on their backs. T=25 You have 2 exit zones to get rid of trucks and save them from being destroyed. Some burning vehicles on map at start represent carnage from the previous battle in this area. EDIT: AAR is not mandatory but we sure would love to see some simple screenshots and brief description of your plan of attack or whatever.
  19. Thanks Mark. But I guess we need CM Bulge to get its fat a$$ out the kitchen door first! Also I would need to then see what master maps it ships with (thanks in advance @benpark !)...
  20. CMPzC CO Training Session 4: The Operational Level Map This is an earlier version of the Op Map for CMPzC "The Road to Eindhoven" as eventually I tweaked some Victory Locations and points. It is 6 hexes wide by 13 hexes tall. 6x13=78 so within the 10x10 ceiling. Which, again, we can go above easily IF WE HAVE THE CO's! For example, Odin over at FGM has his fingers itching to do a big baztard of a CMBN Goodwood map using PzC Normandy 44.... And the hex numbering system uses the TOP LEFT HEX AS (0,0) and then as like for Algebra (x,y) x is the left-right column number and y is your up-down row number. Like as notated on a few hexes below. Got it? Oh, and the below map shows the new VL's we settled with. The PzC editor is fun and easy. The below map from PzC Market-Garden 44 could be used for even a CMRT Operation on the eastern front. But I do have PzC Budapest so it is not necessary. Remember each hex is 1km x 1km. Each hex has characteristics that cause a cost in movement from where you start to where you finish and what type unit in what movement mode. Here are some examples from the CMPzC Nyakleves Operation. EDIT: Also up above you can see that PzC has a couple different viewing modes for the Op Map. 3D and 2D. I have the Eindhoven Op using the 3D mode but the Ortona and Nyakleves Ops are using the 2D mode. Mostly. Sometimes the 3D mode is misleading on where a village is. You see the little houses but which hex is the village in?
  21. I am working on these CMPzC CO Training Sessions so perhaps folks will see it is not really so much work. The CO doesn't have to make any battles, he doesn't have to hunt down people and remind them or really do any significant chores. Main CO duties: Have the leadership using your brain and intellect and creativity of developing the operational plan and reacting to subsequent events and ability to make a command decision of where and when who will attack. The CO can summarize his orders in a very short PM to me. Unit X will proceed to hex (2,3) via (1,1) and (2,2). Once at (2,3) it will assault into hex (2,4). Unit Y will provide fire support. IF the CO wanted to do any graphics, that is nice. But I can do all that stuff. THE CO DOES NOT NEED TO DO ANY GRAPHICS. So, to answer your question. Perhaps a CO can use a PM thread for his side to bounce ideas and if you step up to be a good sounding board for ideas, then perhaps you are acting as an XO. But I don't really have an XO role. If the CO had to go away for months and you became the CO in his place then I guess you indeed WERE the XO all along!
  22. Hi Cap! Well, to tell you the truth, I don't own CMBS so I am not sure what would work best!
  23. CMPzC CO Training Session 3: How does a CO come up with an operational plan so his side can win? PzC has a very nice scenario editor and OOB editor so I can create an operational situation on the selected map. You have your usual things in the scenario. Some victory point hexes or victory locations. 5, 10, 15, 50, 100 points. Maybe just a few for the smaller scenarios we play. You also have some supply source hexes so that supply can enter to be an issue. We play on the shorter side but it can still raise its head "Low on Ammo", "Out of Supply" can impact operational mobility and then carryover to the CM battlefield. Having 105's but only a few shells is not fun. But realistic! And of course...destroy the enemy. I will issue you an Org Chart and the Op Map with the above features (VL's and Supply sources). So, at this point in some ways it is like your rectangular CM battlefield. You look at it and see what you have and where you need to go or what to defend and create a plan and successively reevaluate and roll with the punches. CM clock might say 30 minutes..well the Op Map says 6 or 7 turns so that is 2x6=12 or 2x7=14 hours. etc. There is a demo for PzC you can download to fart around with. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Demos.php At least you can develop some understanding of movement at the operational level. That is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. Get that down and you will feel more comfortable in our CMPzC arena.
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