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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @Baneman Did you want to take the reins as the Allied Commander for a turn and give orders that kill hundreds of men?
  2. Some of the troops swear they can hear some kind of opera music....!
  3. You see some flares arc across the sky to the north. The revving of engines can be heard...
  4. Greg, if not already done, open that save file you made and load it and then hit the red button, when asked for file name, the outgoing file should be Cider 005 Hit OK and the game and CMH/H2HH will process the run on to the dropbox folder for the axis.
  5. OK, that is clarified and we are rolling the cameras. Action!
  6. Chappy, I forget. This will just be single player for a while, correct? Greg sent a save file as in the previous multiple allied player process. He should just send the turn back to axis as normal single against single, right? "Normal mode"
  7. It appears to be a Luftwaffe Mechanized Infantry soldier over a US airborne trooper?
  8. @snake_eye Cider 004 is there for you to download and enter usual password and do your fine tuning of the squad positions. Good luck soldier! Some additional orders are provided:
  9. Excellent! I have made or will make a few small final tweaks to what you have already seen. A new file will come to the dropbox today and the battle commences.
  10. I have returned from the divisional field hospital for light duty. Ortona status: We await from Greg if his internet is back up and if he can start playing these big mama files!
  11. Your force has successfully taken that map hex and the new OOB is pasted below.
  12. No problem, you have 1 other small Panther platoon (4 tanks) on the map. Still 2 small platoons of PzIV's left (4 in one and 7 in another).
  13. Kate and Heidi full body massage! Unfortunately, I have to watch things which get the heart rate elevated....
  14. mirek's battle is over. Standby for some analysis and new axis OOB and headcounts. Then...on to the allied op level moves and assaults.
  15. I will evaluate the battle losses and provide feedback to the Allied OOB and headcounts. @SLIM Do you want to specify some operational level orders?
  16. My sincerest thank you to all the well wishes. It made me feel very happy to see so many folks that care. I am back home just now and on light duty for about a month or so. I thought I just had some type of stress issue or indigestion but the ER has a blood test that shows immediately it is the heart muscle screaming for help. They tried to do the stint but it was a failure and we had to go open heart and they rerouted the flow of another artery (mammary artery) to my troubled region. Anyway, the docs said my heart looks perfect other than that one bad spot they fixed so I should make it another 50,000 miles! Thanks again and my sincere appreciation to the support from all of you.
  17. A PzIII shooting up a T-70. Needs a better coat of grey paint, some turret numbers and LSSAH shields!
  18. Pz III. Not Pz111. Like this guy shooting up a T-70 but with a better coat of grey paint and some turret numbers and LSSAH shields.
  19. Damaged Optics! Ooooh, that is expensive to repair. Never covered by the warranty. I know this guy in the city...take the tank there and say you know me. But keep quiet.
  20. What will they call this family? Combat Mission: Final Countdown?
  21. My thought today is to offer a Russian Doll type nested download of the mod files. Strictly to keep the downloads small so folks can try it and decide if they want to continue onward with the download. Right now I have a folder of about 500MB so I just have to make subfolders and divvy it up. Tier 1 would be basic outdoor environment. A jpeg and readme would try to guide you to what map elements are covered. Tier 2 would add more outdoor environment and some simple buildings. A jpeg and readme would try to guide you to what map elements are covered. Tier 3 would capture more outdoor stuff, as many trees as end up looking winterized. More buildings. A jpeg & readme would try to guide you to what map elements are covered. Tier 4 will be special stuff I actually create fresh. All previous stuff is just copy and paste from stock CMFI GL and other previous mods.... Tier 5 I would hope is stuff people start to make if this flaps its wings and takes off. WInter Camo Vehicles and uniforms.... Edit: Which would be something they'd upload to the CMMODS/repository outside of this project. And umlaut already has a significant set of axis frosty vehicles. And frosty greatcoats/helmets as well.... That is my strategy right now...
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