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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @17pounder I apologize for slight hijacking of your thread. I will create a new thread for a CMRT Charkow '43 Mod project. Best wishes and so long!
  2. ..and for proper credit...that map is Seinfeld Rules' "Amongst the Ruins" which I think makes for a nice Kharkov test bed....
  3. I have had help from some really nice people here at the forum to try and make something. I wasn't always successful I will admit. But I have many to thank for the projects that did make it out to daylight. Aris, umlaut, juju, benparks, Vein, Folkie, Waclaw, Sequoia, mjkerner, noob, ugggh I forget so many other names... The point is that CMRT Kharkov 43 could be a reality. If the next CMRT module is not winter equipped... I say we do it.
  4. Nope. We're all wrong. It is the Schwimmwagen hull 3D model. The contour of those German bodies needs close attention to detail.... (amazingly enough, image deleted)
  5. I am referring to a scenario that did not have one of those special new bridges. Just a regular plain old bridge that ended up not crossable to panzers, But I guess we will see it when we see it. Maybe they still haven't thought of a name for the game and are hoping a good turkey dinner will fire up the brain cells.
  6. I don't think that is the case. It is like MikeyD said, game engine is solid. They are writing the scenarios and campaigns to be top grade. Playtests take a while and then rewrites to tweak and all that. And more or less not playtesting a scenario all the way to the final screen or whatever has resulted in unexpected uncrossable bridges in MG. Master maps have to be perfect. All this takes time even with a perfect engine. Artwork held up CMBS I think I recall. They seem to playtest with ugly stand-ins and then the final copy shows up at 2359 in a FEDEX envelope. But I don't know for sure, I never have been asked to be a beta tester.
  7. Take your time gentlemen. I want my socks knocked off.
  8. @LUCASWILLEN05 If you want to become the project team leader of a Kharkov mod, I can serve as an advisor. It is doable. Greatcoats, gloves, helmets with SS runes, Soviet quilted effect on their uniforms, snow on the ground, snow on the roof of some buildings, get some vehicles modded to grey paint scheme or whatever needed, also with 1st SS insignia (the key in the shield). that "Adolf Hitler Platz" road sign... You would be a true hero among the forum. ...especially if the next CMRT module doesn't deliver snow!
  9. Well sonar, it starts with you I say! Bust out a scenario. Start very, very small, use the guide from JonS. Have fun.
  10. Keep checking your FO's. The aircraft icon will become visible and when clicked should say "enroute" and show the aircraft type. Also, you should get that radio squelch sound effect and across the top of your screen it will say either "Tiffy 1 has arrived" or "Tiffy 2 has arrived".
  11. Subway is a popular US shop that makes sandwiches. The joke was that maybe a BFC programmer left his lunch wrapper in the folders. Because indeed they seem to have some small amount of trash and unintended contents. I think CMBN folders have this odd unfinished greatcoat bmp image and a few other such instances like you noticed. Just a few over the thousands that are properly placed.
  12. The 29th or so? We can wait for you Greg! I had a horrible internet issue that took months to resolve. Good luck with that. Put on your "angry customer" mask....
  13. I found a subway wrapper in one of the data folders...
  14. You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,Know when to walk away, know when to run. You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table, There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done. The point is that if you can't wait til 2022 or later, then take things into your own hands and create a Kharkov '43 mod now. Me and a few buddies made a CMFI GL Bulge 44 mod a year or more back and I am glad I did. Perfect? No. But it is still being used now and ain't too shabby. And we still don't have the actual Bulge game yet.
  15. CMRT date range ends at 30 Sep but in my CMPzC Nyakleves Operation we fudge that to pretend it is mid-October to portray the Panzer Battles on the Hungarian plains. 23rd Panzer Division and sPzAbt 503 against the 23rd Army Soviet hordes...
  16. My opinion: early '43 will be in Ost Front family #3 probably module 1 or 2. Think of 2022 or 2023 or 2024. Like a couple US presidential terms from now +/-. On a more positive note, somebody in that other thread did also express a desire to see Kharkov early '43 and I said my heart felt opinion. Basically, simulate now with what we have and press forward to enjoy it if you can do any modding or whatnot.
  17. Exit Detmers back to the dealership right away so that repair is still under warranty!
  18. From a previous post of mine from March 2015 on this development schedule topic.
  19. There is a thread(s) around here somewhere that explains the BFC approach. Cliff Notes version... For Ost Front: Each roughly summer to the next spring timeframe is a family with its own modules. Once complete they go back a year and do a new entirely separate family. So, now summer 44 so next will be CMRT "part 2" which will recoup any new winter goodies from the Bulge project and get us through the 44/45 winter and maybe out to Spring '45 and Berlin? But possibly there will be a CMRT Part 3 to get us all the way to the end of the war on the Ost front. I don't know. THEN in the future they hatch Ost Front Family #2 and it starts in summer '43 with Zitadelle, another module to link it through winter 43/44 and on to pre-Bagration. Get it? Sort of like this movie! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Curious_Case_of_Benjamin_Button_(film) Welcome to the fun!
  20. mjkerner would most likely await a post VE-Day US-UK-Germany against Stalin's Soviet hordes type of CMPzC operation!
  21. Isn't this ironic? Here in this CMPzC Ortona Operation we have an actual Irishman with Kuderian commanding Canadian CM pixel troops. Then over in the CMPzC Eindoven Operation we have an actual Canadian with Chappy commanding Irish Guards CM pixel troops. But of course we have also had real Canadians commanding Canadian pixel troops and the real Irishman commanding the Irish Guards pixel troops. Ol' mjkerner fighting as the axis in both operations is thoroughly confused!
  22. Schwimmwagens! BFC will have the art done for that stupid 155mm SP gun which I will never purchase or use in a game but NOT do the love of my ever lovin' life...the floating freaking convertible!
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