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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Hehe, on another aspect, photographs and markings for Panzer IIs in Normandy are so hard to find,...I can find dozens for Panzer IIs in Poland 39, France 40, Russia 41, Lybia 42,..and not a decent one for Normandy 44,...I guess they were so outdated but that time they didn't even photograph them
  2. I mean that Lynx bitmaps have a very bright saturated range of colors, different to the colors used in any other CMBN vehicle (except the Wespe and the King Tiger I think,...).
  3. June 6th, a day that will live in infamy,...because BFC didn't announce..anything.
  4. Well, there are secrets a modder always likes to keep for himself...
  5. Dramatic changes in Photoshop,...(sweating here, 36 degrees celsius in Spain)
  6. Ok, Lynxs definitely in the works,...A different mod to work with as stock BMP are way different to what I have been working with...man, you never stop learning in this life...
  7. Ok, The MAN has spoken Churchill V next. (I may release a Lynx version 1.0 first anyway) Man, after a second...you seem to read my mind, that's what I had in mind!
  8. I think I'll release both the Panzer II and the KT someday soon... Just keep it secret...
  9. There is a "no Explosions in the Background" Sound Mod that may suit your needs: No Explosions in Background
  10. This was fun, ...I was modding the Panzer Lynx just for personal use ( as I expect devs to have it patched someday in the near future...), when I loaded the game after modifying the hull (turret and wheels untouched), you know, hues, saturations, brightness, dirt, weathering of all kinds, removing noise from the bitmap, and blabla bla, and couldn't avoid a grin in my face...After so many complaints about the textures in CW module, that an amateur modder can achieve this is a compliment to CMBN 3D and 2D modellers.
  11. Only Churchill V is missing from the "unmodded in Cw Module" list, enjoy them.
  12. Hehe, I know I know,...Well, any candidates for the future mod?
  13. "Left to do" list in the CW module: Churchill V CS Humber III Sherman I Sherman III Sherman V Firefly Ic Stuart VI Sexton II Once again, it's getting closer...
  14. Uploaded to the Repository and CMMODs.
  15. I used a Dieppe marking just because it looked good ingame, all others are 31st Tank Brigade, 6th Guards Tank Brigade and 34th Tank Brigade Churchill VII markings without tank names or serial numbers,...sad, but unavoidable.
  16. Churchill VIIIs ready to give close support:
  17. Markings are authentic but belong to Churchill VII and Churchill IIs.
  18. I have included some unhistorical markings for the Churchill VI. Only 200 were built so it's a nightmare to find markings for it, so I decided I would go creative and add nice looking decals. Use them or not, it will be your choice.
  19. I am so happy with the result that I will post it here too,
  20. Crazy but not lazy, that's my motto. I hope Rambler is not to sane either and finishes this quickly
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