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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Body Count,....115. P.S: beautiful pics, sdp, nik mond and mjkerner.
  2. Gracias compañero Not many decals though, 2 this time, i am unable to find Sicily based Stuarts in my references,...
  3. Adding that "Sicily" flavour asks for new weathering approaches,...best of all: still learning, still improving, ...man, have to love modding (PC world) and scale models (RL) at the same time,...hehe...
  4. Marco Bergman,...what a name in the CM story,...i don´t even feel myself like sending him a PM,...nope, it´s Marco...Bergman...he , with his work, has kept me here after so many years. No PM for him, ...i am not allowed to,
  5. True,...very true, i would change "some" for "most of" in fact.
  6. The Sicily Stuart is my favorite vehicle in the game,...so good as it is, that possibly is not worth a mod,...thats way I started modding it actually, motivation is hard to understand sometimes, hehe,...will take a week or more to finish it (just started):
  7. I have the energy, not so sure about the time though,...and yes, I would like to finish BN, CW, FI ...vehicles, but with so many vehicles to mod, so few vehicle modders out there and more modules on the market in 3-4 this is going to be a selective task, where I choose carefully what and when I want to mod. I am quiting smoking, 3 weeks already,(11.300% harder than modding vehicles ), so believe me, I have a lot of energy and motivation! I uploaded the Tiger Early on Friday but as I havent seen it made available on Monday I may try to upload it again...so,... to the one in charge, if you see 2 Tigers uploaded don´t make them both available, just one is enough,
  8. Both. You will get the upgrade soon, so why choose one or the other?
  9. White Scout Car easily ported to CMFI from CMBN, adding new serial numbers and decals and awaiting for some random weathering removal,...
  10. Expect it for Monday on the Repository.
  11. And that's what I am doing Baneman, hehe, in the old days, I would have had it finished and uploaded at this time!
  12. You won't be able to portray different markings at the same time with the "numbering method" because the mapping of textures mixes them,..so you will have to use one or the other or both, but in different battles. (several decals will be included anyway)
  13. Three more pics of the work in progress...(tracks not weathered yet, of course )
  14. BF has done a wonderful job on every single aspect of the game this time. Not easy to find a game(game,..?) forum nowadays full of appraises... but this is it. Well deserved credit, after a long and hazardous journey,...and still, we have the Eastern Front coming...happy happy days for tactical wargaming again. Modding,... well, everything can be improved, but it wont be a significant change, so for the first time EVER in CM, customers are happy with the game as it is. I will do my part with weathering,...as a sign of gratitude for the devs and because i think i can add some more flavor to the game, which i am in love with.
  15. Gracias Fernando. I will take a look. The tiger in the above pic is a unit in Tunisia, 1943.
  16. Expect news from time to time due to RL issues (no rush,...), but this is the place to see my latest mods: Very very early Tiger version,,....rust in my photoshop brushes, so be patient, and dont be cruel....
  17. Yes, its fun playing,and that, nowadays, is a great news, as PC gaming is crap comparing to what it was in the 90s. So, BF, no matter what they say, THANKS. People complaining should try to play Diablo 3 for 3 weeks, then realize how deep, authentic, replayable and enjoyable CM is. Its like a scent from the good ol gaming years in the 80-90s.
  18. BTW, should I create a new thread in the CMFI subforum for the new vehicles mods??
  19. I have seen the wonderful new textures,...I think i can add some grime on the vehicles and definitely improve the look, but i will be working very slowly this time. One mod every 3 weeks or a month I´d say . Ane eventually this is the subject I will start working on, but this time, i will play the game too
  20. Well, all I can say so far, is that I am happy with CMFI as it is, so modding wil take a slow pace,..because i am liking the game as it is,...gratz BF!
  21. THANKS again guys for such a warm welcome. I have purchased CMFI and I am glad that the terrain quality is very good now, there are bump maps,normal maps etc..and so on, that opens a HUGE door to modding, but, my modding skills are rusty to say the least. Thus I decided to start with the Autoblinda 41 during this week, progress sloooowly and see what happens.
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