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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. I don't use brushes for mud efects. I use photoreal samples of mud, dust, splatters, and so on...The brushes I use you can get them from free in the net, not that they are so rare. I first apply some general weathering with Multiply blending mode (opacity usually around 15-20%), then I apply some real (photoreal I mean) stains, dust, mud in Normal mode(opacity varies from 10 to 15%), once opacity reduced, brushes come to help, splatters, stains, etc. But if you want some nice effects go get some masked photoreal dirt pics, select portions, modify opacity, delete... They make the difference.I use filters to modify the Background focus and detailing,...Hue/Saturation command in PS it's of great help too.
  2. Otter LRC WIP #1. I have all the evening free, so I may have it ready for tomorrow.
  3. The Lend Lease Halftrack Mod has been updated with the addition of the M9A1 HT. Available tomorrow. All Lend Lease HTs are included in the Pack now.
  4. Glad you like it, it's my most beloved mod actually, Didn't think a desaturation effect would make it look that good,...
  5. Wow, those pics look ...real...nice saturation and desaturation effects
  6. Four days off the work this weekend, heading to the sunny ( ?¿) beaches of Eastern Spain, so modding comes to a halt,...I am working now on the M9a1 Halftrack (which I forgot to add to the Halftrack Pack I uploaded to the Repository). I plan to improve what I achieved with the Lend Lease HTs, but sometimes adding and deleting results in poor results, ain't no telling,... Here are some work inprogress results, still some refining left, as well as decalling, wheel weathering, and interior detailing,... It will be ready sometime next week, until then, enjoy the weekend!!
  7. ..and this might have been one of the Cromwells ambushed by Wittmann at Villers Bocage as 4th County of London of Yeomanry was trapped in that mayhem... ...again, thanks to Darknight Canuck for pointing this out, and for the huge amount of info he provides for each and every mod I make. Edit: you may notice something odd in that (95mm) barrel 3d modelling, if you do, I would be glad for you to take a closer look due to this mod,....
  8. Final touches and decalling... 1st Czech Armoured Brigade:
  9. Me too I am looking forward to mod the King Tiger...
  10. Carrier: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2005 Churchill IV: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1987 Take into account that my newest mods are under "Repository/Combat Mission: Battle for NormandyCM:BN / Commonwealth Forces/Guns & Vehicles"
  11. Cromwell VI in the workshop, enhanced and further detailed version of the Photoshop Base file borrowed from the Cromwell IV...
  12. That has been a possibility in my mind for quite a long time, but I can't tell you as for now when I will tackle it.
  13. Mord, I expected something great from you, but sincerely, this has left me stunned. Amazing job, you and Darknight have made a great combo and a labour of love and dedication. Thanks a lot!!!
  14. I never imagined that there were so many helmet variants!! Thanks for the altruistic effort.
  15. I have modded each and every german vehicle of the base game, and all of them lack SS plates. The only way would be to create SS versions of each and every mod and swap them if you intend to play with the infamous SS. Adding decal variants (which include SS plates) wouldn't work, since the engine may or may not depict them. No workaround for this, but if the engine would make the game to use a clone mdr mapped to a SS texture (which included a SS plate, that's all, the rest could be the same), then we could have proper vehicles depicted.
  16. So busy making mods that I can't find the time to donwload your great mods, but this time, ask and done...
  17. Ummm, odd, I reuploaded the Churchill IV,... Meanwhile, the tiniest vehicle I have modded for CM...in the workshop...
  18. Don't know what happened, but it has dissapeared from the Repository,...Not me,...
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