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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. 2MBs for each pic it's way too much, isn' it boche?
  2. I Make so many Aris mods, someone is starting to use the term "mod widow".
  3. Ok, finished for the weekend, phew,...I need a beer
  4. Thanks guys. First weathering steps on the Lloyd Carrier: ( I expect to have it ready during the week)
  5. Still left to do: Loyd Carrier Bedford Trucks Humber III Churchill VI V CS VIII CS Sherman I Ic Firefly III V Vc Firefly Stuart V, VI Sexton II ummm, time for a Loyd Carrier!
  6. Ok, done and ready to upload, time for choosing another vehicle to have fun with,...
  7. I found this on Youtube. Possibly most of you have already watched it, but for those who haven't it's an impressive view to look at those crews bailing out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylLawyySkVw
  8. Can't you tell which is the Achilles?
  9. I will include both the Achilles and the Wolverine in one Pack.
  10. Time for the Wolverine,...As it happens with textures ported from CMBN into CW, it's much more difficult to achieve nice results. Work in Progress...
  11. Available at CMMODS: Paved Road 1 Mod Beta
  12. BTW, my deepest gratitude to Darknight Canuck. He is the man behind all that decalling madness.
  13. Uploaded, 4 decal options and 1 HD texture variant ( I would like to get some feedback on this, as I am uncertain as the results are worth the extra size of the textures). Should be available on Monday, if the new announcement doesn't take all the effort for the devs (I already uploaded a file on Thursday that hasn't been made available yet, suspicious minds ). ALL Cromwells in the game are modded,...eventually.
  14. THANKS portrait master, but I am afraid there is a lot to be done yet.... Loyd Carrier Bedford Trucks Humber III Churchill VI V CS VIII CS Cromwell VII, VII Rhino, VIII (in the works) Sherman I Ic Firefly III V Vc Firefly Stuart V, VI Sexton II Achilles Wolverine
  15. Distant ground.bmp is the one you should look for. It's a relatively small bitmap that repeats itself once and again to form the map base. Regarding water surface texture...well, it's not exactly hard coded, but definitely it's coded. Doesn't really matter what texture changes you make to water textures since appearance it's mainly modified by 2 text files (.FRAG and .VERT) that are coded in GSLS language.
  16. Sneak peeks for the Cromwell VII (and Rhino):
  17. New Rhino (dramatic and optional) texture experimentation for the final Cromwell set (VII, VII Rhino and VIII).
  18. Extract from my latest "Readme": "These bitmaps were left apart at the time of making my optional HD texture pack ("Aris AddOn Texture Pack"1 &2").They alone took many many (did I say many?)hours to complete but eventually didn’t make it, due to some aligning nightmares and headaches. I am not going to make you tired with modding excuses but these ones were too difficult for me to get a nice result especially in diagonal sections, so I took them out of the Pack. Today, I saw the screenshot thread in BFC forum and decided I had better alternatives for Paved Road 1 after all, so here you are, an unfinished piece of software you can use and improve. They are not what I expect when releasing a mod, but not bad after all. Hope you enjoy them!" Uploading as I write. No warranty.
  19. Next will be the Cromwell VIII this weekend, I need some time for aircraft scale modelling (which is my preferred activity along with playing electric guitar ). Edited: Cromwell VII and VII Rhino will be included too along with VIII to have all these Cruiser Tanks modded eventually.
  20. I guess one of these days I may post a tutorial or two on weathering...an then, have a rest and have you mod the rest of the vehicles,... It's so easy any of you could make great mods in a couple of hours...:
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