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Everything posted by Georgie

  1. Yes and no, if the two mg42s are blinded they aren't of much use. Kinda like putting your eggs in one basket. But if a couple of Garands have LOF then thats a problem. They can get off 40 or so aimed rounds per min and that is effective firepower.
  2. But most times it does. Otherwise the Russians and Germans and British would not have upgraded the firepower of their squads during the war. The US had the jump on them with the Garand.
  3. Try "Hidden and Dangerous", a very old game and none like it since but IMO a very interesting and fun FPS/3rdPS. Most FPS suck, but not because of the genre but because of the quality of the game.
  4. The only other way that I know of is to go into the game manual and jot down the specs of the various infantry weapons listed there and then go into the CMBN editor and select the various platoons that you want to evaluate,deploy them and note the different weapons and you can get a fairly accurate guess. BF took some big strides forward in CMBN but also took a few steps back in certain things and this, IMO, is one of them.
  5. If you have CMBO fire it up and take a look in the editor. You can select German and US squads and by clicking on the squads in the editor map you can see the firepower of US and German squads at different distances along with the arms of each squad. Whether BF follows this exactly in CMBN is another question but it will give you an idea of the make up and firepower of each squad.
  6. Yes it will be too bad if castles are't at some point available in the game. I would like to play a scenario where a castle is the main strong point in an infantry only battle. Maybe with a few 81mm mortars with just a few rounds as the heavy stuff for the attackers and a couple of 60mm mortars in the court yard as the main battery for the defenders. Of course the attackers would have to have some engineers to blow the gate. Think of the scenario designers rushing to be the first with the best castle scenario. Sounds like fun to me.
  7. How did the US antitank guns do in the defensive role. Were there many instances IRL of their being used in the Normandy campaign? It doesn't seem like they would have had much time to get well concealed or that they were needed that often.
  8. The protection offered by individual buildings varies from a negative value to a strong positive value. The problem is that there is presently no way for the player to tell the difference. In CM1 the buildings were either "heavy" or "light" and you could tell that by the terminus of the LOS thingy. Why the regression? It would make this game more fun if the player had this information. Come on BF why not supply this information.:confused:
  9. I enjoy CMBN, in particular the large battles. The larger the better and there is sadly a problem with the game engine. The engine as it is will not handle the max size maps. Hopefully the problem is being worked on and I hope that a fix is found and implemented ASAP.
  10. How close to real life is the AIs stubborn advance into fire. Some times probably pretty close. The real life platoon advancing under fire didn't have the knowledge that we the player have. The number of casualties that they were taking would in a lot of cases not be known until the battle was over. Fog of War you know. They were trying to carry out an attack order that they had been given and to stop the advance and report back, hey they are shooting at us up there, would not have flown very well. At least that's how I view most of the AIs behavior. My impression of what a soldiers experience in battle is that it is very focused on just the immediate threat that he is part of and even a platoon leader would have a hard time knowing exactly what is going on until it was over and then it would't be exactly like he thought it was. If the AI enemy gets chewed up pretty bad then it was because of a poor attack plan which happened many times IRL.
  11. Thanks Michael for your welcome and you don't seem to be nearly as far gone as the rest of the Peng people and don't under estimate yourself you are probably very effective in drag.
  12. Hello Peng people. This is my first venture onto this thread. I have read of it and and about it for many years but haven't ventured into it till now. I have suffered from various ailments, mostley mental, for a while now and I have noticed that whenever I venture to read the "thread" I feel better about my self and my symptoms seem to recede a bit. I don't quite know what to attribute it to but thanks. Georgie:)
  13. Hello everyone, I ran a series of tests on the individual houses and learned that the protection that the individual houses offer varies a great deal. In fact in some of the tests the troops outside were very much better off. But in some cases the troops inside the building fared much better and were able to decimate the troops outside. I proposed the idea that the houses be modded to reflect whether they were of a "heavy" construction or a "lite" construction. Maybe a Greek "H" or "L" in the trim of the house. This would aid considerably in setting up a defense or an attack and it would't, I don't think, be gamey because troops should be able to see the type of construction that a house is. A lot of testing would have to be done and I am willing to lend a hand in that although I am sure that there are some players who are much better qualified than I am. The results of my tests showed that, counting from left to right on each row, houses 1 thru 6 offered no protection. Houses 8,9 and 12 offered good cover. Any one is welcome to verify or refute my finding.
  14. Hello Cymru, Not knowing what is going to happen to your forces on the first move or so is part of the drama of the scenario.Very likely the scenario has left you with some options to survive the barrage. The correct application of those options is an essential part of the scenario. Nothing is fair in war. Wow what a game. Thats why I usually accompany my playing with a liberal portion of SpeyBurn.
  15. Need to be able to give "driverless" vehicles/passengers multiple commands. Such as, drive to point "A" dismount and walk to point "B". It works that way now for a vehicle that has an assigned driver and passengers but not for a vehicle that does not have an assigned driver.
  16. That depends, if the target is viable from the AI stand point then they will be shelled. For the AI to differentiate between tank crew and regular enemy troops would be hard to program and it wouldn't, as far as I can see, be AIWIRL. The the tank doing the shelling isn't keeping track of where the enemy came from, they are aware that they are there and that they are a threat. The potential problem that I see is that if the tank continues to shell the crew of the disabled tank if another tank or anti tank gun becomes a threat.
  17. Forget everything I said, I found it.
  18. Has anybody besides me noticed that we need a small half grown tree to place along side river and creek banks to form a thicket. The trees that we have are too large and mature to be real looking in that instance and the bushes are too small. Would it be possible to mod an existing tree to serve the purpose?
  19. Are there any written instructions available on how to make foliage that is impassable to tanks and other vehicles? If it is in the manual then I missed it. Thanks in advance for any help.:confused:
  20. Hello GreenAsJade, I think that it would be great if your site and Garys site would offer this service. I for one only use the Repository as a last resort. The Repository, to me, is a maze and with the background is a strain on the eyes. I go to your site first when I am looking for a mod or scenario and if Gary offered the same service for CMN I would also use his site.
  21. I gave it a try and learned a couple of things. When the two sections join they don't always rotate to the diagonal. If it doesn't rotate click move and then left click for just a very small move, like you are trying to bend it, and if you get the distance just right both sections will rotate in the direction that you tried to "bend" the two sections. If the move command is too far they will separated and just the one will move and yes it will still be in the same orientation as it was when it was connected. If you don't get the distance far enough nothing will happen and you have to reselect "move" and try again.
  22. Me too. With barbed wire I can make them link up ok but cant rotate them when they are in single sections. Also cant figure out what I did to rotate them when they are connected. Sometimes they rotate and sometimes the sections separate. Move and left click is the only command that I can get to have any effect and that is erratic. Are there others? thanks for any help.
  23. Great mods Flesh I'm looking forward to using them on a large map that I'm making. Are you going to upload them to GreenAsJade?
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