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Everything posted by Georgie

  1. The one minuet turn time was good for the CM1 games but with CMBN I can get into far too much trouble. Maybe an option for 30sec or 1min at the start of the scenario. Probably too much to implement with a patch so how about implementing it in the Bulge game. Because of this I have been playing RT with generous use of the "pause" button which really makes the game more fun but I miss the playback. Any one else agree?
  2. Passenger status for vehicles would help also. Its hard to tell a lot of the time which vehicle contains which passengers.
  3. Good idea except for the colors. There are a lot of green/red color blind people out there so how about Green for enough ammo yellow for out of ammo but leave out the red or Blue for enough and red for out of ammo and leave out the green.
  4. It sure would be helpful to have an "unbuttoned/buttoned" status display in the UI. Anybody else agree?
  5. Which was the most effective, the PIAT or the bazooka? Assuming an identical hit, of course. Good to hear that the PIAT was that effective. It always seemed to me to be a bit of a contraption and dangerous to the user.
  6. BF will make a lot of money on the "Touch" game and use it to produce their PC games, the Bulge and the East Front. Maybe even hire another programmer to speed up production.
  7. Tell me its a 64bit option for the PC and that it will be available for the Bulge game.
  8. Great story Badger Dog. Share some more if you have any. A thread "anecdotal stories" would be , I think, a very educational and interesting thread. There are probably other forum members with similar stories to share. The fact that the crew abandoned the undamaged M4 lends credence to your friends story.
  9. I set up a little test, which I shuda done in the first place, between a Tiger 1 and a M5. To my surprise not only did the M5 out run the Tigers turret but it caused the Tigers crew to abandon ship effectively knocking out the Tiger. Gotta love it. The US tanks suffered too long in CMBO at the hands of the Wehrmacht.
  10. I agree. And as usual it will only get better. The forum keeps the pressure up and BF responds as best as is reasonably possible. I've seen the CM1 games evolve and CM2 is doing the same thing. The reason that I asked the question is to determine whether or not the old " out run the turret" tactic will work, say between a Stuart and a PZ IV with the Stuart circling the IV.
  11. I'm not sure if the "gun" on the pixel Sherman is limited in its elevation travel and the shell just curves as it exits the barrel or if the gun actually exceeds the real life travel limits.
  12. A tank can shoot straight up and straight down without the gun being able to depress or elevate to those angles. Can the tank also shoot in a different direction than what the tank gun is pointing without changing the turret position?
  13. I remember playing the demo for CMBO, Valley of Trouble I think it was, and attempted to fire a bazooka from a cabin and promptly set the cabin on fire. Why not model this type of result from firing a bazooka from inside a building?
  14. In CMBN and the upcomming Battle of the Bulge game there was very little "city" fighting so the problem of a tank being able to shoot straight up has little effect on the game as a whole. The East Front game will be a different story and would be much more realistic if a tank weren't able to shoot straight up since there will be more "city" battles.
  15. I made a basic 4000m x 3744m map with lots of contours, lots of heavy forest and trees, 2 battalions armor and 2battalions infantry for the US and the same for the Axis. I didn't attempt to play it but it loaded with no problems in the editor. Heavy forest was about 90 percent of the map. This is with a PC and the 1.10 patch and the basic game.
  16. In the Bulge game I wonder if ,"when they are coming up the road through the morning fog", anything the US or Brits have will do any good against the King Tiger frontal armor.
  17. If I remember correctly the 90mm AA would not penetrate the King Tiger frontal armor in CMBO. How this translates to real life or to CMBN I don't know.
  18. Was the US 90mm AA gun ever used in the anti-tank role like the German 88mm AA gun?
  19. Thank you for a very informative post YankeeDog. It sounds to me like "triggers" if used properly would be a positive addition to the scenario designers tools. I wonder if they are in the offing and could be accomplished via a patch?
  20. There has been a request for triggers by several people, including myself,but a post by YankeeDog has set me to questioning the worth of triggers. The CMx1 series used a StratAI which used, I suppose, triggers and the AI for CMx1 was easier to beat than CMBN is, at least for me. So the question is, are triggers a good idea for CMBN?
  21. A lot of people are calling for triggers,including myself. Won't triggers make the AI more like CMx1 and thus easier to beat? Maybe I should reconsider what I am asking for.
  22. I'll gladly kick in for a 64bit PC version of CMBN plus gladly buy the 64 bit version. I'd also kick in to patch some of the shortcomings of the game. Such as pathfinding, lack of triggers and some of the other problems that have been beat to death on the forum. Wow what a game we would have then.
  23. Hello Viajero,I posted the results but forget where. I also started a thread in the "maps and mods" section of the forum suggesting that it would be very helpful if a mod was made to some how mark the bullet resistant structures with some sort of identifying mark. In the tests that I ran I used a US squad vs a German squad of approximately equal firepower. One squad was in the open and the other in a building. I ran it several times with 9 separate buildings, alternating the squads. I noted that in the editor in "individual" buildings, counting the buildings from left to right, that buildings 1 thru 6 offered little or no cover and some were worse than being in the open. Buildings 8,9 and 12 offered good cover. I stopped there since I would be unable to translate my findings into useful info because of the identification problem. This leads me to believe that what we are seeing in CW is the selection of bullet proof buildings in the new scenarios. Hope this helps. Maybe BF could chime in and confirm or refute my assumption that buildings have not been made more bullet resistant.
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