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Everything posted by Georgie

  1. It seems to me that this would be a problem for a lot of players especially RT players where time is more critical and the player doesn't have the time to baby sit his tanks. Its possible, I suppose, for a tank to get into the aiming/rotating/firing loop on its own without a target ever being issued by the player. The tank acquires a target on its own attempts to fire but gets stuck in the loop and if the target happens to be a AT gun or another tank just sits there and gets taken out. Is there any attention being paid by Battlefront to the "aiming/rotating/firing loop" problem?
  2. Drinking "Barley" will be modeled in the Common Wealth module, wont it?
  3. I have had several instances where I give a tank a fire order on a target and the tank doesn't fire. I understand that there is a clear LOF and a not so clear LOF. But, if the target line sticks no matter if the LOF is clear or not so clear the target line stuck, so it seems to me the tank should fire at the target . It would be like the TC telling the gunner to "put a few rounds rite over there, you can barley see it but shoot anyway" and the gunner saying or thinking "OK I can barley make it out but whatever." The trajectory of the rounds would strike the target or come close to it since its trajectory is "engineered". Either that or if the tank isn't going to fire then the target line shouldn't stick. That way you could move the tank for a better shot. How do other forum members feel about this?
  4. In this game is the effect of machine gun fire determined by the rate of fire only, assuming all other factors are equal, whether it originates from a MG 42 or a US medium or the combined fire of the two 30cals on the M4. AFAIK the mg 42 cartridge and the US med mg cartridge are almost identical.
  5. I'm mistaken on one aspect. I looked close up on both M4 machine guns and they are firing bursts throughout the entire one min action phase so it isn't just a few rounds. But it still doesn't seem to have the suppressive effect that it should have. Maybe these are fanatic troops that refuse to be suppressed.
  6. Target Light for tanks, as far as I can tell from the manual and from actually using it in the game, puts a few rounds into the target. If this is really the case then what I would like to see Target Lite for tanks do is, put a "whole bunch of rounds into a target". Tanks carry like 5k or so of mg rounds and one of the best uses that I found for a tank in CMx1 was to be a mobile armored mg nest. It seems that in CMBN the Target Lite for tanks doesn't have very much effect on an enemy squad even at close range. Any thoughts on this?
  7. If I have a squad where some of its members have LOS to an enemy unit and I order my squad to target that enemy unit will the troops of my squad that don't have LOS to that enemy unit seek a position where they do have LOS.
  8. When ordering a team or squad to fire at a target some kind of indication of who in the team or squad has LOS to the target that you ordered them to fire at.
  9. Good point. Is this modeled in CMBN based on crew experience. Recruit, veteran, etc?
  10. Maybe this problem in CMBN wasen't a problem in CMSF because in SF the walls are made of mud bricks or cinder blocks which can be penetrated by small arms fire and the US troops wore body armor. Where as in CMBN the walls are stone and the houses are usually stone which can't be penetrated by small arms fire and the troops didn't wear body armor. So in SF it was normal for the buildings to offer scant protection from small arms fire and the same for walls but the body armor made up the difference for US troops. Hope my wording wasn't too screwed up.
  11. Repeated the same tests as above with the hatch open and the results were the same.
  12. I think I found the reason for the change in the tanks LOS capability. During the initial targeting phase the tank was flank on to the target with the turret facing forward. At the start of the action phase of the turn the turret rotated ccw about 75 or 80 degrees to engage the target and the tank lost LOS to the target and didn't fire. I found this out by giving the tank a target dead ahead for the next turn. The next turn the tank rotated it's turret forward to engage the new target and fired at the target. At the end of the turn, with the tanks turret still facing forward, I rechecked the LOS to the original target on the tanks flank and was able to get LOS to it again. I repeated this several times and it was the same every time. Seems funny that the tank would have better LOS to the flank. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be?
  13. During the first turn there were no obstacles in the way and the target line was laid (orange line). The turn was played and the tank did not fire. On the next command sequence I checked the tank to find out why it didn't fire. The orange target line was still there indicating the tanks target. I checked los and no longer had los to the target area from the tank or to with in several yards around it. There would have had to be los the first turn to get the orange target line to stick. The tank was buttoned on the first turn and was still buttoned at the end of the turn so I don't think the TCs los would have changed unless he was looking out of a different view port/periscope.
  14. I should have been more explicit. The target is for area fire. There is plenty of ammo.
  15. I have a Sherman with a target line to a target at 120m. I click the "button" to play the turn and the tank does not fire. I happened to have saved the turn so I reload and try again, still won't fire. I check line of sight after the no fire turn and low and behold the targeted area is no longer in line of sight but the target line is still there. The tank has not moved and it didn't sink into the ground so the line of sight between the two turns should not have changed. Has anybody else experienced this problem. I have save turns.
  16. Thanks, I didn't realize that there was a partially exposed position for the TC.
  17. Several times now one or more of my Shermans have come under machine gun fire with multiple hits on the tank including the turret. The TC does not button up until a "penetrating" hit occurs. He then buttons up and backs away out of sight of the MG. Seems to me like he would button up sooner. Any body else notice this?
  18. Flight sims, roll the wheel back =s pull the stick back =s nose up which =s gain altitude, hard to break the habit.
  19. I too would find it useful if the battle size was listed. What was the criteria in CM1? That seemed to work OK.
  20. Is there a "mouse wheel inverter" mod available? Is it possible for the community modders to make one?
  21. Very lucky, gave me quite a boost. I haven't enough experience or expertise to pass judgment on the quality of a scenario but Monthardrou has offered a stout resistance no matter where or how I attack and this I am enjoying.
  22. I'm playing The Crossroads at Monthardrou. Twenty moves or so into the game the Panther that sits on left side of the map next to a small barn finally decides to move. It is traveling diagonal to several of my Shermans which cant see it but some one in my force can so I'm able to track it. I can area fire the low hedge or bocage on my side of the road but cant target the road due to no los. So I go ahead and area fire a section of the hedge bordering the road the Panther is on in hopes of getting a lucky hit with HE as it passes by. The Panther passes by a section of the road just past where my Sherman is area firing and my Sherman spots him over the top of the hedge, quickly targets him switches to AP puts two rounds into the side of his turret and then goes back to shelling the hedge with HE. Nice
  23. I think that BF underestimated the difficulty of learning CMBN based on the difficulty in learning SHOCK FORCE. If you play the US side in Shock Force it isn't "am I going to win" it is " how can I win with the least amount of losses. If you play the Syrian side it isn't "am I going to lose" its how many casualty can I cause. In CMSF virtually all of the US weapons are vastly superior to the Syrian weapons. For the most part you just have to be careful with your Strykers and their ilk. The US troopers wear body armor and the Syrians don't. In CMBN the question is " am I going to be able to win at all". A slight misstep and you have lost a squad or a tank, remain in the same place too long and the mortars or artillery can take out several squads. Some LOS aids , buttoned/unbuttoned UI indication, and some of the other simple status indication aids that forum members have recommended would simplify playing the game and leave more time to concentrate on strategy. It would, after you learn the game, allow you to progress faster thus avoiding at least some of the mortar barrage losses. But even with its shortcomings CMBN is still an excellent game and in my opinion the best there is out there.
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