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Everything posted by Georgie

  1. Thanks for the info Vanir Ausf B, sounds like the tungsten rounds will give the M10s a little help against the Panther and Tiger. I was concerned that they would be "nerfed" like they were in CMBB. I used to run a lot of tests like you did when I was playing CMX 1 but the editor in CMBN is still too confusing for me to do any testing.
  2. Hello Michael, I've used this several times, I wasn't concerned about the range, so you may well be correct, just the LOS and the LOS has proven to be accurate.
  3. Help,calling all Grogs or players that have used it.How effective is HVAP in this game? I haven't played a scenario yet where they are available. I remember in CMBO they were fair depending on range and hit angle. I remember in CMBB the US tungsten was dismal no matter what, you were better of with regular AP. With the hit chances in CMBN ,tungsten, if it is modeled as being effective, might prove to be useful. I remember reading somewhere that IRL the first shot the gunner took was with AP and then switched to HVAP if he was on the target. I also remember in CMBO a tank or a tank destroyer was very reluctant to us the HVAP rounds. With the accuracy the way it is in CMBN HVAP should be the first round out of the barrel in a tank duel. If I remember correctly the Germans did not have any Tungsten rounds this late in the war.
  4. No instant Sherman kill. My experience in CMBO was that if your Sherman took a single hit from a PZ IV, PZ V, Tiger or any antitank gun or a tank hunter it was dead meat, no matter what model of Sherman you had. Now they can, every once in awhile, survive a hit even with a penetration, Maybe get rattled but he has a chance to back out of LOS. I haven't seen one take a hit from an 88 yet so that might be a different story. It has made the game much more "playable" for me when playing the US side.
  5. Hello stikkypixie, lets see if I can explain it better. The color may be correct but if LOS is blocked I can't determine what terrain feature is blocking LOS because the color bar is originating from the present position of the unit rather than from the new position, therefor it isn't shown traveling over the same terrain as it will be when the unit is at the way point.
  6. High light a way point and you can check the LOS from that way point to another given point, good feature, but I think that it would be much more use full if the LOS bar originated from the way point in question rather than from the present position of the unit. This would enable you to find a hull down position with ease and also to check the LOS from the way point to all other map co-ordinates by utilizing the color change of the LOS bar across the terrain from the way point and you could at the same time identify the terrain feature that is blocking LOS. How hard this would be to program I have no idea. Hope I worded this to where it is at least half way understandable. Thoughts about this from other forum members?
  7. Thanks MeatEtr, I'll give Bills mod a try.
  8. Are grenades resupplied in jeeps or half tracks or?
  9. Hello Erik, That mod might do the trick, Do you know if it will work in CMBN?
  10. I would like to have the ability to select the type of icons that are displayed, vehicle vs infantry. There are a huge number of icons displayed in a large battle and it would be faster to be able to see if a tank or tanks were a threat to your tanks or infantry and it would be faster to locate your own vehicle assets. It would help a great deal in RT play. Are there any other forum members that think this would be helpful?
  11. The paved roads in addition to the protrusions where dirt roads join the pavement are too pristine with no wear at all. They, to me, look like they have been painted onto smooth dirt. At least the edges should show some wear and tear and should not be an unbroken straight line. Once again the dirt roads, to me, look very good, but there could be a little rutting on them. I'v thought of undertaking the project myself but I know absolutely nothing about modding and I'm afraid that it would make my head explode. There are lots of road mods in CMX1 are they particularly difficult to do in CMX2 ?
  12. A lot of good info in this thread. I wonder if the effective range of the various vehicle mounted Mgs is modeled in the game? At issue to me is whether or not to "light" fire at an infantry target at 1500 to 2000m with the tank mounted 30cals or would that be wasting my tanks time if it had another target. I see that in the manual the M1917A1 has an effective range of 2000m so hopefully the tank mounted 30cals are modeled for this range , or at least close to it. I didn't worry so much about about "light arms" specs in CMX1 but CMBN is a lot less forgiving of wrong choices.
  13. Another Grog question. How about the 30cal and 50cal Mgs mounted on or in US tanks and half tracks, did they have a better effective range or rate of fire than the tripod mounted US 30 or 50 cal mgs?
  14. I'm at heart a do/do but some times I resort to do/don't if do/do don't work. But I do worry about myself if I don't do/do.
  15. Thank you YankeeDog. I figured that there was somethings that I was unaware of. I didn't realize that there was that much difference in the mounts of the various machine guns, I can see how the stability of the mount would have a profound effect on the pattern/spread of the rounds at long range, or that some of them had telescopic sights or the barrel change speed differences between the 1919 and the 34. The slow barrel change out seems to be a strange oversight on the part of the 1919 design.
  16. Grog question. Why does the Mg34 have double the effective range of the M1919? AFAIK the cartridge used by both are virtually identical.
  17. I should have been more explicit. I'm talking about the paved roads and in particular sections on the paved roads where a dirt road intersects with them. The dirt roads are good they even have embankments and drop offs on the low side. But hopefully BF or modders can get rid of the little pavement protrusions where a dirt road intersects with a paved road. Not too bad in the country where only a few dirt roads intersect with the paved road but in a town where multiple dirt roads intersect with the paved road it just dose not look natural to me.
  18. To me the terrain graphics in CMBN are great except for the roads. They, to me, aren't an improvement over CMX1. Sometimes they break the immersion for me they are so out of character with the rest of the graphics. Hopefully BF will be improving them in latter games of the WW2 series. Road improvement, always an ongoing thing.
  19. This applies only to a jeep without an assigned driver where a single icon appears for the occupants of the jeep. I can not find a method to order a jeep to move to a location and then for the occupants to dismount and proceed to another destination in a single turn. I have no problem doing this with a jeep which has an assigned driver where there is an icon for the driver and another icon for the passengers. Is there something that I am not doing correctly or is this the way it's supposed to work?
  20. The way I set up a "keyhole" or target while in the woods. I just learned this after my problems with LOS changing when the turret rotated to engage a target while in the woods. You have to have a turn or two to set this up. Once you think that you are in a good position you can check your LOS to your anticipated target area by setting up a very narrow cover arc to the anticipated target. This way the turret will rotate to where its going to be when the tank tries to target and you can check your LOS in the new position. Of course you might not be able to check all the possible angles but you can get an idea of how things will look to the gunner when the turret is in different positions.
  21. Thanks for the feedback akd, I'll reload the turn and take a look at the tree situation. If I understand what you said then a tree can be clipped,which tanks in the game do when they drive thru a wooded area but the tree will block LOF if its in front of the gunner. I hadn't considered that. I felt that if you can drive thru it then you can see thru it. Gotta know what to abstract and when not to abstract it. I wonder if the wind would have an affect on LOF by blowing branches back and forth in front of the gunners sight? If this is the case then I'll have to turn trees full on if I have a tank parked in a patch of woods to get an idea of how much they could be affecting LOF.
  22. I was thinking of an instance where in RT a tank has been moved and unluckily winds up in an "edge" position but the player doesn't notice and the tank just sits there with a "shoot me sign" and a "maybe" target in its sights and doesn't fire. If that "maybe" target happens to be an AT gun or a tank who has a good LOF on him then he gets taken out. In which game mode this happens the most often I don't know. I don't play RT, I like the micro management and replays too much in WeGO even with the 60 seconds of not being able to (gasp) change an order.
  23. I had a situation similar to the "come and go LOF" that you had. I assigned my tank an area target on its left flank, there was LOF for several meters around the target. The tank turned its turret to the target but didn't fire. I noted that the tank didn't fire and during the next command phase I checked for LOF , the turret was still lined up with the target, but didn't have LOF, the target line was still there. I had saved the turn so on a hunch I reloaded and deleted the firing order and gave the tank a face order to the target area. This time the tank not only turned its turret to the prospected target but also turned its hull to face it. I checked LOF again and the tank still had LOF so I targeted the same tile for area fire and the next turn the tank fired. Apparently facing the target with the hull in addition to the turret changed some thing for the better. This observation along with the save game was submitted to BF but no response yet. It seems as though, at least to me, that there are some LOF inconsistencies, not a bug mind you but some thing that might need just a tweak or two.
  24. Yes, your right, I have had that happen several times.
  25. Your incident turned out OK. In my instance the tank was supposed to suppress a mg in order for a team to advance, time was critical so it would have been a good thing if the tank had fired at its target as directed. In another instance I had a squad in a building being decimated by a squad in a hedgerow. I had a tank that, according to the target line, had LOF , so I targeted the hedge row with area fire but the tank wouldn't fire so the squad continued to be decimated. Several moves latter I found that there was a slight rise between the tank and the targeted hedgerow so maybe this was the problem but it was not reflected in the targeting line. The target line stuck and stayed stuck for several turns.
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