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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. I run mine no problem, Vista and 7, I did need the text patch tho' can't remember where I got it but I didn't pay for it. Never had a problem downloading and installing and running scenarios, not sure what the problem is there, I only ever had the drama with the background of the in game text.
  2. Finding a hull down position is such an important tank tactic and one that is quite easy to do IRl I certainly think there should be an easier and more accurate way to achieve hull down without running the risk of exposing yourself.
  3. No I think it kinda works that the gunner does some stuff to put the projectile on its path but what happens beyond that is down to the mapping in the game, I don't think it is definitively predictable.
  4. The way things get hit now days is different to before. The shot is actually traced from muzzle to target so predicting the percentage chance to hit I think is no longer possible.
  5. Appalling for sure, still not as bad as Kids with guns
  6. Can I sit this one out? Really not that interested in watching 'Merkins pull their pork, 'specially if North Carolina goes all the way to vinegar.
  7. Happy birthday to America You are a worry-some lot but nice to have you as mates. Many happy returns
  8. ok we are moving into a weird area here
  9. zzzzzzrrrkkkkkk .............. zzzzzzrrrkkkkkk
  10. I think that is mood lighting, to make it look dramatic and warry. All show our Stuka
  11. Burma is the only time I have seen a reference to Wacos in British service, but of course they could have had some at MG. Browning's HQ did include Waco's carrying the US Signallers. There were some Horsa's in US service, not sure why I think the Horsa was bigger so maybe some special equipment or something.
  12. Great that seals it. It couldn't possibly have been a glider from browning's HQ as they flew the Northern route which didn't go anywhere near Student's HQ.
  13. "The Allied glider force had been rebuilt after Normandy until by September 16 it numbered 2,160 CG-4A Waco gliders, 916 Airspeed Horsas (812 RAF and 104 US Army) and 64 General Aircraft Hamilcars."
  14. It isn't clear what was captured. I know in the movie they showed plans but that was more likely Hollywood for the masses. An operational map would be marked with were the troops are, not where they are supposed to be so in the glider they wouldn't know yet. IN most case having a full opord on you is a bit unlikely but given the compressed time frame of the operation it is certainly possible that a detailed plan of some sort was being carried by someone.
  15. Google Horsa and Hamilcar all gliders were NOT American. I've not checked but I am fairly certain Browning's HQ did not lose any gliders on the way in. Best that we check the back ground of the Student claim. I have not seen any references for it. It may not be Student who made up stuff but the interviewer or whatever may have elaborated or got their fact wrong.
  16. Wanting conclusive proof is not really another way of saying cover up. If the documents were in a glider that was part of Browning's HQ they would have landed near Nijmegen. Those landings started at about 13:00. Can't imagine that Browning's HQ would have been in the first wave so lets say 13:30 is the earliest. Student's HQ was in Vught which is well to the West of Veghel. So the plans would have gone about 50klm, through the now landing 101 Abn in about an hour if the reports that he received them at 1425 are correct. Far more likely something was recovered from a 101 Abn glider. What ? who knows. As you say tho' blind freddy could work out what was going on, especially Student who himself was an Airborne Officer.
  17. Yes you're right, it stayed pretty quiet and unimportant. In fact about the only things that went on were: Concentrated efforts to stabilise Antwerp and clear the Shedlt which were achieved, without fear of counter attack or resupply of the German garrison now it was cut off. This then alleviated the previous long lines of supply transport problems that allowed for further operations. The German offensive Wacht am Rhine which had the stated objective of recapturing Antwerp and severing the Allied Armies. British Forces in Holland were able to stabilise the US northern flank and commence operations to reduce the Bulge in the US line caused by Wacht am Rhine. Operations that commenced in Feb 1945, Operations Veritable, Blockbuster launched from Nijmegen and the southern US effort Operation Grenade destroyed the German forces west of the Rhine and netted in the order of 370,000 German losses. Operation Plunder/Varsity used these gains as the springboard into Germany across the Rhine. So yeh pretty quiet really........ As an interesting aside Allied casualties for Market garden were about 17k and for an ambitious plan netted a good section of the Netherlands, despite not achieving all it set out to do. The Wacht am Rhine offensive cost about 90k for being caught with our pants down. So I don't really buy that MG was a waste of manpower and resources.
  18. "Good General" is not in evidence. I am merely offering rebuttal to the widely held view that MG's failure was due to Monty and anything else is rarely mentioned. It was always going to be a close run thing, 1 Abn and particularly 2 Para managed to hold out for a good few days longer than planned. No failure to capture the bridge nullified the entire exercise, it was the whole point after all. Failure to capture the bridge also made the 82nd's predicament worse in that they were now fighting to their front and rear. The fact still remains that XXX Corps got to within 8 miles of the final objective and could go no further as the bridge was not yet captured. Which cost the operation a fatal 3 days. So who exactly was in charge of the 82nd Airborne? I'll give you a hint, it certainly wasn't Browning.
  19. Real or not that is possibly one of the most appalling things I have ever seen.
  20. It might look like that but if you "set" yourself what you find is after the recoil of the first round you return to more or less the same target picture as the when you first fired. I can certainly put two rounds through a man sized target at 100m with a double tap. What you do find as well is that at really close range, 20 metres or so you are going to be far more likely to miss, panic, having to move much farther to aim at the target, the target dashing about etc all go together to make it harder to hit them.This is why we have bayonets. As for rate of fire, well if an enemy is 15yds away I want to make very sure that I hit him with at least 1 of my 8 rounds, don't want to be trying to reload with someone that close, so I would think your rate of fire would be less rather than spraying them about. But it would all depend on the situation.
  21. It was actually only the Market plan in as far as it related to the 101st Abn. There is doubt as to whether the story is true or not, it does seem highly unlikely that a full set of written orders and marked up battle plans would be taken into battle. In any case by the time the plans go to where they could be useful they would have been out of date as the 101 would have held all its objectives by that time. They did have some value tho' names of units, areas being held and in what strengths etc.
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