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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Tactics will come with experience. In the mean time gather yourself a series of plausible excuses. The sun was in my eyes, I usually play WEGO, It was Hitler's/Montgomery's/Patton's fault (as the case may be), the mission brief wasn't written well, I was in a rush with that turn as the wife wanted me to mow the lawn etc.
  2. Should have built the Brit 17lbr for them and turned it into something decent, just like the Mustang.
  3. Ah perfect analogy! LOTS of useful stuff on a Swiss Army Knife, just not anything you are going to actually need anytime soon.
  4. I may not know where to stick it but I do know how to spell it. orifice.
  5. I find it ironic that they didn't put M10, 18 and 36's in the Tank Units rather than their own special commands. If the US TD's had been employed in a similar manner to the Firefly, perhaps it might have helped ?
  6. Discussions between thinking people tend to go that way, they usually end up quite some distance from where they start.
  7. Quite the opposite in fact. As Australia is a much hotter climate we spend more tine in the bathroom. Therefore to ease traffic congestion the hand washing facility is placed elsewhere. That is why "Can I use your bathroom" s not a common way to ask for the toilet. It's also to distance it from the cleaning stuff because of the aerosol thing you mention. You will also note if you please that far from being backward in this regard Australia leads the world in toilet technology. Our toilets are of a different, more advanced design that uses considerably less water. We are also responsible for the only major leap forward since Elizabethan times, the Dual Flush Toilet.
  8. Tank losses for the 21 AG are estimated at 4% Arty 6% Panzerfausts etc 15% Mines 25% Anti tank guns 50% Tanks/SPG's Means either of two things, the Allies got it wrong and the tank v tank battle was more important than anything else OR they got it right and the effectiveness of infantry and ATG's was diminished by the effectiveness of their HE shells. Given the sweeping advances after the break out I lean towards the latter, but again it is probably somewhere in between
  9. Ok but the pack howitzer is not recoilless, just small and able to be packed. Otherwise it is much the same as any other field arty piece. The lack of a gunshield would make it uber vulnerable in the direct fire Infantry Gun role that the German iG75 and 150 are used for. Again tho' it comes down to how they were deployed. The 75 packs (not PAK which is German anti-tank) are an Airborne or Mountain Division's cannon company and meant to provide artillery support, not really in a direct fire or infantry gun role. Yes but their ability to fire "spotted indirect" missions is greatly restricted by their inability to fire truly indirect. As they fire from a fixed shell they cannot alter the charge of each round they fire so they have to be sighted very carefully to be able to fire indirect and are quire restricted when they do so. If an 88 is on board there will be almost nowhere it would be able to fire indirect because they have such a flat trajectory. Sure but the Howitzers at Brecourt Manner couldn't fire at Capt Winters.
  10. It is with great delight that as my final act of the day I boot all of your sorry arses up to the top of page 1. Thank you and Goodnight.
  11. You don't wear Elf Ears? Man you are missing out!
  12. You mean the 7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40? They were in use with the German Abn, I believe the next module will have the Fallschrimjager but not sure about the RCL. It is maybe a little bit obscure and might need some additional rules because of the unique parameters it has for firing. Much more back blast than a Bazooka etc. As for On Map indirect arty, there is no practical reason why an on board artillery unit cannot fire a spotted indirect mission the only thing you would need to do is remove their ability to do so if they move. The set up to fire an indirect mission with SP or Towed Artillery takes too long for the scale of the game. For direct fire weapons like the 88 the situations where it can provide indirect fire are quite restrictive as it they do not have the variable range abilities of pure artillery pieces. I rather think true field artillery firing indirect on board is excluded from the game from a realism point of view. A big map is 4klm, this is way to close to the pointy end for the artillery pukes. Would be cool tho' especially in Airborne scenarios, "Defending the Guns".
  13. A barrel load of statistics says we are in bad times ? Goodness sakes guys we've just taken a hit from the GFC, or rather YOU all j\have taken a hit it pretty much missed Australia. Times are tough and people are not entirely happy. Politicians are no different now than they have always been. We are only as F****d as we choose to allow ourselves to be.
  14. The other thing to keep in mind is that the player is not solely the Senior Commanding Officer , e also represents every leader at all levels to varying degrees. So when a unit is out of C2 the player still has interaction with them in the form of being the squad leader or whatever. What BFC are trying to do is to limit the players role to that of the squad leader rather than the omniscient God that we are.
  15. That was what I was meaning and had suspected
  16. I am not now nor have I ever been nor do I consider it even a slight remote possibility in the future for me to be a supporter of any team that plays that appalling corruption of the word football that is encouraged South of the Tropic of Capricorn. Whilst one does not seek the heights of public office one will respond as required when called upon to carry out their duty. Should the need arise that my services are required once the Flag of The Southern Cross flies above Washing Town, (or is that Laundry Town, I can never remember) I will humbly don my Swastuka armband accept my role as dictated by the leadership of the NoHeHo Party
  17. Ahh midnight 'Merkin time has past, not your birthday any more! True enough, however we managed to do it without killing anyone.
  18. Keeping quite so as not to spoil the 'Merkin's special day.
  19. Hang it was you who brought up a notion that USA had achieved more than Scotland by having a hissy fit and going off to sulk. Seeing as it is your Birthday and al I will allow your typical Amero-centric ignorance to go through to the keeper (which is the catcher in that ridiculous game you insist on calling the World Series, despite the distinct lack of worldliness )
  20. I think being "out of C2" doesn't mean they are completely isolated and no one has seen or heard from them. I think it is more that they are harder to contact. This is where all of those unseen people on the battlefield come into play. A unit out of C2 can be retasked but the orders go by runner and so takes longer for them to respond, that sort of thing.
  21. Ummm actually ol' mate you might want to just ha' a wee bit o' check o' ya history there. The last house to rule Great Britain that was indigenous to the Isles was the Hoose o' Stuart. Yes it was a Scot on the throne but died without issue which led to the current lot who are actually German (House of Hannover). This ascendancy of a Scot to the Throne of Great Britain was achieved the proper way through diplomacy and politics, rather than an armed revolt, it's how grown ups do things.
  22. It's for those WEGO plebes who keep insisting they have to look 1 minute into the future
  23. I can be Aussie anywhere but I'd much rather be in your face, if that is ok with you your wisdomness
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