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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Sorry it didn't work. By default the install is in C:\Program Files x86\Battlefront\... etc. If you right click on the short cut you use to launch it and display the properties you can see where the .exe is in that dialog. Normally if I am face to face with a friend upon hearing a frustrating story I would say "Joy" or "Awesome" or "Great" but in a way that told them I was being sarcastic and therefore meant the exact opostie. /s is short for sarcastic kinda like colon close parentheses means smile face.
  2. Abandon means the crew is leaving and never coming back so they disable the gun. That was SOP if you were going to abandon gear - make sure the enemy cannot use it against you. The game does not model leaving a gun temporarily for cover and then coming back to it. This is where the limitation lies. This is just not modelled. We players might have wanted BFC to model temporarily moving away from a gun to find cover and not model abandoning the gun but that was not the choice they made. Well if you have a keyhole position and good cover they can be difficult to KO. They are not going to survive because the are prime targets and your opponent will spend what ever they need to in order to remove it. AT guns firing at range and from good cover do take time to be spotted.
  3. Yeah its a limitation. They are treating the ATG like is a MG and not a vehicle. That leads to odd looking swings of the gun model and using the same movement as infantry. It does look bad agreed. I don't see the animations changing any time soon though so we kind of have to live with it.
  4. Joy /s Do you have CMFI's install directory in your anti virus exclude list?
  5. Correct decompiling does not recreate the core units files or the script. You have to figure all that out again in order to rebuild.
  6. Any mod that tweaks the strings.txt file is the mostly likely culprit. Do you have Vin's animated text mod? If so remove just that one.
  7. Yeah that's a fog rendering bug. Bummer we though we go all those. Can you see this just by starting the battle?
  8. ?? You always have been able to set the sorting of the scenarios in the Battle list alphabetically. At the bottom of the Load New Game panel there is a drop down control that lists the three ways you can sort (alphabetically, by size and by length) and which direction you want to sort.
  9. @sburke explained it but I think I can put even simpler: To play PBEM both players must have a game installed the same version number. What choices of scenario and units you can pick will depend on which modules each have licensed.
  10. What @JoMc67 said... And it is possible for an additional do nothing turn as well. If early intel is on for the other side and you start the game you can end up with an enter you password go straight to saving a turn. I find it disconcerting and it always makes me stop and think about it. I'm just mentioning it so when it happens you can think back to this thread and roll with it.
  11. Ack I meant definitely there is code that takes into account morale and casualties. Apologies, I butchered the typing and when I went back to fix up my red squiggly mistakes I picked the wrong word - actually it is likely the right one was not even there and I just did not recognize it. I'll fix it up for future readers.
  12. Scenario files and the like (maps, QB maps) go in a directory structure in your personal documents folder. On my machine that happens to be D:\Ian\Documents on yours it might be C:\Users\USMC0311\Documents. Just use the Documents short cut under My PC (assuming Windows 10 but win 7 and 8 will be simiarl) Under there look for Battlefront\Chock Force 2\Game Files\Scenarios. That directory contains all the scenarios the game shipped with and you can add any you download there too. Similar for Quick Battle Maps to add to the maps available for quick battles and Master Maps if you want to store downloaded maps along side any that came with the game.
  13. And I'm not taking it as any kind of bravado - just happy to have some one with some experience to chime in. Thanks.
  14. Found a few threads... The last time I answered this: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/116879-pc-for-combat-mission-help/#entry1559380 2015 similar question - still valid: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121532-recommended-specs/ The link in the first one about GPU choices is broken but I found a couple of threads that migth help - might even be the post I linked to http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120722-what-type-of-video-card-should-i-get-to-play-cm/ http://community.battlefront.com/topic/125997-what-kind-of-specs-should-a-pc-have-to-run-cmx2-well/ For future reference I used google's site feature to search. It is way better than the built in forum searching. To find the above I knew I participated in the thread and it was about GPU so I searched for "site:community.battlefront.com IanL GPU". You can play with different search terms and find more.
  15. The game is CPU bound (I'm not saying the graphics card doesn't matter though). It also uses a single core for the actual meat of the work of generating outcomes so favour higher clock speed over more cores. I would advise sticking with nVidia graphics cards. Other than that things like and SSD will help but are not the most important thing. Oh and on Windows it is a 32 bit app. It is compiled to use all 4Gb but that's all it can use. So, while you might need more than 8Gb of memory for other things getting 16Gb of memory will not help the game any.
  16. Hee hee LOL - that does illustrate what the results look like quite nicely. That picture kinda looks like the gun could and should have been lower - hummmm
  17. Weeeeellll sort of. The gun on the model is limited in how far it can move but the actual ability to fire the gun is not restricted. It does cause some odd situations in close with elevation (buildings) where the shot does not follow the barrel of the tank gun. This is done to avoid having to program the Tac AI to move the tank to take a shot. A part form being challenging to program it could also lead to TCs moving tanks out of cover and expose them to danger that the player was trying to avoid and thus unhappy players. To compensate for this tanks have a longer engagement time for targets that are close in.
  18. Now I'm on you side In the back of my mind I had a feeling your avatar was associated with some actual experience.
  19. Based on? I am in no way making a disparaging comment in any way. My opinion of where the cut off should be is of zero value since I have no experience and have done no reading on the real world systems we are talking about here. Show some info to back up your opinion and you will instantly have more authority than me (and I claim none).
  20. Sure it could and there are countless examples. Yes, months and years would be the time scale. But first someone would need to make the case with a little stats and some real world info or opinion.
  21. No I mean the one for CMFI. Sorry, the all in one installers are plural. There is one for each game not one install to rule them all. So, in you case the CMFI engine v4 all in one install will give you all the game content for CMFI up to and including Rome to Victory. The home screen will say version 2.10 engine 4 and you should not install it over top of your existing game.
  22. Range plays a factor. The ATGM has the same ability to kill at any range. The AP round's energy goes down the farther it has to fly. At some point the TC makes the call that they should switch to launching ATGM instead of AP. I think there is room for discussion if that cut off is correct - I have no idea. And room for discussion that the TC might want to switch to AP when the enemy APS takes down their first missile.
  23. Going from so far back you might want to consider using the v4 engine upgrade all in one installer. It's a big download but it's all there - including the software bits for Rome to Victory. That way you don't have to do all the patches in the right order. You just have one install to run.
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