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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yeah it is a bit of a mixed bag and it also matters which member of the team arrives at the way point first. If the tube guy does he will have time to aim and fire with just a way point. Otherwise a pause would be needed. So for a shoot and scoot I usually add a 5s pause. If they are just running across open ground from cover to cover then I don't and the tube guy usually pauses himself and takes a shot. There are several examples of my trying to get a Shrek team to fire at a Churchill tank in my 20 000 point Quick battle thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105660
  2. Yeah, Green as Jade beat me to it for sure. I have not looked at the functionality of H2HH so I am not sure of all the differences but I am pretty sure the answer is "nothing substantial".
  3. Some background history for those that want to know more. Way back in the summer of 2011 I got tired of copy files by hand for the limited number of PBEM games I had going at the time. Back then I think I had two or three games going and I looked around to find software to do the job for me. I found and wrote up this: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97839 Don't read it - yuck use WTII? or the existing H2HH before doing all that craziness. I used that system for a long time but even with it working, figuring out which games were ready for me to play and which I was waiting for was painful. I thought "Computers should be doing this work". So I wrote Whose Turn Is It? The original program's job was just to look a your installed CM games' Incoming and Outgoing email folders to tell you what games you had going and whose turn it was to play each of them. I thought it was useful so I offered it to a friend of mine (known here as @DungeonTiger). He said cool but "it is useless if it does not copy the files too". I said "what? you are not using the cool system I told you about". He called me crazy. After that conversation I went to work and added turn management functionality to WTII? He has been using it ever since. I was ready to announce about a year ago except I could not get an install that was sane for Mac users. The process to get there was longer than I thought. But we have finally arrived. Now I use WTII? to manage all my games and at this moment I have 15 games against seven or eight players on the go. The program makes it easy to just see what turns need to be played and play what is available.
  4. What I need though is someone or a couple of people to try this out for the Mac. I have verified - from two people that it installs and runs in a Mac but I really need someone with the game on a Mac to do some testing for me. If you have a Mac, a CM2 game and some time please PM me. A couple of things to note this will not be going into the App Store and it uses Java. So you have to be willing to accept non app store software and already have Java installed. Java 1.6 and higher is required.
  5. Whose Turn Is It? Product Page This utility program will help you manage your PBEM games for Combat Mission 2 titles (e.g. Battle for Normandy and Fortress Italy). Once you tell 'Whose Turn Is It?' where your CM2 game is installed you can see which PBEM games you have a turn to play and which PBEM games you are waiting for your opponent to play. You can then tell 'Whose Turn Is It?' where to find new turn files and where to put turn files for your opponents and 'Whose Turn Is It?' will copy your PBEM turns to and from your file synchronization tool. This project is now just about ready to be fully released. For Windows users you can use it now. Myself and four other users have been using it for well over a year now and I can report that it works. The most serious bug I am working on fixing now is that one person cannot launch the game - but it works for others. Check out the major features on the New and Noteworthy Page When you want to get started make sure you read the Getting Started Guide
  6. I had not thought of that because the data is available for members to see. But that assumes that the designer is a member - bad assumption. I will do my best to do that. And by that I mean I will report to the designers and if I forget a reminder will get me to do it forth with Just FYI these things take a long time to run through - you will not be surprised. For example my opponent from the August game and I are not even half way through the scenario. I personally will not be playing any of the September matches - too many games going to add more.
  7. Yep, not a good place to be for sure. :eek: Nahhh, I like it this way. Less micro managing is A Good Thing . We just need some refinement. Cover Armour arc John you bad NCO you - contradictory orders. Either you want me to keep the tank buttoned by firing my MG or you want me to wait for the AT asset to start the ambush. Make up you mind man.
  8. Indeed. And I for one would rather have some data to back up my gut or change it: Having said that I am not sure if I have the fortitude to do what @c3k is suggesting. It must be because I don't like beer:)
  9. Everybody out. Wait don't do that stay take cover it is your only hope. Sigh The remnants of 2 Platoon are all pinned and no longer combat effective. Try to get one of 1 Platoon's Shrek teams into a useful position. Everybody back in - well those that are able to accept commands.
  10. Thank for the comments. Any thoughts on the test I created and reported on in post #66? Is that on the right track? What would be needed - apart from lots more iterations? My gut says the same. I can see a path to getting some repeatable numbers of some kind. My biggest worry is: what help is that when I do not know what I should be expecting? How do we figure out if what we are seeing in any given test is what we should be seeing?
  11. September is getting off to a late start but there are two more scenarios of the month starting soon over on the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: CW First Clash CMFI: Bon Giorno Tomahawks Forum discussion over on The Blitz - sign up here
  12. Yep, there is even a test scenario. Run some more, use it as inspiration of your own or just change it and get more information.
  13. Oh that does suck. Been there before - we all have. What did the hit text say for that one? Was it a penetrating hit?
  14. @womble is spot on. The only thing I would add is that taking on tanks from the front is not usually a successful strategy. The trouble with taking tanks on from the front, even from concealment, is that you only get one shot before you are spotted. The trouble with these tube weapons is they often take two or even three shots to score a hit. Given that you need to take care to get flanking or rear attacks. Case in point in this AAR you can see two of my Shrek teams are pinned down facing three Stuart tanks. They were spotted very quickly and have been under fire for many turns now. Occasionally they have rallied and managed to take a shot but none have connected. I think they have fired 8-10 rounds and missed them all. www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110644 Correct my Grenadier Battalion has very few Fausts - lots of Shreks. I have an armoured company that has no Shreks but lots of Fausts. Earlier in the fight they were too far away from the enemy. Some of them are just now arriving in the town I am working to clear so perhaps we will see some Faust action. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105660 Most recent post - in this case a successful Shrek hit is #365 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1467539&postcount=365
  15. Oh I did and often units in a trench and hidden will survive unscathed. However that round landed right in the trench. Not much you can do about that and you cannot hide if the damn shell lands right next to you.
  16. Cool I already sent this to a friend of mine who is learning to play.
  17. The last man standing from 2 Platoon HQ proves that you cannot outrun bullets. 1 Platoon start off looking good. They make it to the trenches just as all hell breaks loose at their old positions. As the turn closes a round lands right in the trench killing 5 men from three different teams. This sends the whole platoon into a panic. I hope they stay in that trench. The remnants of 2 Platoon are all ordered to find cover.
  18. I just finished having a chat with @Dungeon Tiger. I told him about his amazing luck with the TD. He claims it is skill. Perhaps skill of the TD crew. He claims to have "many platoons of tanks" in reserve. I don't believe him but there must be something guarding the rail crossing village so he probably has something more to send at me. The only tanks left that I know about are two Churchill tanks and the TD operating in the town. Plus there are several near the orchard as well. Some of them I suspect are immobilized. It is not clear how much is coming my way but the faster I can get the town in my hands the faster I can get ready. Members of 5 Company are arriving with a Stug next turn. So that will help.
  19. With the uber Achilles out of town my lead platoon goes forward to fill the vacuum. They should be in a position to make life miserable for it if it comes back and one of their Shrek teams might even get a shot at it from good cover. I move up some infantry near the farm to make sure that tank crew is dealt with. Plus I adjust the Shrek team’s position so they can ambush any following tank but are not in the same location if there is a next time. Problems Update: I remembered to cancel the gun’s move order last turn. What happened was a surprise. The rest of the crew ran over to join the lone crewman who pushed the gun across the field. Now that they are all in one place I have ordered the truck to go and fetch them. Hopefully in a few turns they will be back where they are supposed to be.
  20. This minute is a bit of a mixed bag; one good success and one unfortunate failure. First the crew of the Churchill tank the Panther dispatched last turn do not last long against my infantry. Then Dungeon Tiger does something very unexpected with his Achilles tank destroyer: he moves it to attack a Stug head to head. Those guys have a nasty gun but they are pretty fragile – well not this TD: Amazing luck this guy has. The Stug gets two hits and has no effect on the TD but the Stug is dispatched. Thankfully my set ambush over by the farm goes very well. Dungeon Tiger had a Churchill tank sitting just back from the farm buildings. I set things up so my lead infantry were not visible from the tanks position and they were backed up by a Shrek team that could see if the enemy tank moved forward. That is just what the Churchill did this turn. The tank spotted the Shrek team before they fired but just. They silenced the tank with the first shot, forced the crew to bail with the second and added one more for good measure and destroyed it (not shown). The crew comes under immediate fire from two directions.
  21. Thanks for the explanation. I was clearly not making the leap. And yes I would agree that it is:
  22. Nope, good tactics. Buttoned tank, hull down. He will not have difficulty spotting enemy armour, which is your desire. That is, assuming the tank has LOS to the ground you intend it to cover.
  23. Oh this must be it. Cool!!! I read that like six times and never really thought it referred to the use of new game features, such as a command, but instead the regular kind of lower case a ambush that we can all do now with a bit of careful placement and cover arcs.
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