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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yep, that would likely not be possible. I know I am slow but I really don't think that an hour long battle will fit in two weeks let alone one week. An hour long battle is 61 turns for a two week game that would be 4 1/3 turns per day and for a one week battle nearly 9 turns per day. If you want to keep the tournament moving then I suggest small battles that are 30 min long and give one month for each battle. I am interested in the tournament - as long as the time limit is set to something reasonable.
  2. This is going to be great. I am confused about one thing. Can you clarify: what good high heels are going to be against Bill?
  3. I think (hope) that was a supply drop - the footage right after was of unpacking dropped crates.
  4. Well the last two modules were released 102 and 115 days after they were officially announced. I predict 110 days this time. If I am correct, or even in the right ball park, we have a little time before there is a month left and pre-orders are opened.
  5. Can you elaborate on that a bit? What statistics do you want to see and how would you use them during purchase?
  6. Hey everyone. The Blitz is staring the next weeks screen shot contest: http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=64831 Take your best shot and share it there too.
  7. Hey everyone. The Blitz is staring the next weeks screen shot contest: http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=64831 This seems like a good thing to do while you wait for CMMG - keep playing the existing game.
  8. That would be CMRV - sounds like a brand of camping vehicles.
  9. As a teenager I tried miniature table top war gaming (I even worked on my own rules for a while) and various board games but they never were satisfying. Eventually I gave up and never really looked into it again. I discovered CM when two friends of mine were talking about a remake of a game they had enjoyed before they met me. I overheard them - they were talking about CMBN. I could not believe the CM 1x games they were talking about - it was amazing. I was excited enough for them to re buy them and the three of us played CMBB and AK while we waited for CMBN. Now two of us have been playing CMBN and CMFI and the third is trying to get into it for a third time - wish me luck getting in over the learning curve. Words cannot express how much I wish I had known about CMBO when it first came out. I have been paying CM close to every day, sometimes more sometimes less, since I first heard about the games. I feel sure I would have been doing that for the last 10 years if I had only known. So, there is at least one of us that could have been a customer earlier Note I am not saying your thinking is wrong just telling you we are out there - and yes word of mouth did get me in just 10 years to late - for my liking Interesting discussion about 8x8 Action Squares. I think the look works out pretty well now - with the terrain feathering (or merging). The issues with area firing into part of an AS and the fact that an infantry team cannot be placed in a quarter of an AS (dead zones in some of the wall tiles) are problems that could possibly be addressed without going to smaller AS. I am not sure how practical that is or which would be easier. I realize there is a desire for smaller AS and the greater flexibility of placement for roads and walls that would allow. For me you could get a lot of improvements without changing the size of the AS - if that were practical - I have no idea.
  10. The limitation of the LOS tool is that is determines your selected units visibility to the ground at the selected location. Of course this leads to surprises when a location you thought you had no LOS too hosts a tank that actually can see you. The game give some indication of this right now, the message about reverse slope is trying to tell you that your unit cannot see the ground at that location but it might be able to see something higher. I have no idea what height is used for that determination but there is some hint there. Here is quick video tutorial I created a while back that shows a technique for assessing a vehicle's viability to an already spotted enemy:
  11. Didn't you mother teach you that two wrongs don't make a right? I would rather see BFC tweak and improve things that are short comings and by doing so create a better experience of urban fighting. Things such as, but no limited to (in what I consider a rough priority order): peaking, firing around corners (no need to run across the street when you can just peak around a corner and back) close assault a tank that is next to the building you are in revisit the ability for tanks to spot enemy infantry behind them and at their sides follow tank that you want to close assault - at least a short distance if the tanks moves slightly have troops not stand around in the middle of the street to die when the tank they are close assaulting moves too far away for them to close the distance (see above) look at what can be done to implement minimum range of the weapons of a tank look at what can be done about elevation limits I realize this is a long list and I get that it is not a quick solution. Given that engine v 3 is being worked on I hope that some of these items have made it onto the list.
  12. Fitting conclusion. I like the Market Garden module symbol that you slipped in there. I see it actually appeared earlier but I missed it.
  13. Voting on the screen shot of the week will be closing soon over at the blitz: http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=64760
  14. Yes, a radio less FO team is not very useful but you can get them access to another radio but if the guy that knows how to correct fire goes down then you are SOL. I wonder if one FO team that has lost the observer but still has its radio and another FO team that still has its observer but lost its radio would get to get together and get the job done.
  15. I have had this happen before. Two things if they stay in the same location they can continue to use the radio - assuming because it is sitting there on the ground so to speak. Yes buddy aiding can recover the radio - I am pretty sure I have seen this. The other thing you can do if you find your FO team is radio less is get them another one. By that I mean find a radio equipped jeep or HT and they can use that. I do this often with unhorsed tank HQ units. They can take command of the rest of the platoon if they get to a radio some where. Works for the FO team as well.
  16. Hee Hee I had just the same reaction the other day. I have been posting for a year and had never used a questionable word before last week and was surprised to see the *'s. I had always thought posters were adding them in themselves.
  17. Super thanks. I have company visiting over the next week too so I would have been a bit slower responding anyway.
  18. Sure we can understand that. On the other hand this topic has been around and around and around a lot. It does get tiresome.
  19. Now that would be cool. But I think it is the Hell Cat. Which is cool too. But not a cool as the Tetarch would be
  20. Rats that mean I am wrong. No Chaffee for now.
  21. I have not been gathering stats but it is my impression as well. Often I will look a the casualty statistics for units after a battle and select that one squad that was in that fierce fire fight where dozens of guys went down only to find the squad caused 7 casualties the whole battle. Then select the tank near by and it has 21 casualties.
  22. BTW if someone guesses correctly are you going to tell us?
  23. My guess is M24. Wiki says the first 34 of them arrived and began service with the US in November of 44 so in the time frame. The images on the page might fit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M24_Chaffee
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