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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Very cool indeed. Steve verified that this was the case way, way back with this interesting post: Some bugs are more interesting than others
  2. Welcome to the community forum. I just looked at the product page for the first time since I bought the original game. There certainly are a lot of choices. That can be confusing for sure. I do not recall reading anything official about plans for a bundle of the base game, upgrade and both modules. So, no idea about that. You might get lucky and see an official response from BFC here. In terms of what you need the two modules are independent of each other. So, you can have either one or both no problem. I do not see reason that would prevent purchasing the Commonwealth module after the MG and 2.0 upgrade. However the install procedure might be a few extra steps since the 2.0 upgrade also updates Commonwealth module components. If you decide you want to got that route I recommend posting a question about what the install procedure would be on the support forum. BFC's support will give you a step by step install procedure to follow to make it work. That's my take on it.
  3. Here is what happens to me often during setup: split a three team squad, start working with one and setting its orders, go back to select one of the other teams - its not there any more. Grrr. Split again repeat. I would like @womble's explicit combine command too. Having said that this is pretty low priority - for me.
  4. The platoon leader, Kraft, runs into the middle of enemy fire where he surrenders. The volume of fire is too much for these guys and now their fall back positions are being shelled along with their current location. There is only four of five rounds of Shrek amo left and none of these guys can hit the broad side of a barn. I think we are at the point where we have to consider throwing in the towel. During the order's phase there are very few fire teams that I can issue orders to - they are so messed up. We can wait a few turns to see if they recover their senses and / or the artillery fire lessens. We are close to the end of this match-up. I am afraid I did not inflict significant casualties on the enemy.
  5. OK the wheels are really off the cart now. Things start much as they have been the last few turns. Hornung's Shrek aim is no truer that the last time he fired. Artillery starts raining down on 1 Platoon. Horter squad takes a couple of causalities before they can make it to the trenches. Even Ruppertz's AT gun is nearly hit. 2 Platoon fairs even worse. Penzel's squad takes a causality - the MG42 gunner - and they are doing the best out of 2 Platoon's teams. Every single squad from 2 Platoon plus Alnter's Shrek team and the HQ team take at least one casualty. The teams at the farm house have lost cohesion and run for it.
  6. Another very poor turn for my Shrek teams. Ober misses not once, not twice but three times. Members of 2 Platoon are able to cause some casualties from their trench works. One of the flanking Stuarts has begun to creep along the road - Altner misses his shot as well. 2 Platoon hold up in the farm take casualties and one fire team runs for it. 2 Platoon is not taking fire from three sides in the farm. From the South road, from the fields and buildings to the North and from a Stuart to the South. I am pretty worried about their position but they don't really have a safe place to go. Going West is not very safe now because the enemy are at the North road and can cover the open ground the the West of the farm.
  7. Not true. There are two items. The 2.0 upgrade which made your version 2.0. Later a new patch was released which changed the version number of the game to 2.01. The files on my HD are called, wait for it, "CMBN_v200_Upgrade_Setup.exe" and "CMBN_v201_Patch_Setup.exe" respectively.
  8. Well anecdotal is useless for a full analysis but anecdotal is useful to help you determine *what* to test or what would be *worth* investigating. I know BFC is a small out fit and lots of user testing happens. I have to say I would like to see some more official BFC testing being done for anecdotal things like this the come up often. This example of tanks spotting things behind them when they are busy with threats in front of them has come up a few times. I think it would be good if BFC made an official statement or had someone run a test and show us that things are OK and that we should just morn our poor AT team and keep trying. Or they might discover that they are not happy with the out come and decide to change it. I suppose someone here could start the ball rolling but I guess my problem is I have no extra time right now so it will not be me - this time.
  9. Your current game probably says 2.01 - I know mine does. Not sure about your question. The 2.0 upgrade was a release a while ago and patched to 2.01. When MG comes out there will be fixes and enhancements made on top of the 2.01 code that make MG features possible. I suspect they will call it 2.1.
  10. From the manual (my bold) But I just tried to find them in a July 43 QB as the Canadians (I also tried as the Brits) but I could not find them. Was I spacing out just because I am tired or are they really missing for QBs?
  11. I fixed it - I was still able to edit. I tried to do that from my phone while I was watching the BBQ - fail. Yeah, sometimes those 105 equipped vehicles go up in a big boom right away and some times it takes a while.
  12. So, far they have never offered a download only preorder. I have stopped asking. Ah, knowing the pre-orders have it is no help to the rest of us. The first time it was over a day later when everyone else could order. The last time it was only a 12 hour delay.
  13. Well the 2.0 update to CMBN has been out for a while and did not include the footpaths. So the short answer is no. What we have received for the CMBN series: *CMBN 1.0 *patch for bug fixes to 1.01 *CMBN CW module also included some bug fixes 1.1 *patch for bug fixes to 1.11 *upgrade to 2.0 *patch for bug fixes 2.01 Now we are about to get (version numbers are speculation on my part): * CMBN MG module also includes some bug fixes 2.1 And a while after that there could be: * patch for bug fixes 2.11 @Sequoia gave you the quote from Steve that answers the question you were probably trying to ask.
  14. Oh that would be cool. I cannot tell from your phrasing if you are speculating or have verified that shooting through smoke works. I don't have time to test this today though. Can you clarify?
  15. Nope that is *not* it. At the 3:00 minute of the video you can see me setting up to fire at a building face and see that initially I have too long a move forward that does allow targeting to the desired building and I move it back and verify that from the final move location the tanks does *not* have LOF to the building. Then the turn starts and it fires on the building. I strongly suspect that the location of the tank when it starts firing (or not) is a key determinant if the trick works or not but I don't know what the parameters are that let it work and what makes it not work. However I am sure that in neither case does the tank have a view of the centre of targeted building's action square.
  16. I agree with @womble. The more you try to get a unit to do the higher the chance something new will be discovered that will ruin your plans. However sometimes one action might need some fanciful command staking. For example a tank can lay down a three or four round smoke screen in turn if you stack the commands correctly.
  17. Indeed, you are doing great. Keep up the good work and concentrate on one thing at a time, just like you are already doing.
  18. I am pretty sure he does not have a significant infantry force. Nothing is hiding so it is all about can I make his tanks come in close and make them pay when they do because I am running out of AFVs faster than he is. That is why I wanted to make sure I got my infantry into the town - it is their best chance to stand up to his tanks.
  19. I am happy to report that with the setting in the off position was able to set way points around and on a bridge with the 1.10 version of CMBN. So this issue is resolved as far as I am concerned.
  20. You have to ask? Yes, please. Are you sure the Cromwell's armour can stand up to that thing? Sounds like a test would be a good idea here to. If you doe one: Yes, we would like to see the results:D
  21. Bummer - I was hopeful. This might be an issue worth being addressed by BFC - i.e. report a bug. Anyone using these formations (and with MG that will be a lot) will have trouble figuring out their mortar teams' amo position. Not being able to see the HE shell count will be a serious problem when it comes to commanding the platoon.
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