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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I'm not Bill but the usual way things work is once you have you game patched to the same version you get the same features. So, in this example, assuming they use the version number 2.1 for the patch that comes with MG, once the 2.1 patch comes out for non MG owners and you patch your game to 2.1 then you have all the features they added in 2.1.
  2. I like the idea - did it work? I thought the hide was executed after the last move command. If I am right they would just wait normally during the pause (which could include kneeling and firing even) and then get up and run followed by hitting the dirt.
  3. Yes, chat is on my list. I was planning to use plain text files so that non WTII users could just use them. However making WTII compatible with H2HH would be awesome. You are thinking about making an opponent finding facility - cool. I would be up for cooperating together on that.
  4. Strange - that is CMFI's trick. It makes running multiple versions extremely difficult because the older games show up as playable in the newer installs and you can accidentally upgrade. When the first patch to CMFI came out I asked them to change it so it was configurable in the install. I really hope they do that otherwise or PBEM lives are going to become more and more complicated.
  5. More of the same. Shells falling guys running and surrendering. Game some guys orders to go hide in the trench. Nothing much to see so I just turned the file around.
  6. OK, I paid attention. Multiple times. I don't get what the winking is for. Anyone care to speculate?
  7. Oh, interesting. Let me think about that... I am pretty sure pushing turns to your opponent will work fine but if you play a turn on one machine and then look at your turn status on the other it might not pull the new turn out of drop box and therefore would think that you still had to play it. That's from memory. Let me do an experiment and get back to you...
  8. Indeed very ironic and poetic. An honorable and worthy opponent, you are. With a great sense of humor.
  9. Hee, Hee except you are better of finishing a game started in 2.01 with 2.01 and start new games using 2.1. Or if you really want to upgrade - which usually works do it in a controlled way and follow the upgrade procedure and make sure your opponent knows and agrees to the plan. One other thing to consider - after you make the copy of the install remove any mods from the folder you are going to upgrade - before you upgrade.
  10. LOL great idea - can you be the product manager and create a list of new features?
  11. LOL Oh my guys have been caught with their pants down that is for sure.
  12. For the record there are more people who have posted in support of using the map as it is than there are those complaining (not backed up by actual statistics 'cause I care so little I did not actually count:-). And then there are a large group who are ignoring the whole discussion so they can enjoy the AAR Of course Ken is having lots of fun with it, in his Ken will be Ken sort of way, but you can read all that later
  13. Well I don't speak for BFC but from my observations the path they have set is very clear. When they put out a module a patch comes too. If they are just updating the point release it means it is a free patch (MG is said to take us from 2.01 to 2.1). Hence free patch. So you can have 2.1 with no CW and no MG and play with someone with 2.1 and both modules - of course the game those two opponents play can only make use of the original game content and nothing from the CW or MG modules. Yeah, again not BFC but they make changes that are not strictly speaking bug fixes. If memory serves they tweaked the way flavour objects can be positioned in the 3D editor as part of the 1.11 patch. If what you are asking is if you need an MG unit for a 2.1 patch feature of fix to work then: Nope. (well there is always a chance but then that would not be intentional - it would be a defect)
  14. Now contacting the players is a members only feature - but of course we welcome scenario designers as members I'll do my best to connect the dots when they are there.
  15. Oh, thanks for that correction. That is even better than I expected... I looked at the site for the scenario above and I am now concerned that contacting the authors might be tricky. The download site for H2H - Break out does not have contact information: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1537 And since on the BFC site there is no guaranteed connection between the repository account and the forum account...
  16. And this is, I think, the biggest obstacle here. We can create tests and tweak variables all week long but not of it matters if we cannot tell which out come is expected and which is a surprise. In other words nothing will change (if it needs changing) if we just show how spotting works in game, if we do not also have an argument about how what we are seeing in game is correct or incorrect.
  17. Yeah it is a bit of a mixed bag and it also matters which member of the team arrives at the way point first. If the tube guy does he will have time to aim and fire with just a way point. Otherwise a pause would be needed. So for a shoot and scoot I usually add a 5s pause. If they are just running across open ground from cover to cover then I don't and the tube guy usually pauses himself and takes a shot. There are several examples of my trying to get a Shrek team to fire at a Churchill tank in my 20 000 point Quick battle thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105660
  18. Yeah, Green as Jade beat me to it for sure. I have not looked at the functionality of H2HH so I am not sure of all the differences but I am pretty sure the answer is "nothing substantial".
  19. Some background history for those that want to know more. Way back in the summer of 2011 I got tired of copy files by hand for the limited number of PBEM games I had going at the time. Back then I think I had two or three games going and I looked around to find software to do the job for me. I found and wrote up this: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97839 Don't read it - yuck use WTII? or the existing H2HH before doing all that craziness. I used that system for a long time but even with it working, figuring out which games were ready for me to play and which I was waiting for was painful. I thought "Computers should be doing this work". So I wrote Whose Turn Is It? The original program's job was just to look a your installed CM games' Incoming and Outgoing email folders to tell you what games you had going and whose turn it was to play each of them. I thought it was useful so I offered it to a friend of mine (known here as @DungeonTiger). He said cool but "it is useless if it does not copy the files too". I said "what? you are not using the cool system I told you about". He called me crazy. After that conversation I went to work and added turn management functionality to WTII? He has been using it ever since. I was ready to announce about a year ago except I could not get an install that was sane for Mac users. The process to get there was longer than I thought. But we have finally arrived. Now I use WTII? to manage all my games and at this moment I have 15 games against seven or eight players on the go. The program makes it easy to just see what turns need to be played and play what is available.
  20. What I need though is someone or a couple of people to try this out for the Mac. I have verified - from two people that it installs and runs in a Mac but I really need someone with the game on a Mac to do some testing for me. If you have a Mac, a CM2 game and some time please PM me. A couple of things to note this will not be going into the App Store and it uses Java. So you have to be willing to accept non app store software and already have Java installed. Java 1.6 and higher is required.
  21. Whose Turn Is It? Product Page This utility program will help you manage your PBEM games for Combat Mission 2 titles (e.g. Battle for Normandy and Fortress Italy). Once you tell 'Whose Turn Is It?' where your CM2 game is installed you can see which PBEM games you have a turn to play and which PBEM games you are waiting for your opponent to play. You can then tell 'Whose Turn Is It?' where to find new turn files and where to put turn files for your opponents and 'Whose Turn Is It?' will copy your PBEM turns to and from your file synchronization tool. This project is now just about ready to be fully released. For Windows users you can use it now. Myself and four other users have been using it for well over a year now and I can report that it works. The most serious bug I am working on fixing now is that one person cannot launch the game - but it works for others. Check out the major features on the New and Noteworthy Page When you want to get started make sure you read the Getting Started Guide
  22. I had not thought of that because the data is available for members to see. But that assumes that the designer is a member - bad assumption. I will do my best to do that. And by that I mean I will report to the designers and if I forget a reminder will get me to do it forth with Just FYI these things take a long time to run through - you will not be surprised. For example my opponent from the August game and I are not even half way through the scenario. I personally will not be playing any of the September matches - too many games going to add more.
  23. Yep, not a good place to be for sure. :eek: Nahhh, I like it this way. Less micro managing is A Good Thing . We just need some refinement. Cover Armour arc John you bad NCO you - contradictory orders. Either you want me to keep the tank buttoned by firing my MG or you want me to wait for the AT asset to start the ambush. Make up you mind man.
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