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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. +1 yes in FISH (MOUT) they can be nasty too. Don't get me wrong thought @iluvmy88 they do go wild and long a *lot*. The modern automatic grenade launchers in CMBS are pretty awesome though. As long as they are *your* grenade launchers that is.
  2. That sounds more promising that what Steve said. I hope you mean the editor is going to help get more representative screen shots up there and not that the Editor is going to deal with Steve I thought the forum reaction was pretty reasonable - pointing out that the graphics in the review don't represent the game very well is a very legitimate concern. Frankly if someone is being stubborn they need to man up. Hopefully it is just an issue that is going to be fixed. Sure, matters of opinion need to be backed up by the editor and any publisher trying to mess with that *should* be told off. But we are not talking about matters of opinion we are talking about presentation of the facts. In this case the graphics with that review are *not* representative of what the game normally looks like or can look like. Therefore there are facts in error and those should be corrected.
  3. LOL even though their lives depend on it. My guys took out a Stug once - nice side shot from about 50m away. It was a beautiful thing. With a rifle grenade to be clear.
  4. Oh that is bad news. I hope things are well or get better for you.
  5. I have to wonder about this. Is it SOP for troops to throw grenades from any distance at a building? It would seem to me that the risk of missing the window and having it bounce back would not be something to trifle with.
  6. LOL nice - I like the idea of achievements. I am looking forward to this update...
  7. What happens if you select the final way point (highlighted move order colour and larger and brighter white way point circle)? Is the deploy weapon command available then? You mean always with every tanks or do you have one specific tank stuck in some way?
  8. Fair enough. There have been a few threads describing unsatisfying stories around bunkers so hopefully we will hear from a few people. Interesting. That sound like something worth looking at. I would expect a fortified position like a bunker to be considered threatening for sure - apparently empty or not. Clearly if someone is actively firing from one that is a big deal but if the enemy is not firing from it they could still be in there and you wouldn't want to just walk around in front of one unless you knew it was empty (by that I mean *your* guys were inside it). I don't like the sounds of the Tac AI knowing if it is empty or not regardless of if the occupants are spotted or not. Is it even possible for the occupants to be unspotted while inside a spotted bunker? Sounds like no.
  9. Yes, interesting. I feel like we might be on the edge of finding something really interesting. I look forward to more information.
  10. I want to call B** S*** on that. Not that players use faulty tactics - cause we do. But BFC does *not* just claim that. So, the have a high bar to prove something needs to change - OK so lets deal with it and hand them the proof. How this thread does is up to us. I suggest we all keep going along the path that @Bulletpoint started and I tried to follow. But if you want to spend time slagging each other and BFC go right ahead. But then the chances of this being a productive thread drop dramatically. To be clear I'm not trying to offend anyone and I'm not sitting here made at my computer screen. My preference is to actually have a good discussion and perhaps figure out if / what might need to be tweaked. I'm starting with an open mind. Join us!
  11. Well it wasn't pretty. No one was in good order C2 was shot. It was a big mess. I was after - I am pretty sure. I did not play it when the campaign first came out it was a while after so I am pretty sure it was after the 2.0 upgrade. I could not swear under oath though .
  12. Great have fun. Don't forget some titles include mater maps you can chop a section out of an use for a scenario. Nothing wrong with working with QB maps - just reminding you if you had not thought of the master maps.
  13. My research indicated that it was bright and cold with some snow on the ground. The conditions reflect that. Glad you liked it.
  14. So, I would not abandon your plans totally. It is true my upgrade of video card way back was a really good thing because I went from crappy to decent and it made a huge difference for me. Switching form one brand to another of similar power will likely not be as dramatic. I could still be worth it. It all depends on what you are not happy about now and what your expectations are. Check out this for a discussion about settings for Nvidia cards: If you can skip over some of the rudeness from a few posters there are several enlightening discussions here (including some thoughts from Steve):
  15. True. But you know what I did not actually try it again with snow. It could be worth doing a snow specific test just to be sure.
  16. Yep, quite a while ago. Should be no mine's don't work surprises. Well other than it is actually possible for a vehicle to pass over a mine infested AS - just not very likely. I have had one or two bren carriers pass along a road only to have the Sherman right behind them taken out and his buddy behind that taken out trying to pass
  17. I'm not talking about anything rigorous at this point. Steve might want that at some point. Just something so we can see (just as an example) if just the BAR gunner is shooting at the bunker at 500m, 400m. When to do the rifle men start shooting? How much does the fire from a team actually effect the bunker occupants at range X. Just so we have more to talk about than everyone's anecdotes.
  18. I don't have an opinion either way. I see so few bunkers in the game. Do you have a test scenario that shows off the behaviour? Something with a few bunkers and teams of shooters at different ranges to get a good feel for how much fire they draw at what ranges and how much effect it has.
  19. I ran into my usual problem with playing the AI - I got bored. But I have to say the first mission in the Blue and the Grey was possibly one of my favourite missions. Yes it is winnable - I've done it. I forced the Germans to surrender just as I was organizing my stragglers to push for the final objective. I agree it was difficult to face a second beach landing after the first one. But you are correct the second one is considerably easier. What I liked about that first mission *was* the grind. It made me think about those that actually made that landing. Holy Crap! You have to forget your usual find a safe way, find places with cover, make sure everyone is at least not tired and look for the opening. Instead you have to just force your way across and then try to accomplish the mission with what ever depleted and broken men you have left. I'm not saying all scenarios should be like that but we should all take on one of those just to say we have done it. I realized a long time ago in this game that you can force your men to push and push and push. It gets harder and harder as their morale gets worse and they take casualties. This mission was the first time that approach felt like it was legitimate and true to life. As someone wise has in their sig line "Good wargames make you think" Yes, do give it a go. Following @JonS 's philosophy and his "during design report" is a great way to get into it. There are a whole bunch of people who are good to listen to as well (sorry I should really name you all but I am afraid I'll forget someone). Just post questions in the maps and mods sub forum and you will get advice. Go for it - more designers is a good thing.
  20. Hey, can I suggest that you unlock the how to upload mods thread so people can ask for help and ask questions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Canadian Cat

      A Canadian Cat

      Cool. Oh that is odd - I thought I was sending you a PM.  What on earth is this thing a chat window?

    3. Bootie


      Ummm not sure... profile chat.... or something... LOL

    4. A Canadian Cat

      A Canadian Cat

      Personal shout box ;)

  21. I don't think rifle fire can disable the engine or penetrate the sides. But I have seen withering fire make Stug crews nervous and backup and I have seen crews bail under heavy not very threatening fire when they are in bad shape morale wise but never from just small arms (always from cannons to small to penetrate but keep hitting the tank). I don't know if you can save from the end screen but I am also not sure if that would help any. It is hard to tell at the end of the game much about how any particular kill came about or how far the units were from each other when the KO happened.
  22. Was it just me or was there not a fair amount of snark buried in there. Perhaps I'm being paranoid but I don't think so
  23. Add a 5s pause to your guys outside the door sometimes helps too (combined with a target order ala what @raptorx7 said).
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