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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Things are a little unclear but I think Paper Tiger. There is a version here that has no author info: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/BattleForNormandy/Scenarios/Buying the Farm.html And this attributes to Paper Tiger: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/BattleForNormandy/Scenarios/H2H Buying the Farm.html I have a suspicion that they might be one and the same. But they do have different file names.
  2. I have saves from @sttp and will report back here once I have done the same.
  3. @Freyberg that is sweet. Getting tank kills with artillery in the WW2 games is a challenge so when you get one it is fun. This one is very serendipitous since you didn't know where it was.
  4. This is true but frozen requires trips to the freezer and micowave. Canned requires only a canopener and a spoon.
  5. Contact support. You already did the right things.
  6. The replay is needed for sure but an orders phase that lead there is good to. You can. PM me a drop box link. Or send me a PM with your email and we can exchange it that way.
  7. That is bad. Sounds like a bug. It is something that used to happen more but has improved with each release, in my experience. Sorry your experience had been worse. Do you have some saved games with this happening? PM me with drop box links or to exchange emails if you like.
  8. Glad to. I'll play around with some facing and cover arc commands then. Perhaps there is a pattern in there.
  9. Oooo that is still happening? I have not see that in a long time. If you run into that again please save the game and post about it here. Now having said that also make sure the tank actually can target one of the choices. Occasionally a tank's actual LOF is blocked even though the LOS for someone in the crew is not.
  10. I have good news and bad news. I don't know which is which so here they are : I confirmed I see the problem too in the file you sent me - bug logged. I tried to reproduce it from scratch and could not. Any hints on what order or what you clicked on when you first hit the problem?
  11. That is just not an accurate picture. In WW2 the crews will pop smoke and withdraw when hit. The trouble is they frequently do not survive that first hit. Couple that with the behaviour that delays said withdrawal if the crew are engaging their attacker. In the modern setting the lazer detection system triggers the withdrawal behaviour. That means tanks in the modern setting more often survive the first shot because they prevent it from happening. The crew behaviour is essentially the same but the tech means that more modern crews stay alive to be accused of panicking while more WW2 crews die in place to be accused of stoic bravery. I think ken pointed out the error there. Probably the biggest problem with at guns is the move animation means the gun flips around the crew instead of the crew moving the gun. That is a limitation that is not likely going away any time soon.
  12. @c3k's comments were great. Several people have had this conversation with Westland at the blitz before. He seems to be set in his opinion. That was another reason I really didn't feel like going item by item through his thoughts. There are a couple of guys over at the blitz that tried CM2 and have complaints and have gone back to CM1 and that is totally fine BTW. There are a whole bunch of players over there that are happily playing CM1. I think that is great. Spending time discussing issues that CM1 players see when they move to CM2 is OK too. Discussing the same issues with the same people who are not actually interested in listening. That I don't feel is productive.
  13. @Dynaman216 is correct everything available at BFC, except shock force, is shipping with v4 already. CMBN has three modules, a vehicle pack and a battle pack. CMFI has one module with another on the way. CMRT, CMFB and CMBS all are just the base game. Oh I forgot the battle pack for CMBS. So the most content look at CMBN or CMFI.
  14. No, sadly you cannot specify a custom point value. But all is not lost. As you can see when you purchase units in the QB screen you can go over budget. So what you can do is use the QB purchase system to pick your forces and then record them and create a scenario using that set of forces. A while ago a friend of mine and I did this with a 20 000 point QB battle. The opening posts describe how we did it and there is a pdf instruction guide you can download:
  15. I have huge issues with the drama used in his descriptions. It is possible some of this might be with looking at. My biggest problem is I just don't feel that way so I have zero motivation to dig into anything so open ended. In all cases I have basic questions like when you say hidden do you mean with the hide command? What footage of at guns? The propoganda reels or the parade ground drills? Panthers are a problem? Yes and? There so many open unknowns and over the top statements I have no idea where to begin. If anyone feels like they want to play around with the infantry spotting in buildings and provide concrete examples I might have something more interesting to say. Honestly, much of this has been discussed before. At guns and trees have been discussed before several times.
  16. I'm no python expert but a couple of clues might help you get there. CM renders the screen using open GL. So, if you can get open GL to save the screen using Python you should get what you want. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32052271/capture-screen-using-glut-and-opengl-with-python Of course that speaks to code to capture the screen that program rendered. I am not sure if there is another example that could lead to capturing the screen rendered by another program. That might get you pointed down a path the gets you what you want.
  17. Hee, hee. I have a few jobs I could use some help with too. Funny we testers did not discuss a pool to see how long it would take for someone to be a total d***. We did talk about a pool to see how long it would take before someone noticed a surprise in the pics / video. Hint, I might have distracted people from the suprise part.
  18. Exactly, same here. I have never had the problem you and @Hilts describe. I move my mg teams around plenty. Now that we know you are pushing the right buttons and such share that saved game and let me see what happens when I try. You can pm me a drop box link or email.
  19. I thought it was back space to delete a move order while delete removes target commands. What are the two keys on the Mac? Also note there are several shades of blue / red setup areas for both sides. Any unit starting in one shade can pop to any location in the same shade of blue or red but all the other areas have to be moved into under their own power.
  20. No, the ability to destroy bridges is not new. For example you can do it with artillery or direct gun fire. I just took out two bridges in a game I am playing now. It took a lot of 155 shells to pull off but it is totally doable.
  21. Oh I see. Sorry I cannot see a dl link that is accessable without having purchased it either. Sounds like a job for support - guess you have to wait a bit.
  22. Ah... But when did the two platforms come together? For v1 and v2 they were separate licenses for sure. V4 is definitely same license for each platform. I cannot remember about v3.
  23. Most of the games are fully patched with the full version. I think CMBS has an additional patch for the battle pack but other than that the other games are up to date.
  24. I have no idea about that. They use data from multiple sources though, no idea if this is one of them. Yes, those are modeled.
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