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Everything posted by Stagler

  1. I meant this "It would require a development team and, in conclusion, for the modders it would be like making a complete video game". You said it almost as if large modding projects are an impossibility. A good team of modders can accomplish alot. The lack of modability of CM I am familiar with..
  2. Somehow I think this needs looking at. Im going to hazard that the threat of ammunition cookoff is not modelled at all on the M1 ingame where as it effects opposition tanks. An ammunition cookoff in an abrams will save the crew but would render the vehicle combat ineffective. It would lose the majority of its ammunition load, and I would hazard a guess at the crew wanting to remove themselves and their platform from combat pretty sharpish.
  3. I did make a bug report thread some time ago.
  4. Well at the moment, it does have over modelled armour protection (bordering a force field) on its roof from incoming 120mm projectiles. Especially on the engine deck...
  5. Bradley cannot stand up to comrade tankist. However comrade tankist cannot stand up to HATO yankee tankist.
  6. Im not sure Russian artillery deployed smoke is multi-spectral.
  7. Trench Coat is the system which can counter RPG-30. That isn't in the inventory of US forces in CMBS. The decision to level the field in the favour of the US on speculative arms transfers is in the hands of the devs.
  8. Get attaching those RPO and AGS sections to your platoons. Make contact with the 2 man scout section, and smash the point of contact to bits.
  9. RPG-30 with its APS defeat capability would be an interesting and unique piece of equipment to give to Russian airborne. Would make them really stand apart from other Russian troops and give them a capability the US does not have.
  10. Optics are only general issue in naval infantry and vdv units afaik - indeed high readiness units.
  11. I dont actually think the issue medium range target acquisition scope (1P29/1P78) is modelled ingame. Thats why they are not equipped as such. The night scope is and could suffice as a placeholder. VDV for expansion should be issued with a mix of 1P29/1P78 and 1P63 optics throughout the section.
  12. That is completely wrong. Basic economics and advertising elasticity of demand. You get more market by advertising, fact.
  13. Boyo, see that warning up there underneath my name. That's what thinking out the box on this forum gets you.
  14. I think the point here is advertisement. BFC is s*** at advertisement. fact. On a site as publicly viewed as Amazon, the player base would increase markedly.
  15. I think the author would have to post them. But +1 this is a good idea.
  16. They should put them on there as the boxed versions to be bought at normal price to be honest.
  17. If the game did It for you it would be much less end user effort. In the force pick screen it could give you an option to load from an existing core force, one you made in a scenario for example, then pick the points value out of that core force. Saving the core force again to a separate file after the QB has finished. Job jobbed, dynamic campaign done. String 6 QBs together between you and an opponent - now there is a sense of worth of your own troops.
  18. However, that would be a nice feature no? At the end of the QB it saves the units you use if you so wish, then when you load up another QB you can drop them in and choose from that roster. That way quick user made dynamic campaigns could be made on the fly.
  19. Download Link v1.2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zjqrfzyu1nvr9uv/SG_QB_Maps_v1.2.rar?dl=0 Added new map: SG Holubivka-Town-Rough Meet Based roughly on this place here: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Holubivka,+Luhans'ka+oblast,+Ukraine/@49.2209589,38.456322,13.37z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x41204429c1148b79:0xa477f8c38e3997ef!6m1!1e1 Renamed existing maps in the pack to reflect their real world locations, as the pack will cover real locations (with artistic flair) from here forward. Delete previous versions to avoid duplication.
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