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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Para, in the sense that 60 is the new 40, yes. Retired August 2nd, turned 60/40 August 4th. No one here remembered.
  2. But I already tried those same mds files from that folder yesterday...nothing happened after renaming. Hmmmm....., maybe I have a para mod in my mod folder I forgot about and it's overriding the ones i modded, or something. So, just to be clear, you only just changed the names of the US greatcoat mds files? By the way, don't forget I put the US snow camo mods in the Dropbox. Plus, I'll be posting US, Brit, and German modded greatcoats in the Repository and at CMMODS tonight or tomorrow. (Modded in various hues/shades of the default colors.)
  3. Tell me where you found the para mdr files first!
  4. Jeff, I'm following the Forums and finishing up some " small" mods for Broadsword and now for noob's and kohlenklau's game, but haven't been playing because now that I retired, Martha has me whittling down that honey-do list every day (she's still working for another 4 years:D). But, if you send me those endgame files:), I could start a new one this weekend. Maybe try one of the newer H2H maps that have been posted lately. Maybe even a CMBN game?
  5. I feel so ashamed! Where were the mdr files? Thought I looked in all folders...apparently not! Most excellent, kk!
  6. Ok, you gots to tell me...where were they? I thought I looked everywhere! And, great job!
  7. Covered very well in Nordyke's books on the 82nd AB.
  8. It's pretty hard to disagree with that, Childress.
  9. kk, that's what I tried the other day that came out Dali-esque. Benpark, I tried the mds files yesterday, but no dice. I can find no mdr files for either greatcoats or airborne, but all the little pieces of equipment have one. I'll keep looking, but I've scoured the FI and GL folders.
  10. I've always wondered that too. It seems perfectly natural fit. Didn't the series about tank combat (can't recall the name) done in collaboration with IC or some gaming company?
  11. If I ever won the lottery, Steve, I'd put you and the rest of BFC on my personal payroll at a very handsome salary (and bennies!), hire whoever the hell else you needed to cover the rest of the war on all fronts and including the Spanish Civil War and Korean War, and we'd all be happy as pigs in mud. Alas, I don't play the lottery. Sorry. But I do have cash for every thing you guys ever release.
  12. kk, that's what I was trying to do. But locating the models, as Benpark suggests, is nigh impossible for me. I think you need a hex editor, which I have and have messed with a bit, but I read elsewhere on here that FI/GL's structure is such that a hex editor doesn't work with it. Someone with more knowledge of these things can weigh in and tell me I'm wrong/how to do it. Until then, we're out of luck. Erwin, just renaming the textures should work, since the models for both look close enough. But why, since the US and Brits (except Paras) have greatcoats already?
  13. Benpark, you know, I only renamed the texture and never gave a thought to also renaming the normal map. Thanks, I'll give it a go.
  14. I always understood that it did. Sure seems that way to me when I'm playing.
  15. BFC must not have done the mdr files or whatever files "marry" the uniform to the model. Or more probably, they don't have the US Para models for taking the greatcoat bmp images done yet. I tried renaming the US greatcoat files to the same names for the Para uniforms, and they came out looking very Dali-esque.
  16. In about an hour, as soon as I get to my computer. You still thinking of using only greatcoats for the Jerries? If so, I won't bother with snow camo smocks, and instead finish up what I owe Broadsword. I think you have the green sky because the backgrounds use transparencies, and if you alter them in photoshop or whatever image program you use, that will happen unless you handle and save them in a certain way. Unlike uniform bmp images, which aren't a hassle in regard to making color changes. I don't like dealing with transparencies because I have Paint Shop Pro and I need to use another program, like GIMP to run the altered files through in a certain protocol to get them to work correctly. Real modders like Marco Bergman, Mord, Dark Canuk, juju and the like can do them pretty easily I imagine. Me, I have to keep going back to my notes on how to deal with them, and I'm pretty lazy about that. Edit: Phil, invite to Dropbox sent.
  17. Phil, I plan on getting to and finishing those mods we've discussed this weekend. I could send you these then too, if you need them. No renaming is necessary.
  18. Not for uploading to CMMODS or the Repository...seems to make no difference. I never bother to brz my mods...along the lines of Erwin's comments. It seems pointless.
  19. Phantom, I'm past the first hour and looks like I'll be mopping up the Brits soon on the North side, and the Brits' perimeter on the South is shrinking. I loved the timing of things in this scenario...the Brits came on strong, smashed the Italians, then Germans arrive but because of the high temperatures, they have to be moved slow and can't intervene until the Birts get into position. And those pesky Paras are tough!! I have taken more casualaties than I expected, even moving slow and methodically. You did an excellent job on this scenario...working the fitness and experience levels, and the timing of the reinforcements. It really felt like an ad hoc German response, piecemeal until all the reinforcements get into place. Plus, I love playing the Fallschirmies! Great job!
  20. Sure, I go camping for two days and BFC makes the announcement while I'm away from my 'puter! I'm planning a week-long camping trip the second week of September. You heard it here first, gentlemen!
  21. Augusto, you might want to try a background from CMBN. IIRC, they're named the same ("skybox???). A little color balance tweaking and you can get a snow- like effect. I'd try it, but am already behind schedule for "winterizing" uniforms for kohlenklau
  22. Hey K, no they can't. I tried, but the greatcoat bmp image doesn't "wrap" correctly around the 3d model of the trooper figure...nothing lines up. Looks pretty messed up.
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