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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. CMDRFWLCOFT Combat Mission Death on the Russian Front with a Whole Lotta Chaos and Flamey Things. That's what I would have went with.I don't know why they didn't consult me?
  2. Im just assuming since it hasn't been announced as a feature, that fire does not randomly spread or is randomly generated by he exlosions,as it did in cmx1?and is this something that will be added at some point?
  3. I'm sure many of you are like me, not having as much knowledge of the vast Eastern front as Normandy and Western Europe.I found this gem on youtube packed with information about Bagration.Its 45 min long.A nice little tutorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1SZRpPGVUk
  4. "CM1 still more fun than CM2" I couldn't disagree with you more!
  5. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/16/21927658-us-nato-express-concern-over-russian-missile-deployment-near-border?lite= you see!
  6. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/15/21909669-ukraine-protests-mccain-warns-us-could-act-over-russia-deal?lite&ocid=msnhp&pos=1 You may want to re-think that game.
  7. I'm enjoying it as well,as I am the one your attacking Freyburg ,I think my defense will hold,but definitely one of the more exciting scenarios I've played.
  8. Mord,Thankyou for traumatizing us all and forever scarring Thanksgiving,I think I,ll stick to ham this year.
  9. Vanir Does the reverse apply as well?The targeted tank that has a fast move plotted with a 1:15 pause and is not actualy moving, is that tank now extremely hard to hit because the ai thinks it is moving fast?
  10. Boring?I don't think so.I think it would add a level of tactical excitement.Should I give that order or not?Just like every other order, sometimes you'll be kicking yourself for giving the order, other times you will be patting yourself on the back for being a genious.
  11. I don't know what you would call the order,lets call it "snapshot" for now.You must give your snapshot order prior to contact.Set your armor arc,regular arc or no arc as usual, but upon contact of a vehicle/armor/infantry your unit would snap off 1 shot or a burst from a heavy weapon and reverse/retreat(pack-up time would have to be met) immediatley.You could set the distance of the retreat with reverse for a vehicle and fast for infantry. Where would you use it?Mostly on the defensive when you know your outnumbered and have the disadvantage, have the weaker unit.A hull down Marder III on a crest spots an M18.You have already given the Marder the Snapshot order.It takes a shot and reverses. Set it for a zook in a building, get off your one shot, and get out of there, you know hes going to be spotted and killed if he hangs and fights. Currently weaker tanks hang in way to long, retreating only when the tc gets killed or they take damage.This order gives a lot of control over those situations.And yes I know you could come close by using a pause and reverse, but that's just a guess.This order goes into affect upon visual contact. Anyway just a thought.
  12. And to add, all things being equal, a moving tank should not spot as well as a stationery tank,and vice versa,a moving tank should get spotted much quicker than a stationery tank, which compounds when you have a moving tank in the los of a stationery tank.
  13. Im not saying there is bug with PzIV's.But im seeing if anyone else out there has had issues with their spotting ability, and hull down status. In one qb I had 4 elite PzIV's in perfect hull down positions, and when I say that it is because the game is telling me that.The game will either say partialy hd or hd.I had them all saying hd to potential targets directly infront of me.My tanks are stationery and waiting, so I spot m10's that moved upto a hd positons.The elite pziv's never spot them, never get any shots off, the m10's spot them and kill them immediately on 1 shot almost like their hd status was a disadvantage or did not exist.I would have just passed this off as bad luck, but they were elite,and until I played another scenario and the excact same thing occurred with perfect hd positions against Sherman 75.Although these were not elite, regular.
  14. Sometimes the TC will override your target light orders as well and snap of a shot or 2.Or if he was firing with normal target from last turn and you changed is order to target light it may have been a residual shot.
  15. Very simple, when you enter a 3 story(or any story) flat roof bldg, it prompts you for the option level,1,2,3, or roof.
  16. I don't get it. The only thing I see is "maybe soon".You know the Bible said God made the world in 7 days, but they didn't tell you that one of His days was 2.5billion years.
  17. I can recall if you pre-ordered you not only got the discount but access to the dl 24hours before anyone else.Is this still in affect?
  18. Just throwing this out there.How about the ability to purchase extra ammo of any type in the qb purchase screen.Keep it in the rear in a "dump" or on trucks.Say you wanted to purchase an extra 500 9mm for your MP40's?or an extra 30 75mm ap for your Stug.You might have a huge battle and want an extra 100 76mm for your Hellcat platoon.Possibilities are endless. Also the ability to purchase camouflage for any unit for ambush purposes, making tanks,guns,infantry almost invisible if they don't move. Or do you think its too gamey?
  19. Question about 4 and 5: Does this mean that if a tank is trying to engage infantry at point blank range and at an unrealistic elevation that the 2 delays will combine? essentially doubling the spotting delays? Cant wait to put a shrek up high and hide him until the tank is right underneath to test this out.
  20. Great news about all the tweaked features, but #6 stands out as most significant and impactful to the game, as tanks spotting ability is reduced.3, 4,5, and 6 combined will make life what it should be for tanks in an urban environment.Dangerous and lethal.
  21. So feature #6 should satisfy the crowd that thinks buttoned tanks in general spot to easily.I am proud card carrying memeber of that crowd.
  22. Ok I isolated the problem, the 1st pic is without movie lighting (alt-m).Everything is normal.The sun does not come through the building. In the 2nd pic when you hit movie lighting on (alt-m).The sun comes bursting through all buildings.Very annoying. But yes this should be in the CMFI forum.My bad,but this is defenitley an issue.
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