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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Seems like they fire only after commander buttons up?Is this the case?
  2. If opening a tank hatch to spot better is gamey,then I'm the gamiest bastard that ever lived!
  3. This is addressed to the guys who made the scenarios for RT ,btw excellent job to all.When you make them, do you make them so that they are reasonalbly winnable from both sides, or is one side generally favored and the non-favored side has to play a perfect game to win?eg. an out numbered defender?
  4. Were there any instances of chemical weapons being used on the Eastern front?I have not read or heard of any accounts,but given the limitless brutality of the war,mass executions,absolute hatred for their enemy and combined with Hitler and Stalin at the helm, why wer'nt they used?
  5. my bad, they do deploy in bldgs., but there is no deploy weapon option
  6. no it doesn't deploy at all, there is no deploy weapon button to select at all
  7. I cant get it to deploy in a building, do they not deploy at all in bldgs?
  8. I followed exactly what chris did on twitch in the ammo dump video, which he did in the scenario editor, not a qb, so I got it to work in the scenario editor only, yes armored infantry
  9. "no luck, tried many combinations, no ammo dump appears" let me amend by saying I got it to work in scenario editor, but not for qbs
  10. no luck, tried many combinations, no ammo dump appears
  11. In the scenario editor, set the "vehicle status" (lower left after purchase) of vehicles that carry ammo supplies (e.g. trucks, carrier halftracks) to "dismounted." so no ammo dumps for quick battles?
  12. don't know if its a bug?but it is annoying , I agree
  13. 'How is it crazy to look at history and see a country that in its own mind - rightly or wrongly - wanted a strong SOI to protect it from a neighbor that seemed content to murder 20 million of its own people? Didnt Russians beg to live in Europe at the time? I can tell you now, many today would give their right arm to live in Germany." What does this have to do with anything in the game? Steve please Ban him away to Siberia.
  14. You cant play the soviets because they murdered people, but you can play the germans,lol,interesting.
  15. Russian front brings out the crazies huh?I smell a ban, and you call yourself Gamer?But don't want to game?
  16. Can anyone explain it?What does it do different?
  17. " Welcome back! I expect we'll see a few more old timer CMBB exclusive guys back on this Forum very soon." Steve Why are some CM players only attracted to the Eastern Front?To each his own, but I don't get it, I enjoy the game on all fronts,Normandy,Belgium,France and Italy are just as exciting and challenging to me as the Eastern Front and yes Red Thunder will occupy 100% of my time for the next 3-6 months, only because its the latest version of the game with new features.Why would the "Eastern Front only" guys deprive themselves of great gameplay on the other fronts.To me,its about the game mechanics, not the front. So Please,Eastern front guys, whats the deal?Why do you only love the Eastern Front?
  18. you will now be known as db -5
  19. Does anyone know if this has 1 : 1 pony representation?or does 1 pony equal a pod?
  20. Why isn't this in any of the CMX2 games?This was a prime mover on all fronts.Plus it was a favorite of mine from CMBO and CMBB.
  21. lukeff I'm not disagreeing with you about it being a gimmick,but how do you define gimmick?
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