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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Does anyone know the optimal killing range for T34-85 taking on Tiger1's frontally?
  2. Thanks, I can read, that's not what I asked
  3. I've noticed in the latest version of the game CMBN3.11, when you target left, right or to the rear , the tank will keep its facing and move the turret to target, which that was not the case in the past.In the past, not sure what version, the tank would change its entire facing to align with the target line.I like it the way it is now, but was wondering" how to" change the facing and target in the same direction in the same turn?
  4. Can anyone enlighten me on ranges and firepower for the Russian smg squads?
  5. I know you can have it, I can produce it in scenario editor, but cant in a qb, a qb should add ground conditions as a selection
  6. In a qb in CMFI I don't think there is anyway to have snow on the ground and it be clear skys?
  7. ok cool, yes I have panther turrets
  8. I see an AT bunker in CMBN,but I do not see the AT bunker in CMFI.I see the Panther bunker.Is it supposed to be in CMFI?
  9. so what does the "fo" mean? and the scenario should explain that somewhere
  10. no offense, but that doesn't make any sense, nor is it a parameter that a scenario designer can award 100points for
  11. SPOLIER In the objectives on the German side for Shaded Woodlands there is one objective that says occupy FO, I have no idea what it means, is it a typo ?meaning destroy the enemy FO?could someone look at it and give an opinion?
  12. Are we getting new terrain and buildings with Black sea or just tweaked CMRT stuff?
  13. where is it?cant find it in the repository, 1 and 2 no problem
  14. Hi, Just wanted to share some good news. I recently had to wipe my entire computer.When I went to re-install I ran out of CMBN activations and created a help desk ticket.They got back to me within hours.Elvis was extremely helpful and told me to just dl the 3.0 upgrade and youll get everything.(Yah ok,whatever)Just wanted to confirm that it works flawlessly.No worrying about what order to put anything in and your totally up to date.The dl was a little lenghthy but probably still way less than dling all of them individualy! Thanks for this major improvement! Oh wait and they didn't even charge for it,I guess it is Christmas.
  15. I like all the changes except the look, white and powder blue colors?,not to war like,lol
  16. Derfel, could not agree more, I finaly got the veh pack to work after some aggravation and multiple attempts,BFC the game system rocks, the installation process needs a some serious change in the way of simplification/user friendly.I felt like Tom Cruise suspended from wires trying to hack into the Langley computer to retrieve the noc list, I don't need that kind of pressure.
  17. If you buy the Big Bundle, how would installation of Vehicle pack work?I would imagine you are only getting 1 license key with the Big Bundle purchase?
  18. Spoilers***************************************** Im just getting done with Hunting for Bug in a ladder h2h match.My opponent picked the scenario and elected to attack.I read that it was playable in all modes.Now that the games is 99% over and my forces are decimated. I come to find that the attacking force had at its disposal 16 T-34,7 T-70,and over 2 companies of infantry. My defending force is 2 Stugs, 2 88's AA guns,1 co of Inf,and arty support.This sounds like a German against AI game only, defenitley not suitable for h2h.Does anyone else think I had no prayer against a decent human player? The 1 88 got spotted and taken out with one shot at a 1000 meters by a t70, I know, bad luck.Anyway I don't think this scenario was very balanced,it may be well represented from an historical standpoint though.
  19. I wish they would address weapon2010's initial question.
  20. As I have stated I like the movie, a lot of good stuff in here.But the final battle seen is so ridiculous, the SS get mowed down ala 1970's Rat Patrol.In no way is it believable that an immobilized Sherman is going to stop an SS battalion,yes Battalion!,lol
  21. Steve & Moon, I have a question about your production timeline in the "Road Ahead" update of 06/22/2012.Please don't take this as an attack.I have been a loyal supporter since 1999 and I'm not going anywhere.Till this day, the most exciting thing in my gaming life was the training scenario in CMBO.My dad and I messed around with that scenario for days, playing it over and over again.Ok back to the point.Based on the following "Road Ahead" statement I have a few questions. "Combat Mission fans have a lot to look forward to in the next year as the CMx2 game engine continues to produce games at an every faster pace. At the moment we have three games in active development and more planned. While we aren't in a position to make detailed announcements right now, we can tell you what the three are about (in no particular order): 1. CM: Battle for Normandy Module 2. This Module picks up where CM:BN and Commonwealth left off... with the September push out of France to the German border. The content centers around Operation Market Garden, though it covers more ground than just that. The game includes a number of new vehicles, formations, and new terrain models/textures. Adding new terrain, a first for any Module so far, ensures that you feel like you're fighting near Germany and not still back at the beacheads. 2. CM: Eastern Front 1. The first of four Eastern Front "families" starts with Operation Bagration (June 1944) and eventually covers through to the end of the war (May 1945). For many tactical warfare enthusiasts, this period is considered the most tactically interesting since both sides were at their peak of their military technology, organization, and experience. The scope and scale of the combat offers plenty of subject matter to explore. 3. CM: Shock Force 2. Our return to modern warfare is long overdue! Given how close Shock Force 1 was at predicting a conventional conflict in Syria, we're a little nervous about choosing a topic this time around. Especially because we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen. Having said that, we hope the politicians aren't insane enough to try it for real. Even thought this is great stuff for a game, it's the last thing this world needs in real life. We have more games planned for 2013, however we are making no formal announcements at this time. These three mini-announcements should be enough to keep you busy for a while" Why do you seem to be so far behind schedule?unforseen production /coding issues? Or are you happy with your production output and you don't consider it to be behind schedule?
  22. Spoiler Alert if you have not seen the movie. Im a pretty big WW2 movie fan and self proclaimed WW2 movie expert,lol.I saw Fury today.Overall I thought it was good.The WW2 grogs will love the authenticity of the vehicles, weapons , and uniforms.But I'm sure a few grogs will notice that the SS water canteen in the movie was only used on the EF,lol. So here is my review: Acting: good 6. Athenticity/Production:Great 10. The movie had the only real working Tiger tank in the world. Special Effects:Great 10.The tracers and ap rounds bouncing and ricocheting off the tanks was scary and spectacular. Battle scenes:5 ok.Ranged from very good to ridiculous. Overall 7 Good, I would say go see it, then we can discus the battle scenes.
  23. Because Im playing a scenario (h2h) where I really need it.I have very little armor against many Russian tanks,Im not crying about that, what I am crying about is Im doing a pretty decent job holding them off, but my one tank is out of ap, the other one not to far away has about 16 ap rounds, his gun is damaged and cant use them.I would like to park these 2 near each other in the woods and empty his ap into my other tank, or at at least level them, giving me 8 rounds, but if your going to have ammo leveling?, you may as well be able to dump all of the good he and ap rounds from the damaged tank, of couse this would be a long process I realize, maybe 20 min or longer. Not to mention the scenario length is 2 hours,lots of Russian armor,very little German tanks, with low ap,no ability to transfer ammo amounts equals almost an impossible job. Is ammo leveling coming as advertised?
  24. Yes, confirmed,you paid for a certain amount of content in Normandy, but they created new content for Red Thunder,that new content needs to be paid for if you wish to play with that new content in Normandy. You bought a Mustang a year ago, but now you want to "upgrade" your car with tinted glass because you think its cool and would be neat.Im sure the dealership will just give it to you because you bought your cars from them your whole life.Right?
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