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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Call me crazy, but I would love to see "Shell Cam" in the game.What is it?Anyone familiar with Silent hunter will tell you that "Torpedo Cam"is one of the coolest things ever.Basically you hit torpedo cam once the torpedo is fired and the camera locks onto the torpedo from directly behind and you follow the torpedo as it travels through the ocean to its target.You also have the option to swivel around the in motion torpedo 360 degrees, exactly the same way we can 360 swivel around a tank in motion. So how cool would it be to hit "Shell Cam"live or in the replay and follow the shell to its target.You would have the option of actual speed or slow motion, or super slow motion.Call me crazy, I just think it would be really cool.Gimic?absolutley, but fun.And don't forget about "Bomb Cam" from the planes, maybe even cooler.
  2. Didn't the Germans also field scary smg squads?I can recall being torn up by German smg squads when I played CMBB back in the day.So why all the hype about the Russain smg squads?Why wouldn't the axis player just counter by buying a few platoons of smg squads?
  3. Does anyone undersatnd this procedure?My opponenet says they hit cease fire in a pbem, but I get no indication in my turn.I thought I remeber in CMBO you got a notice saying your opponent has requested a ceasefire.In CMFI the only way I know is he told me via email.
  4. can someone confirm this bug? spoiler alert its in MG Boldness Be my Brother
  5. The following video shows a 37mm at gun not pointed at its target, but firing at it, the bug may just be associated with 150mm ammo or the bunker, im not sure but it appears to be a definite bug or very windy.
  6. slysniper If Canadian Cat is vouching for your skill level that's good enough for me, I still feel you should join the Blitz ladder as additional quality players only enhances the competetive environment.
  7. Can any grog enlighten me on the German doctrine torwards the use of halftracks versus how they are used in CMX2.Im aware of their many different operational roles from recon to armored transport to ambulances. But in the game I basically use halftracks as mobile ammo dumps and keep them in the rear out of los only bringing them up quickly to a relaltively cleared area for re-arming the men.I also use them in long range suppression roles.How do you guys use them in game?
  8. slysniper This is where your lack of knowledge really shows, you don't have to play any qbs on ladders, you can, if you choose play all scenarios, so you can show us your vast tactical skillset.You can talk the talk about how great you are, but a ladder is where you must post results and is where you must walk the walk.I understand why you have no interest in ladders, most likely reason is your not very good!lol And btw , we never played.
  9. slysniper Nothing wrong with a little good hearted trash talking, with that being said why don't you join a good competitive ladder like The Blitz Cmx2 ladder, a lot of very good players lurk there,I for one would love to trounce you!
  10. Currently the status of a soldiers state of tiredness starts at rested, then deteriorates to ready, then tiring,then tired to fatigued and finally exhausted.My suggestion would be to replace "tiring" with "recovering" when their status is going in the positive direction toward rested.Very minor, but a little more helpful in determing their status.
  11. Here is my military experience: Played Army in the summers of 1974-1975 at the ages of 8 and 9. Welcome
  12. my bad , weapons control is knocked out, but why would that prevent the mg from firing?
  13. Currently in a game where I have a PZiv that is immobilized with 3 crew members, but what is the logic with not letting me use my main gun or the mg?Neither are damaged.Why wouldn't they be able to fire?
  14. Why would you bunch up like that?its totally unnecessary , the golden rule with keeping infantry alive is Don't bunch up!
  15. How does a 5 man mg team extract the 500 7.92mm ammo from a kubelwagon with 4 seats?I don't have an ammo bearer.
  16. are you sure you didn't run over a mine simultaneously?would be a natural spot for one near a fording point.
  17. The Red and Green Arrows at the top of the screen, does anyone find them useful?What are they for?Can they be toggled off?
  18. The scenario is ............ SPOILER ALERT...................................... TWC Semper Paratus
  19. I found a scenario where a german 75 pak 40 at gun and its german crew are under British command.How is this possible?Is it a bug?
  20. "Some goddamn fool once said that flanks have got to be secure. Since then sonofabitches all over the globe have been guarding their flanks. I don't agree with that. My flanks are something for the enemy to worry about, not me. Before he finds out where my flanks are, I'll be cutting the bastard's throat. George S. Patton" Very easy to have that wanton, aggressive doctrine in the attack when you are backed by an uncontested Airforce, endless supply of ammo and Sherman tanks.I feel Patton is overerated, not that he was ineffective or bad, just that there were plenty of commanders who could of got the same results under the same condtions, in other words, it didn't matter who was commanding 3rd Army, the outcome would have been the same.
  21. I forget.How do we easlily access campaign maps for our own use.I recall there is a way.
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