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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Its defeniley not what rankorian is saying.Nothing to do with direction Here is what I did.I uninstalled all of cmfi. Installed cmfi normal sun is blocked by buildings and trees installed cmfi patch 1.01 normal sun is blocked by buildings and trees installed cmgl problem sun come through buildings and trees
  2. I don't understand.Does your sun show directly through buildings or not?
  3. I forgot to add, can someone look at "Men with suspicious hats and see if the sun is coming through the buildings and trees as it should not like in CMBN?
  4. I don't play many dawn games.Im playing Men with Suspicious Hats in CMFI noticed the sun image coming through all buildings and trees.This is not the case in CMBN.I noticed this happens on all CMFI qbs or scenarios where ever the sun is,but in CMBN the sun is properly blocked by buildings and trees.
  5. While I don't agree with everything Marc Anton has said here, "Jedi-Night" spotting is still an occasional issue.
  6. When roads are on a diagonal, I wish at some point they would be straight instead of zig-zaging across the map.Im sure it has something to do with waypoints.
  7. I have AT mined both side of a ford.But yet my opponent happily rolls his armor across with no results.Pretty frustrating since it was a major key in my defence.
  8. 1. They keep talking about the "sand dunes".Is that a new terrain? 2. Will there be any scenarios that have nothing to do with Market Garden?Since there was a lot of fighting going on not in the Market Garden area of opereations?
  9. We all know the Sherman was inferior to German armor, but I don't know if this video is overly critical or accurate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEeQPUp5VTY
  10. Then why would they say it will be ready by the end of the summer?Just don't say anything about a timeframe.
  11. Why no pre-order if MG is due at in about a month?
  12. How many anti-tank mines does one placement represent? I just had an enemy light tank drive over 2 placements with no detonation.Is that common?Are heavier tanks more likely to cause detonation? I would imagine my own artillery strikes would destroy my own mines.Is this correct?
  13. My 3 man spotter team took a near hit and my radio man was killed.Eventhough he was dead I was still allowed to call in air airstrike.Is this simulating one of the other two men left in the spotting team grabbing the operable radio and using it? I noticed one of the men performing buddy aid, will he aquire the radio? Does the game simulate randomness in wether or not the radio gets destroyed?
  14. How you play can defenitley reduce casualties.For instance some players play ,slow, and methodical, using smoke and area fire effectively.Using move and quick when you should be using hunt will surely make your casualties rise.Also no matter where your men are always have them hiding and end their turn in hide.Of course there are exceptions.That being said casualties in the game are still higher than reality due to I believe 2 factors.Self preservation AI could be adjusted,maybe it could be an option to select for ultra realism?Secondly players simply just do things in the game that they would never do on a real life battlefield because their life is not at stake.
  15. Awsome map. Take notes mapmakers.I respect all of you guys but this is topnotch and really shows the power of the map maker.
  16. Over a year ago Moon wrote this: "Combat Mission fans have a lot to look forward to in the next year as the CMx2 game engine continues to produce games at an every faster pace. At the moment we have three games in active development and more planned. While we aren't in a position to make detailed announcements right now, we can tell you what the three are about (in no particular order): 1. CM: Battle for Normandy Module 2. This Module picks up where CM:BN and Commonwealth left off... with the September push out of France to the German border. The content centers around Operation Market Garden, though it covers more ground than just that. The game includes a number of new vehicles, formations, and new terrain models/textures. Adding new terrain, a first for any Module so far, ensures that you feel like you're fighting near Germany and not still back at the beacheads. 2. CM: Eastern Front 1. The first of four Eastern Front "families" starts with Operation Bagration (June 1944) and eventually covers through to the end of the war (May 1945). For many tactical warfare enthusiasts, this period is considered the most tactically interesting since both sides were at their peak of their military technology, organization, and experience. The scope and scale of the combat offers plenty of subject matter to explore. 3. CM: Shock Force 2. Our return to modern warfare is long overdue! Given how close Shock Force 1 was at predicting a conventional conflict in Syria, we're a little nervous about choosing a topic this time around. Especially because we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen. Having said that, we hope the politicians aren't insane enough to try it for real. Even thought this is great stuff for a game, it's the last thing this world needs in real life. We have more games planned for 2013, however we are making no formal announcements at this time. These three mini-announcements should be enough to keep you busy for a while." Now by no means am I dissatisfied or upset with the timetable or progress of releases.There is plenty to do with Gustav so im happy.That being said,can we get an updated road ahead schedule?Does BF feel they are behind schedule with releases or right on schedule?
  17. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e57_1369931280 I know its months away.But this video kinda got me excited.Makes it real!
  18. I always loved this tank.Only 24 made in 41-42.So that would be for an EF pack.
  19. With in the scope of reason Zebulon. I always found the Wehrmachtschlepper a very interesting vehicle.More than 800 were produced in many variants.
  20. It woul be cool to see what obscure,rare,cool vehicles people wanted to see in packs.
  21. different deployment times for different terrain,2.2 minutes sounds like inside ofa building
  22. thanks guys it is very strange why the new fow changes would not be listed in the read file,that is a very significant change,should be at the top if the list
  23. where do we find the list of changes and fixes that Gustav has provided?
  24. Would current CMFI games going on be compatible after dling the gustav module as long as we save in the plot phase and then install gustav?
  25. Questions What was the thought process by BF introducing aa guns into the mix but not being able to use them against planes?Isn't it a bit odd that if your opponent buys planes, the aa will not shoot at them?.I know that capability is scheduled to come in the future.So why not wait and release aa gun usage with the ability to shoot at planes? These questions lead to more about how commanders used these weapons in reality. Were aa guns commonly used against infantry and soft targets? (and this is why BF decided to add them prior to their ability to shoot at planes?)or was it the exception? If I were a commander(especially german) I would use my aa guns sparingly or in emergency situations only.Saving them for defense against air attack. But since you cant even fire at planes,it changes the way we would realisticly use these weapons in the game.
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