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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Does a soldier literaly have to be in the foxhole to receive the protective advantages?or is it abstracted?Sometimes the soldiers will not go "in" them, they will lay around them outside of the foxhole.
  2. In the briefing of Right Hook at Sopockine, the author wrote there is a bug with Stugs being too vulnerable to small arms fire.Has that bug been fixed?
  3. Just wondering why a turret permanent jam or semi termanent jam would not be simulated?Did this not happen? Will mg jams ever surface again?
  4. Are there any of these existing or planned?
  5. I did and arty test with 81mm vs a platoon and found that men hiding in the foxholes had fewer casualties then in the trenches.It makes sense when you think about it, hiding in a foxhole offers 360 degree protection,men in trenches are extremely vulnerable to the sides.If a round hits 5m to the right of your foxhole, no effect, 5m to the right in a trench and it lands in the trench, that's a bad thing for those men. Ran the test 5 times with exact conditions and the same results,men hiding in foxholes suffered fewer casualties than men hiding in trenches. Not saying its absolute or conclusive, just my results, do your own tests.
  6. Can intact bridges be blown up with an arty barrage?
  7. Back in the day, you were able to delay and co-ordinate the artillery barrage to like a 5,10,15 minute delay provided you did it in the 1st turn?Is this completely gone from cmx2?
  8. steve what about ammo leveling for tanks, that was a feature touted for cmrt, but didn't make it in, hope to see that in
  9. well thanks for the update Steve, much appreciated,didnt expect it
  10. We got one on June 22 2012, and that was nice to have.But we need a new one to see where we are going and what is coming with this game.
  11. not really, a supply platoon can give you quite a bit of extra ammo
  12. yes it downloaded fine, just took 11hours
  13. I thought there was discussion on increasing the game time max limit to 4 hours?
  14. it was not uncommon for Panthers and Tigers to get hit in the front hundreds of times and merrily battle a way
  15. I had to re-install using the master download, the download time is at 1% 10.5 hrs, anyway to speed this up?
  16. If I have all the modules in CMBN and my opponenet has none, can we play?I don't think that is implemented yet, but they have talked about for the future
  17. Just wondering if there were any fellow Combat Mission fans in the Philadelphia/New Jersey area?
  18. I dont undertsand what you mean, purchase the bunker, yes they come empty, meaning without troops, simply put a half squad in the bunker.
  19. Im starting to think this needs to be tweaked .I set up a test.I bought 1 Flak battery, consisting of 12 guns, 6 37mm, 6 20mm , some were quad guns.Bought 1 p47 with rockets and straffing. result was 6 of the 12 flaks completely destroyed, the p47, not a scratch, flying around with impunity, some how none of the thousands of rounds coming at it had any effect, not even to ward it off, let alone damage it I don't think this is modeled correctly, I believe most pilots would avoid that area.I think 1 or 2 flaks would have an impact, this was 12 flak guns any thoughts?
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