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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. ok Thomm, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8UOVV9AZPU&feature=youtu.be
  2. Steve I don't have the "Activate New Products link " anywhere on my computer or its called something else, this for CMFB, you are handling my original ticket. Ron
  3. ok , thanks for clearing it up, to me its not a major disappointment anyway, as I am kind of a micro manager with the vehicles anyway, once you make the initial paths with waypoints for long routes its really not that bad, as you can drag and pause your waypoints, even without this the other 4.0 additions look very cool, cant wait to see how "the peek around buildings works" and very happy about the better infantry spacing, is this the Christmas bone?or do we get something else to pick out?
  4. yes I saw all the gameplay changes and they are fantastic, but where is the promised "follow command" for vehicle movement?
  5. What happened to the "Follow Command"?, It is not listed.
  6. i think he is referring to game engine 3, not the next upgrade of engine 2
  7. would love to see hit decals on buildings along with the appropriate damage, in general the damage and rubble visuals to buildings could use a major upgarde.
  8. Will this feature ever make it in? 3. Vehicle Ammo Leveling. This is a common frontline technique of evening out ammo supply between vehicles in order to keep as many vehicles in the fight as possible. Sometimes an entire platoon was withdrawn and leveled with another, other times it was just vehicles within the same platoon after one or two wound up firing off a lot of ammo. Like real life, however, this is kinda tricky to pull off under combat conditions. Vehicles must be parked VERY close to each other and left unbuttoned for quite a few minutes before leveling can take place. In other words, vehicles performing leveling are sitting ducks. For short games this probably isn't a very useful feature, but for you guys playing longer scenarios it's bound to be quite handy.
  9. Im not upset, and what is WYSIWYG?and its not the same as abstracted tree trunks which fully makes sense, bullets routinely go through openings in buildings such as doorways and windows, this does not follow that pattern, im just pointing at that nothing penetrates through this opening like windows.
  10. not the demo, and not a damaged wall, its an opening with obvious borders
  11. Why do my mg rounds hit this invisible wall?
  12. cant seem to find this campaign or any link that is working
  13. excellent point, im not sure, keep up the watchful eye
  14. I just realized that none of the other games like CMFB allow you to set ground conditions in qbs?will that be updated?
  15. George Mc, just checked out Der Ring, truly an amazing piece of work, anymore like those my friend?
  16. so in a qb, where the bridge is the only way to cross to the objective, if you put hedgehogs at one end of the bridge?there is nothing the opponent can do about it?, game over,correct?
  17. I don't recall maps of that size (8k x 4k) being that common at all in cmx1
  18. anyone have a link to Operation Clipper?cant seem to find it
  19. Npye Great pics, these are the kind of pictures that should be used to market the game!
  20. Im to lazy to do any testing, these can not be destroyed in anyway for vehicle movement?
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