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Everything posted by sawomi

  1. There is. Panzer Command Ostfront. CM games ARE the most state of the art in this particular niche.
  2. If you see them as just another computer game company, ... maybe. But if you see them as an alternative miniature tabletop war game company... It really depends on, what do you think Combat Mission games are. Just imagine the costs (time, money, space), that you would have to invest to play a CMBS battalion size battle on a huge map ...with miniatures...
  3. I always see Combat Mission as virtual tabletop miniature war games. Seen from this angle the graphics are hyper real. To ask for more 'realistic' graphics would be a step back.
  4. When I load that QB map in the editor it looks like the OP. But if I load it when I set up a QB game it looks normal. Specs: Asus Z97 Maximus VII Gene with Intel Core i7-4790K OC @ 4x 4,6GHz NVidia GeForce GTX 980 (347.52) 16 GB Windows 8.1 64-bit CMBS V1.01
  5. Ah, editor! Had not thought about this. It's some years ago I last played a combat mission game. Thank you very much.
  6. You are all wrong! The truth is: CMBS is a highly sophisticated novorossiyan psyop! proof: from the in-game briefing of the "Ambush"-scenario: No words like 'self-proclaimed' or 'entity' or 'renegade' regions. No. The back-story says clearly: THE BORDER OF THE NEW STATE! :]
  7. I have played the training campaign and now I want to start playing all the scenario and campaign battles in chronological order. I figure that I have to start with the Ambush scenario. Is there already a list available which states the date and time of each scenario/campaign battle, or do I have to make it for my own by loading and reading each mission briefing?
  8. C2 link from Co HQ to Bn HQ means particular Co HQ get's spotting info from other Co HQ through Bn HQ and best 'rally'-level, I think.
  9. NAZI atomic bomb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rCEOfQFyIo
  10. Meanwhile, Reuters: Russia says 15,000 foreign "terrorists" in Syria: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/08/us-syria-russia-idUSBRE82714E20120308
  11. Good idea, don't click on this! Active Denial System: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System
  12. That's what they are intended for, to emphasis YOU eminently. Refill:
  13. Again, a hearty welcome to 2012 (or whatever) to all Amis.
  14. Go on.... Welcome to fake 2012...read Fomenko.
  15. I play Combat Mission since Riesberg Beta. PbEM since Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin I've played all CM titles. Till now I've won over 50% of my pbem battles. I'm searching for two additional pbem opponents (1 elite/ace and 1 newbie/recruit). CMBN only!. (Zone Alarm has shut off my CMSF and CMA.) I'm from Central European Time Zone. I can deliver 1 - 8 turns all 2-3 days, all 7 days in the week. Please - only people, who are interested in long time CM pbem play. First who comes, get's the deal. mi[point]wolff1[point][at]gmx[point]de
  16. The source: Das schwarze Korps, 25 April 1940, p. 8. [weekly newspaper of the SS]
  17. Have same problem. Tried to get rid of Zone Alarm Toolbar. Problem still there. Only CMSF and CMA crash. CMBN works fine.
  18. Check out Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. Beats Diablo & Torchlight like Combat Mission beats Steel Panthers & Close Combat. + it's Freeware
  19. I don't think this is fake. Every Reichsflugscheibengrog knows that there where stabilisation problems after the launch during Haunebu development. They just had no use for the many cars in the last weeks of the war anyway and cleverly combined the solution of different tasks in one single operation: 1. They reduced over-production. After final victory all would get a Volksflugscheibe anyway.(economic layer) 2. They reduced allied bomber fleet. (military layer) 3. They produced a disinformation screen in beeing apparently just stupid nazis throwing cars at allied bombers. (intelligence layer) But it was all to hide 4. Experiments to solve the electromagnetic stabilisation problems after the Haunebu launchs through free-fall-acceleration of cars to zero-point-energy-level. (final scientific core) Insider video for starters (but don't tell anybody!) :
  20. It was funny for half a year but lately I find all these Moaning Posts of The Returning CMBO Deserter Zombies just annoying.
  21. I also want to say many thanks for this. Nice to see new mods made for CMA.
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