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Everything posted by Snowstorm

  1. I am curious as to what victory objectives Hubert and Co. have put in order for the Axis to win for "Decisive Victory" in Global Conflict. It might answer this question as far as how the game approaches it.
  2. After considering this, I would think a combination of both Hubert's and XW's would be perhaps the best solution: Make upgrades to cities and resource locations up to the equivalent of a garrison, but of a very weak strength: say equivalent to Level 1, Strength 3. Too weak to offer much of a fight, but enough to keep enemy units from just walking in. Also would not be considered to be an actual "unit", but an upgrade. If a few Corp builds need to be reduced bacause of it, so be it. What do you think, Hubert?
  3. CDG, If the infantry have alot of anti-tank tech advances, they can do some real damage against a tank unit.
  4. I agree with you, XW. PDE has alot of great scenarios, its my favorite of the releases.
  5. Hubert, I have to agree with Bo on the percentages being open to changes in the editor, if you can make the changes in a patch. There does appear to be too many high casualties on occasion for landings. Some casualties make sense, but certainly not 50% or more, unless under very hostile situations. If you are able to do it, that would be great.
  6. I'm not caving in, Bo. But I really was a bit mixed-up when I first posted my question in the beginning. At any rate, you're entitled to your opinion. I was satisfied with Hubert's answer, perhaps others were not.
  7. Hubert, Thanks for the great explanation, I kinda thought it might be along those lines. Appreciate it.
  8. Hubert, Did you say Nupremal is working on a Global map that is 512 x 256? All I can say is WOW! :eek: :cool: Err...excuse me while I pick up my tongue from the floor.
  9. JJ, I agree completely. Even if some of these do not become "official" campaigns or scenarios, many of us might still try to use them as strategies in the Global game, or even "tweak" them a bit in the Game Editor. Seems very possible (or even probable) to do with all of the new changes being made for the Global game. :cool:
  10. As far as having these units available in the game, the answer is apparently no. If you look at the new manual for the Global game that is now available on the website for you to peruse, one can see on the relevant pages (10-16) that these two are not listed. Sorry!
  11. XW, I think you're right. After I thought about it for awhile, I think I got mixed up with having bigger maps versus zoom feature....or something like that..:confused:
  12. Now I think you have ME confused, Bo. :confused: That's the problem sometimes with email, so easy to be misunderstood sometimes, although I'm sure I understood you the first time. No cunfusion about Jolly Joe though. I haven't heard him on AM radio in awhile, although I suspect he's still there (it's his station after all). I always liked his Polka/German show on Sunday. Thanks for reminding me about that, I'll have to tune in to him again soon.
  13. Bo, Yes it is, but I did notice Timskorn did manage to make it back soon after. It's worth a try now and then.
  14. Hubert, Is there a specific technical reason WHY this zoom feature cannot be incorporated into the Global game or later? I'm curious about this too. :confused:
  15. Now that things have calmed down...... I have yet another "what-if" to offer up, perhaps one that some might decide to pursue in the Global game: Operation Sphinx. After the fall of France, and Germany had decided a direct invasion of Britain was unwinable, what if at that time in the fall of 1940 germany had pursued a Mediterrean plan of seizing Gibraltor, invaded Malta, and had put a more sizable force into Tunisia to take Egypt and proceed into Syria and Palestine to grab the oil fields in the Middle East, and bring Turkey into the Axis? This was apparently a plan at the time that was discarded.
  16. Well, seein' as many other senior and full members are coming out of the woodwork just recently, I figure I would just take a moment to ring the welcoming bell once again. Gorgin, Lampcord, CSS, Baron, and any others who wish to, come on in here and introduce yourselves to those of us who aren't that familar with you. Tell us a little about yourselves, if you're not too shy. This is the place (thread) to do it in.
  17. This "what-if" scenario does sound like alot of fun :cool:....however....I think I do share some concern with Lampcord about tipping too much in favor of the Axis. Are there Decision Events as well as tendencies built in to help bring Germany and Russia to possibly attack one another as the campaign wears on? Otherwise it seems too easy for the Axis player to just simply have Germany and Russia turn their backs to one another and have only one front each for them to worry about. :confused:
  18. Oh, I couldn't even hazard a guess what the prize is. That's in Baron's court. I'll leave that up to him.
  19. And our contestant wins...... Will it be what's behind door number 1, door number 2, or door number 3? :eek: Decisions, decisions....... What's our next trivia question, Baron? Plenty of eager contestants waiting......
  20. Hey, hey, wait a minute everybody, I haven't given permission yet! :D Glad to have your infinite words of literary wisdom back to ponder on JJ, and really like your alternate history novel idea, as you already know. Another late thought: I can't help but wonder if there would have been a race between Germany and Russia as to who would attack first. After all, once Russia saw Germany solidifying its hold on western Europe, Stalin might have been forced to act a bit proactively, if he thought he still had a chance. I think there is a lot of different angles of thinking on that situation.
  21. Easy JJR, I think you're starting to shoot at anything that moves. JJ's not hiding behind every corner looking to jump you.....or is he?
  22. I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but another new option in the manual is the "sleep" option. Very useful for units you don't intend to move for a number of turns. Just right-click on the unit, and it stops flashing and goes dormant until you right-click on it again to re-activate it. :cool:
  23. I have an idea. Honestly. I propose (perhaps naively) that no one post on this thread for 24 hours (let's say until 7:PM Eastern Standard Time), and see if we can let this all settle down and talk about just what this thread is all about. If agreed, obviously, no response to this post is necessary. Let's try it.
  24. Interesting propostion, JDF. Not sure how it can be worked out with the developers, but it seems possible. Hopefully the development team might offer some thoughts on this?
  25. Hubert, I must commend you and the team for all of the great (and many!) Decision Events in the new game manual. It would be hard for anyone to exhaust all of the variants that all these DEs can lead to. I really was amazed at all of the possibilities. :cool:
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